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How to configure EP in AC 10.0 (AUTH and PROV) 1. Deploy the AC 10.

0 web service and you will find the following in WS Navigator nt Copy the shortcut 2. Create a G type SM59 connector. This will connect to the above web service for AUTH extraction and password generation.

3. Create a G type SM59 connector. This will connect to EPs SPML interface for PROV

4. Maintain the Logical port for WS connector in tx LPCONFIG

5. Maintain Connector and Connection Types

WS will be attached to the LPCONFIG end point SPML1 logical port will be same as Target Connector

Attach WS connector to its subsequent SPML connector 6. Define the EP Group (this will be used in field mapping)

7. Attach both the connectors (WS and SPML) to AUTH scenario

Make sure that the following classes are attached to the scenario 8. Do same for PROV scenario

9. And for ROLMG scenario

10. Set as Production system

11. Create the group field mapping

Default connector is the one which will make a runtime call to get the F4 for system field names in figure below.

Define the field mapping for the group applicable to all the system in that group (F4 from default connector)

Define the technical parameter mapping 12. Synchronize EP SPML Schema

Connector is the one for SPML we earlier created 13. Now sync user, roles, auths from EP

This is from WS connector


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