Night at Museum Speech Rubric

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Night at Museum Speech Rubric

Exceed Satisfactory Needs Improvement Worked with support/ Did not work independently. Works Independently Worked Independently Worked with little support

Completion of Assignments

Completed all assignments

Completed most assignments with small portion left unfinished.

More than 1/4 of assignments unfinished.

Writing: Organization & Grammar

Work was well planned and with few errors.

Work was thought out with some grammatical mistakes.

Work was rushed and/ or often had major grammatical mistakes.

Writing: Information

Students writing is completely their own. Student used their own words and none was copied or rephrased from source.

Students writing is mostly their own. Student used their own words but some was rephrased from source.

Students writing is not their own. Student copied or rephrased from source.

Adapted from 2013 by Christina R Gill-Lindsey/Computer Teacher Solutions (TpT purchase)

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