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Assembly (16) - 5 minutes National Anthem Go Your Own Way Fleetwood Mac - 5 minutes Poms- Morgan

- 5 minutes Day Without Hate - Audrey Wilson, Peace Jam, Ms. Bloom MR. BROOKS - PROJ !"ORS, S!R #S, $AP"OP HOOK%P &&P$A'$(S" W("H SO#)S "O !ORR SPO#D(#) )RO%PS&&
- 5 Minutes DECA- MONOPOLY MONEY Flowers

$u*e Hadsell + ,st Place + S-orts and ntertainment James Morrato + .rd Place - S-orts and ntertainment Ryan Hays + .rd Place + Business /inance 0ictoria Bell + .rd Place + Princi-les o1 Business Administration $issy Harris + 2th Place - Princi-les o1 Hos-itality and "ourism Sydney Donati + $each and Ryan Hays + 3th Place - ntre-reneurshi(nno4ation Plan - 5 minutes )re5 Dy6a 1or Hoc*ey State !ham-s K(#) SOOP RS- !andy Hoc*ey Stic*s !olor )uard Kathleen K(#) SOOP RS- /lo7ers 81or D !A too9 American /la5s - 15 minutes S7immin5- B%BB$ S, B$% !ARP ", BA$$OO# AR!H: P "!O- chea- 1ish Athletes and 4ents - 5 minutes Mr. 4er5reen Promotion ; )AM -W D# SDA' M "(#)- tal* to the 6oys - hand out all o1 the 5i1ts, 7ear senior tan* toSpaghetti Dinner

Confirm with Cafeteria - Questions Containers Available - after cooked? Pitchers for Drinks? Ice? Start cooking at 3, event over at 7? Other requirements? Cost? - $30/hour ADVERTISING - Make GIANT Sign with BOTH Events Flyers Distributed??? - Contact with reps/schools Jack C. - Wilmot Kate M. - Bergen Valley Justin - EMS Isa - Country Day Kara C. - Bergen Meadow Alli S. Montessori MR. BARNETT Email out to Whole School Tickets - Elise Adreon Roll of Tickets, Mr. Brooks **************************************************************************************************** **MANDATORY ATTENDANCE AT EVENTS- White Shirts and Black Pants **Cooking Begins at 3 PM After School, Stay until 10 PM for Cleanup **NEXT WEDNESDAY MEETING AT 8:00 AM SHOPPING THIS WEEKEND WITH MS. WARREN Materials - Spaghetti - Sauce - Plates - Napkins - Forks - Knives - (Roll fork and knife in a napkin tied with raffia?)- Next Week - Pitchers for drinks- EVERYONE - Lemonade Mix - Garlic Spread - Cups - Ice? - Chocolate? LATER - Bread SPEAKERS AND PLAYLIST - Classy and Entertaining Mr. Evergreen Mrs. Arniotes - equipment needed, spotlight, sound board

- Rehearsal Light and Sound Guys - Shaye Evans and ????? Mr. Molholm - judges and judging MAKE QUESTIONS - If you had three wishes, what would they be? Pageant questions, etc. Lineup/Script for Jenny and Lindsay, skit? Performers between acts - Lindsay, James, choir, etc.? - Peyton Mackay - Colton Cavey - James Walker - Lindsay Weins PAGEANT MUSIC PLAYLIST - Will

WEDNESDAY MORNING 8:00 AM Maggie Will Erin Warren Molholm Mrs. Hooks 8:30 AM Senior Boys Jenny and Lindsay Sound and Light Kids

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