Ashley Burnett

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17655 Elm Grove Rd. | Platte City, Mo 64079 | ashleyb r!ett1"#yahoo.

$om | %16&'05&4771 Profile

Polite, res(e$t) l, a!d $o rteo s ma!!ers $o!siste!tly dis(layed. * ild stro!+ relatio!shi(s by dis(layi!+ e,$e(tio!al $omm !i$atio! s-ills a!d mai!tai!i!+ a (ro)essio!al attit de .ith all $ stomers. /emo!strate e,$elle!t or+a!i0atio!al s-ills bala!$i!+ .or-, a$ademi$s, a!d servi$e to the $omm !ity.

Ashley Burnett

*a$helor o) 1$ie!$e, * si!ess Ma!a+eme!t 2orth.est Misso ri 1tate 3!iversity | Maryville, M4 7or- 15&"0 ho rs .ee-ly .hile atte!di!+ s$hool ) ll time 1t dy 5broad 1 mmer "014 7ells *a!- 1$holarshi( Re$i(ie!t o) 1(ri!+ "010 May "015 GP5 '.0064.00

Philanthropy Chair Maryville, M4 "01"&"01' Alpha Delta Pi Sorority 5 + st "010&"014 1$hed le 1508 ho rs o) $omm !ity servi$e )or vario s (hila!thro(ies a!d or+a!i0atio!s. Raised over 95,000 )or Ro!ald M$/o!ald :o se Charities .ith di))ere!t ) !d raisers. Pro dly served as Gree- 7ee- Co&Chair a!d :ome$omi!+ Co&Chair. Teller/Customer Service Representative Platte City, M4 5(ril "009&Prese!t Wells Bank of Platte City Provide assista!$e .ith $redit $ards, $he$-i!+, savi!+s, $erti)i$atio! o) de(osits, a!d li!e o) $redit. Ma!a+e de(osits a!d .ithdra.als ( to 950,000 $ash daily. 5$$ rately bala!$e $ stomer a$$o !ts a!d (erso!al6va lt dra.ers. 5 dit teller dra.ers a!d va lts ; arterly. Mai!tai! se$ rity, sales, a!d o(eratio!al sta!dards established by the ba!-. 5! m lti(le li!e (ho!e system a!d +reet $ stomers. Assistant Manager Platte City, M4 Blockbuster Pre(ared .or- s$hed les )or em(loyees .ee-ly. Com(leted mo!etary tra!sa$tio!s ( to 91,000 (er day. *ala!$ed dra.ers at e!d o) ea$h shi)t a!d ta-e de(ository ba+ to the ba!-. Provided (ro)essio!al a!d $o rteo s o!e&o!&o!e servi$es to $lie!ts. Promoted to 5ssista!t Ma!a+er .ithi! ' mo!ths o) em(loyme!t. Resolved $o!)li$ts i! a (ro)essio!al a!d a((ro(riate ma!!er. 5(ril "00%&5(ril "009

Mi$roso)t 1o)t.are< 4ther<

7ord, E,$el, P blisher, Po.erPoi!t, 5$$ess

=!ter!et E,(lorer, E&mail, >a$eboo-, ?.itter

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