A Project Report On Datamart Management Software

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A Project Report On DATAMART MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE Submitted in partial fulfillment of the re uirement for the A!

ard of the de"ree of #A$%E&OR OF TE$%NO&OG' (N $OMP)TER S$(EN$E * ENG(NEER(NG Submitted #+ #atch,#./0/1/SA( NEE&(MA 7/G/8%ANS( RAN( 6/'/0ART%(0 9/D/1/$%ANDRA SE0%AR 4/R/S%'AM( NA'A0 .2-3.A2456 .2-3.A24-.2-3.A24#5 .2-3.A24-. .2-3.A24A9


D.SRINIVASA RAO, M.Tech(Ph.D) sAssociate Professor

DEPARTMENT OF $OMP)TER S$(EN$E * ENG(NEER(NG SSN $O&&EGE OF ENG(NEER(NG AND TE$%NO&OG' :AN (SO ;22.,7225 $ERT(F(ED (NST(T)TE< :Appro=ed b+ A($TE> Affiliated to 8NT)> 0a?inada< Santhanuthalapadu> 0urnool Road>ONGO&E>PRA0ASAM Di@t>:AP< :72.2,72.9< DATAMART MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE A#STRA$T A Thi@ Data Mart Mana"ement Soft!are project mainl+ deal@ !ith automatin" the ta@?@ of maintainin" and tran@actin" the "ood@/(n the Warehou@e S+@tem in=entor+ mana"ement i@ the ?e+ proce@@/Thi@ proce@@ include@ the acti=itie@ @uch a@ maintenance of @toc? detail@> maintenance of receipt@ and item@ etc/ (t i@ a tediou@ job to maintain all the@e detail@ manuall+/

%ence !e opted to automate the Warehou@e Mana"ement S+@tem/ Data Mart Mana"ement S+@tem automate@ the job of !arehou@e @+@tem/ include@ fi=e member@ / ./ Admini@trator 7/ Sub,&ocation (n,char"e 6/ Retailer 9/ Supplier 4/ $u@tomer The Admini@trator ha@ the pri=ile"e@ to maintain different t+pe@ of Product@> Supplier@> Sub &ocation (n,char"e Databa@e@ in the !arehou@e/%e i@ concerned !ith re"i@tration of Supplier@> Sub,&ocation (n,char"e> and Addition of Product@/ The Sub ,&ocation (n,char"e ha@ pri=ile"e@ to maintain Product@ !hich are tran@formed from Admini@trator and re"i@tration of Retailer@ and all operation@ on the@e t!o databa@e@ / The Retailer ha@ pri=ile"e@ to maintain Product@ at the corre@pondin" Retailer The @upplier ha@ pri=ile"e@ to maintain part@ Databa@e and he can add part@ and delete part@/ (t mainl+

SOFTWARE AND %ARDWARE REB)(REMENTSA %ard!are Re uirement@A Proce@@or Speed Monitor %ard Di@? RAM Pentium (1 522 M%C EG(D1GA .E2 G# 4.7 M #

Mou@e 0e+ board Soft!are Re uirement@A Operatin" S+@tem &an"ua"e@ Application Ser=er 6/2 Web Technolo"ie@ #ac? End

&o"itech T1S

Windo!@ NT 8a=a 4/2> 8SP> 8D#$> Pramati Apache Tomcat -/2 %TM&> 8a=aScript/ Oracle 5/2

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