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Algal Systematics General Characteristics of Algae -thallophytes -chlorophyll a -lack vascular and supporting tissues -lack protective jacket

of sterile cells surrounding developing gametes -lack embryo stage in the life cycle Habitat -ubiquitous -anywhere as long as theres sunlight -aquatic -terrestrial -others- symbiosis -extreme habitats -thermophiles (hot springs) -cryoflora (ice and snow) Organization of Thallus Cellular Organization 1. Prokaryotic blue green algae 2. Eukaryotic Thallus Organization 1. Unicellular 2. Colonial coenobia (coenobic?)- colony with a fixed number of cells -e.g. Volvox and Perianostum

Algal Reproduction 1. Asexual -binary fission -fragmentation -baocyte formation -zoospore formation flagella -planospore formation- w/o flagella -akinete formation- blue-green algae 2. Sexual Reproduction -isogamy -anisogamy -oogamy- most advanced

Cell Wall Composition -water insoluble polysaccharides -cellulose -alginic acid -mannan -xylan -water soluble -agar and carrageenan -pectin -others -silicified walls diatoms (diatomaceous earth) -calcified walls- chlorophyta and red algae -peptidoglycan cyanophyta Flagella -acronematic smooth, mastigonemes are absent and the distal ends of the flagellum ends as a terminal, 'naked', axial filament (e.g. Chlamydomonas, Volvox) -stichonematic- mastigonemes are present on one side of the flagellum (e.g. Euglena) -pantonematic- two or more rows of mastigonemes are present on both sides of flagellum

-non-coenobic? no certain shape Filamentous (Trichome) 1. Simple single filament 2. Branched- sanga sanga 3. Heterotrichous-different directions Membranous (expanded sheath) 1. thickness -monostomatic- 1 layer -distomatic 2 layers 2. number of cells Siphonous/Tubular 1. Coenocytic (multinucleated) -undergo repeated nuclear division without the accompanying formation of cell walls -tubular structure with the multinuclear cytoplasm lining the thallus 2. Without Cross Walls

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