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First-Year Programs Practicum Learning Outcomes Logan Franklin Learning Outcome 1 Understand the purpose and functions of the

First-Year Programs Office. Action Steps 1. Observe sections of the GEP 101 class to see how the office helps students. 2. Meet with Director Mike Wood and Assistant Director Tracey Glaessgen on a regular basis, which will help deepen my knowledge of the office. Completion Goal Date December 5, 2013 Measurable Outcomes Understand the structure of the office. Be able to explain in great detail the services offered by the First-Year Programs Office.

Learning Outcome 2 Develop my skills in building relationships with students and being a mentor to them. Action Steps 1. Talk with students before and after class to build a rapport and support system. 2. Use myself as an example for certain topics in the classroom to show students how certain issues can possibly be handled. 3. Hold one-on-one meetings with students around the mid-point and end of the semester to see how they are progressing in their first semester in college and advise them on any issues they may be facing or worries they have. Completion Goal Date December 5, 2013

Measurable Outcomes If students contact me outside of structured meeting times, I will know that I am building a relationship with them. How much a student opens up to me in conversations will indicate a level of relationshipbuilding.

Learning Outcome 3 Bolster my Student Learning and Development competency and learn to construct an effective lesson plan for teaching students. Action Steps 1. 2. 3. 4. Lead small segments of classroom lectures. Develop a lesson plan for teaching an entire class. Teach a class. Review strengths and weaknesses of my lesson plan and delivery method for improvement. 5. Attempt to teach another class. Completion Goal Date December 5, 2013 Measurable Outcomes I would like to have an understanding of the classroom teaching experience. I would like to have an understanding of how the experience contributes to student development.

Learning Outcome 4 Enhance my leadership development skills with the Peer Leader class. Action Steps 1. Contribute to the leadership training of the Peer Leaders by assisting with the activities of the class. 2. Lead a class on the topics of: (1) Ethics and (2) Diversity, which are topics I am wellversed in and are important to the development of good leaders.

Completion Goal Date December 5, 2013 Measurable Outcomes Have an understanding of the leadership training process An awareness of subjects that are important for the development of ethical leaders.

Learning Outcome 5

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