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Guidelines For Conducting A Forum

League of Women Voters of Central New Mexico

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Compiled by The League of Women Voters of Central New Mexico !"# $an %edro &rive N'( $uite )*+ ,lbu-uer-ue( NM ./""0 #0#*..1*.11"

Sample Letter
&ear Candidate( Than2 you for accepting the invitation to participate in our candidates3 forum on 44444444 5date6 at 4444444 5location6 from 4444 pm to 444444 pm7 The following guidelines will govern the forum7 The moderator will introduce those ivolved in the forum( explain the ground rules and introduce the candidates7 ,fter this each candidate will have 5 minutes6 for opening remar2s7 Written -uestions from the audience for the candidates will be given to the moderator7 'ach candidate will have e-ual time for an answer 5 minutes( " minute67 8ebuttals will 5will not6 be allowed7 'ach candidate will 5will not6 be given the opportunity to present a 5 minute6 closing statement7 There will 5will not6 be a table provided for candidate literature7 We loo2 forward to meeting you and hearing your views on the issues7 $incerely

This letter should also contain name( address( forum sponsor information and telephone number7 9nclude cell contact in case emergencies arise7

%ublished by The League of Women Voters of Central New Mexico 'ducation )und
Member %rice: ; 700 Non*Member %rice: ;!700 <uantities available =pon 8e-uest &uplication is not permitted without the express written consent of The League of Women Voters of Central New Mexico

The information in this publication has been carefully assembled and compiled to assure maximum accuracy as of March 00>7 ?owever( LWVCNM assumes no responsibility for errors and@or omissions7

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