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Gitting things done

Hands-on introduction to git niceties

Jan Urba nski


Atlassian Git Party, Madrid, September 25, 2012

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For those following at home

Getting the slides

Git version used $ git --version git version

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What makes a distributed VCS

Common operations


Fun with git

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What makes a distributed VCS


What makes a distributed VCS Common operations Workows Fun with git

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What makes a distributed VCS

Indepentent instances

every copy of the repository is standalone no central server, no one true version democracy at its best!

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What makes a distributed VCS

No revision numbers

each repository is independent no central authority to assign revision numbers everything is identied by hashes (commits, les, everything) each hash is built from the objects data and its parents hash both a consistency and a security measure

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What makes a distributed VCS

Full control over the repository

you have access to everything you can change past versions of les you can change the ownership of commits its free for all, until you start sharing the repo

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What makes a distributed VCS

Initial setup

Conguring Git $ $ $ $ $ $ git git git git git git config config config config config config --global --global --global --global --global --global "Joe H. Hacker" "" color.diff true color.status true color.branch true color.ui true

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Common operations


What makes a distributed VCS Common operations Workows Fun with git

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Common operations

Checking in changes

Modify les, register changes $ sed $ git ... # ... $ git $ git $ git -i s/advanced/awesome/ README status modified: README

diff --word-diff add README commit -m "fix the README"

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Common operations

Working area, index, repository

working area is whats on your lesystem index is what you are indenting to commit repository is whats committed sounds complicated, but is quite useful

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Common operations

Using the index

Moving changes between the index and the working area $ $ $ $ $ $ git git git git git git add -p status reset status checkout README status

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Common operations

Using the stash

Stashing and unstashing changes $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ sed git git git git git git git git git -i s/awesome/superb/ README stash stash list stash pop diff stash stash apply stash list checkout . stash drop

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Common operations

Branches and tags

a branch is a chain of commits a tag is a pointer to a single commit branches are quick and cheap to create

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Common operations

Using branches
Creating and switching branches $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ git git git sed git git git cat git sed git branch checkout -b my-tests branch -i s/awesome/great/ README add . commit -m refix the README checkout master README checkout -b my-other-tests -i s/awesome/cool/ README commit -a -m different way to fix the README

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Common operations

A visual example

e a (...) c d e'

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Common operations


all history is stored locally, of course makes consulting it very quick powerful ways of consulting the history

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Common operations

Using git log

Trolling in repo history $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ git log git show git log -p git log --stat git log -- src/pl/plpython time git log --oneline | wc -l git log --grep=Urba[n n]ski git log -p -S int64

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Common operations

Viewing dierences

Less and more fancy ways of creating dis $ git diff $ git diff $ HASH=$(git log --until master@{1 year ago}.. \ -n 1 --pretty=%H) $ echo $HASH $ git diff --stat $HASH.. $ git log master~100.. -- src/backend/replication $ git diff master~100.. -- src/backend/replication

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Common operations

Tracking down a behaviour change $ $ [ ! $ $ $ $ $ $ cat src/backend/catalog/sql_features.txt cat cat ~/ -f src/backend/catalog/sql_features.txt ] || exit 125 grep -q ^T131.*YES src/backend/catalog/sql_features.txt git bisect start master 1b3d400cac1 git bisect run ~/ git show 294e7945 git blame src/backend/catalog/sql_features.txt g show 294e7945^:src/backend/catalog/sql_features.txt g show 294e7945:src/backend/catalog/sql_features.txt

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What makes a distributed VCS Common operations Workows Fun with git

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Remote repositories

a remote is a pointer to a dierent repository you can push your commits to a remote or you can pull commits from a remote to your local repository otherwise, its just like a branch

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Cloning a repository

Ways of cloning an existing repository $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ cd /tmp git clone pg-clone1 ~/src/pg git clone pg-clone2 ~/src/pg git clone # git clone cd pg-clone1 git remote git branch -r

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Adding commits
Pushing commits upstream $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ cd /tmp/pg-clone1 git checkout --track origin/my-tests git branch git wtf sed -i s/PostgreSQL/Postgres/g README git add . git commit -m change project name git wtf git push

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Fetching upstream changes

Pulling changes from upstream $ $ $ $ $ $ $ cd /tmp/pg-clone2 git checkout --track origin/my-tests git wtf git fetch git wtf git log origin/my-tests git merge origin/my-tests

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Merging vs rebasing

if only upstream has new commits, straightforward if both upstream and you have commits, needs a decision either perform a merge or rebase your commits

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Merging vs rebasing - before merging

d a b c d'


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Merging vs rebasing - after merging

d a b c d'

e f e'

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Merging vs rebasing - after rebasing



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Merging and conicts

Creating a conict $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ cd /tmp/pg-clone1 sed -i s/http/https/g README git add . git commit -m improving security git push cd /tmp/pg-clone2 sed -i s/information/info/g README git add . git commit -m be more concise

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Merging changes
Resolving a conict when merging $ git push ! [rejected] HEAD -> my-tests (non-fast-forward) $ git log origin/my-tests $ git fetch $ git log origin/my-tests $ git wtf $ git pull CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in README $ $EDITOR README $ git add README $ git commit $ git log --graph
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Merging changes cont.

Resolving a conict when rebasing $ git reset ORIG_HEAD $ git checkout README $ git rebase origin/my-tests CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in README $ $EDITOR README $ git add README $ git rebase --continue $ git log --graph

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Merging changes cont.

Autoresolved conicts $ $ $ $ $ $ git sed git git git git reset --hard origin/my-tests^ -i s/Postgres/pg/g README add . commit -m be more concise pull --rebase push

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Fun with git


What makes a distributed VCS Common operations Workows Fun with git

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Fun with git

Custom commands

Aliases, manual cong editing $ $ $ $ $ $ git git git git cat cat config --global status config --global commit config --global alias.cdiff diff --cached wtf ~/.gitconfig ~/src/pg/.git/config

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Fun with git

Rewriting history
Fixing old commits before pushing $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ git sed git git sed git git sed git git git cat ci --amend -i s/supported/usefull/ README add README ci -m change README -i s/Post/post README add README ci -m change case in product name -i s/usefull/useful/ README add README ci -m fix ortography, oh the shame! rebase -i origin/master ~/bin/git-fixup
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Jan Urba nski (Ducksboard)

Fun with git

Thanks! Questions? Lets grab a beer.

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