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The OS X Keyboard Cheat Sheet

Amduus Information Works, Inc. Free for redistribution! Suggestions to

Key Combo F!"


Key Combo


F!! Cmd-o Cmd-a Cmd-x Cmd-c Cmd-( Cmd-h Cmd-m

Expose how all Cmd-2p &rrow Top of box with curent cursor mo(ement application Cmd-#own &rrow /ottom of box windows with cursor Expose #es$top mo(ement %pen elect &ll Cut Cop' )aste *ide current apps windows +inimi,e window (emember ) !ou can actuall! set the shortcuts to !our o n ke! combinations both for a gi$en app and globall!! See Apple *elp for ho ! Full +e!board Access Key Combo Action CT10-F! CT10-F4 CT10-F5 CT10-F6 Turn $e'board access on3off &ccess +enu /ar *ighlight the #oc$ *ighlight acti(e window or next window behind it *ightlight the toolbar *ighlight Tool )alette

Shortcuts to menu items are al a!s on the right side of that on the menu. Key Combo Cmd-` Action Flip through windows of application Flip through applications Quit an application Close window of an application Expose how all windows

Cmd-Tab Cmd-q Cmd-w F9

"ursor #o$ements In A %e&t 'o& Key Combo *ome Action Top of box -no cursor mo(ement. /ottom of box -no cursor mo(ement. tart of line End of line


CT10-F7 CT10-F8

Cmd-0eft &rrow Cmd-1ight &rrow

Key Combo CT10-F9

Action &ccess all controls in the current dialog elect highlighted item #efault button or action Cancel button Close menu without choosing an item 1e(erse order of mo(ing the highlight *ighlight the next control *ighlight next control when text box is selected

,ni$ersal Access Key Combo Cmd-%ption-< Cmd-%ption-> Cmd-%ption-Cmd-%ptionCT10-< Action Turn =oom %n3%ff =oom ?n =oom %ut @re'scale-s.

Key Combo Cmd-%ption-&

Action Toggle Full creen -Ahen )reference et.

pace 1eturn Esc Esc

Screen Shots ,se 45rab6 found in !our Applications area or these shortcut ke!s Snap7 /ro from Ambrosia is more to m! liking though -ke!board strokes belo are different for Snap7/ro0 Key Combo Cmd- *?FT-5 Cmd- *?FT-6 Esc CT10- pre(ious stro$es Action )icture of whole screen )art of the screen B drag and clic$ &bort tore shot on clip board instead of )#F file on des$top

#ouse ke!s to control the pointer -Apple #enu . S!stem /references . ,ni$ersal Access . #ouse . #ouse +e!s on0 Key 7 " Action Clic$ Clic$ and hold


Tab CT10-Tab

&rrow :e's

&rrow :e's CT10-&rrow

+o(e highlight in "oolest of all, !ou can create spoken list tab group or ords for ke!board shortcuts ) see menu !our *elp off !our Apple #enu +o(e sliders or spin buttons 1233 *ighlight control ad;acent to text 1233 +e!s are often dependent on the 1233 Windo #anager used box

Start ,ps From the computer in 4off6

Key Key )ower 0isten for beep )ress *?FT and release when 'ou see progress bar T %ption C C CmdCmd-D Cmd-E Firewire Target +ode elect other start-up dis$ tartup from C# tart up from default Cetboot ingle 2ser +ode Console messages %pen C# tra' when selecting start up dis$ E;ect 1emo(eable #is$s 1eset )arameter 1&+ Close open finder windows Action afe +ode *?FT during progress bar *old 0eft *?FT and +ouse /utton at progress bar

Action )re(ent tartup ?tems from openning )re(ent &utomatic 0ogin -if set so &utomatic 0ogin is a /?@ EC21?TF C% C%G.

*old +ouse /utton Cmd-%ption-)-1 *?FT

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