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Exploring Core Democratic Values Looking at Current Issues in the News

Lesson plan: 1. Spend time introducing the Core Democratic Values and Principles. 2. Once the class is familiar with and can define/discuss CDVs introduce the concept in the !asic !eliefs collection of news articles or "ring in articles from local papers or online news sources that demonstrate that CDVs are in pla# toda# e$er# da# in our current e$ents/issues. %. Define &pu"lic polic#' and differentiate from &Ser$ice Learning.' (. )i$e each group of four students one article to read and discuss. *ost of the articles ha$e focus +uestions to facilitate a discussion in Part , of the -cti$it#. !e read# to present .summari/e don0t read1 the article to the rest of the class and tell wh# it is representati$e of the CDV at the top of the article. Assignment: 2ind an article in an# local newspaper or online news source .*Li$e 3S4 567 etc.1 that presents a local state or national pu"lic polic# issue. Print out for class and attach to this rubric. Summari/e the article. 8 ,dentif# the CDV that is "eing de"ated. 8 ,dentif# the le$el of go$ernment that would ha$e 9urisdiction in this issue. .local state national1 AND the "ranch of go$ernment that addresses this issue )i$e the rationale for choosing the CDV #ou identified and wh# #ou said that. 8 De$elop 2:% focus +uestions that would help another student discuss the issue. 8 !e read# to present #our article to a small group and turn in.

Exploring CDVs in the News Rubric ( !E "E#$LA"E%

&n time "itle'A$A Citation % points -ssignment is on time and a$aila"le for class discussion -rticle is identified using -P- citation format ,ncluded article highlights a =.S. communit# state or national pu"lic polic# issue ;:1 mista<es in grammar spelling and/or punctuation. -rticle is summari/ed clearl# and succinctl# including all important information CDV.s1 identified correctl# Aationale for each identified CDV clearl# descri"ed Correctl# identifies the =.S. le$el of go$ernment with 9urisdiction Correctl# identifies the "ranch.es1 of =.S. go$ernment in$ol$ed 2:% focus +uestions that will facilitate discussion of the issue 1 point 3or< is posted on time "ut not "rought to class for discussion -rticle is identified "# the 7itle Date 5ews Source ,ncluded article is a"out something other than a =.S. pu"lic polic# issue .ser$ice learning etc.1 2 :% mista<es in grammar spelling and/or punctuation don0t affect understanding. -rticle is summari/ed. ,mportant info ma# "e missing or summar# includes too much info. =nclear choice@ not reall# the focus of this article Aationale for identified CDV descri"ed "ut ma# "e unclear =nclear choice or reason@ not reall# the focus of this article =nclear choice or reason@ not reall# the focus of this article 1 focus +uestion that will facilitate discussion ; points -ssignment is late. -rticle is misidentified or not identified 5o cop# of the article turned in with assignment -n# amount of mista<es in writing affect understanding -rticle summar# is missing. CDV identified incorrectl# or not identified Aationale for identified CDV not descri"ed Le$el of =.S. go$ernment missing/incorrect. !ranch.es1 of =.S. go$0t in$ol$ed missing/incorrect. 5o focus +uestions written

.=se 7emplate1
Article ( print an) inclu)e with assignment *rammar+ !pelling+ Article !ummar,

.>3s and ?1 .=se 7emplate1

CDV i)enti-ie)

.=se 7emplate1
Rationale -or each CDV

.=se 7emplate1
Le.el ogo.ernment

.=se 7emplate1
/ranch ogo.ernment

.=se 7emplate1
0ocus 1uestions

.=se 7emplate1

7otal points possi"le: %;@ 3hat do #ou thin<B CCCCCCCC 7otal points earned: CCCCCCCCCC

CDVs in the 5ews 8 =se this template to complete this assignment. Student wor< is inserted in right:hand column "elow for each section 5ame and SS7%;D Section ;1 Charlie *cCrar# 7itle of -rticle and -P&=.S. 9ustices ta<e up religious challenge to O"amacare pro$ision' Citation ?urle# L. .2;1( *arch 2(.1. =.S. 9ustices ta<e up religious challenge to O"amacare pro$ision. 6ahoo 5ews. Aetrie$ed from"amacare: pro$ision:1D%%(E(>;::sector.html Complete summar# of -rticle 7his article is a"out how some pri$ate "usinesses li<e ?o""# Lo""# that .>3s and ?1 .3ho 3hat want to alter the part of the O"amacare "ill that ma<es them pa# for their 3hen 3here 3h# and ?owB1 emplo#ees0 "irth control. *an# of these "usinesses feel that it is going against their religious "eliefs so the# are going in front of the Supreme Court in 4une for a ruling to change this part of the "ill so that it will not go against their 2reedom of Aeligion. Core Democratic Value.s1 1. 4ustice 2. F+ualit# %. Di$ersit# Aationale for each of the CDVs 1.4ustice "ecause this article tal<s a"out people tr#ing to correct a law that .3h# does the CDV #ou chose the# feel goes against their freedom of religion fit this issueB1 2.F+ualit# "ecause it ma<es sure that people of all "eliefs get e+ual treatment. %. Di$ersit# "ecause this article tal<s a"out how differences in "eliefs can ma<e people loo< at the same topic differentl#. !ranch of )o$ernment 7he 4udicial !ranch is mentioned "ecause that is who the "usiness owners indicated in this issue AND how must go in front of to change the !ill. -lso since this article is a"out ma<ing do #ou <nowB a law all three "ranches will e$entuall# "e included so in a wa# the other two "ranches ha$e some importance to this article "ut the 9udicial is the onl# one directl# addressed here. Le$el of )o$ernment with 7his is the 2ederal go$ernment "ecause O"amacare is a national issue that is 9urisdiction 8 AND how do #ou not isolated to one cit# or state so this pro"lem must "e addressed "# the <nowB 2ederal go$ernment. 2:% 2ocus +uestions 8 how Do #ou feel li<e the pri$ate "usiness owners should "e a"le to pic< would #ou lead a su"stanti$e what should "e co$ered in their emplo#ees0 insurance and wh#B discussion on this article as it Do #ou feel li<e the 2reedom of Aeligion should "e a factor when relates to the Core Democratic creating a law and wh#B ValuesB 3hat compromises if an# can #ou thin< of to sol$e this pro"lemB

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