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Title: CharDawn: The Come Back (Dawn's Side) [Part 2]

It's been three ho rs since !i"ian lea"ed the ho se# She tell her abo t talkin$ to the directors abo t the %ro&ects and her 'critical' decision# The three were ha"in$ their bondin$s' watchin$ T! with their (a"o rite homemade cookies' when )nton's car horned and he's on a s r%rise arri"e# *e's been lon$ wa+ (rom Da"ao and wanted to s%end weekend with his ,amil+# Dawn o%ened the door and $reeted his h sband a smack kiss# -I tho $ht +o 'll be home ne.t week %a#- The kids h $ and $i"e their dad a kiss as a $reetin$s and a(ter' the+ ran to $o back to b siness (watchin$ T!)# /hile she %la+ed her 'wi(e+ material'# -)re +o h n$r+ h nne+0-# She sweetl+ said that ca se him to h $el+ show her smile# -1es %lease0- B t he has his a %la+( l $rin and she knew what he's thinkin$# She sla% his sho lders %la+( ll+ sa+in$' -+o re so na $ht+' 2ister#-# -3an$lalambin$ lan$#- # *e answers back#

It was alread+ ei$ht' and the kids we alread+ aslee%# It was a %er(ect time to talk to him abo t the %ro&ect bein$ o((ered# She saw him there sittin$ at the bench' in(ront o( the %ool# *e was drinkin$ his $ra%e wine and thinkin$ on somethin$# ) dee% si$h and a ste% closer to him' is what she did# She seated beside him# -4h0 /h+ are +o still aslee%0-# *e ask# -5hm###- She look at her arms and %la+ with# She didnt know' she's been back to showbi6 since )+isha's third birthda+ came' and he's been alwa+s $i"in$ the a%%ro"al# B t she's intense# *e stare at her' and knew that there's somethin$ the+ need to disc ss# -/hat is it0-# *e said while % ttin$ down his $lass o( wine in the table' in(ront o( the bench# -Direk 7err+ wanted to ha"e me in his teleser+e#-# It seems so normal to him' b t not her acts' and he's been wonderin$ abo t it# -###and I'm %la+in$ the leadin$ lad+ o( 898ichard :ome6#- She contin ed# She look at her and askin$ (or a '+es'# ) (eelin$ (rom her was o t' she cant e.%lain it# Seems like' she's intense' ha%%+# *e stare at her (or a while and he knew that she can be tr sted# )nd its been twel"e +ears# -Dawn' +o know that I tr st +o # )nd I'll alwa+s sa+ +es to that#- She stood %' smiled and h $ him (rom behind# -Thank +o #-# -)n+thin$ (or m+ sweetest and most bea ti( l wi(e#- She ch ckle# -'Ca se I am +o r one and onl+ wi(e;-# She ch ckle a$ain# -I <o"e +o #- *e said smilin$# -I <o"e +o too#-# -Take o r slee% na#-# -)lri$ht# I'll (ollow-# She nooded and took her track to their room# Be(ore contin in$ o%enin$ the door' she took a last $lance and a smile at his h sband (who was (acin$ back at her)#

In the mornin$' she (o nd hersel( l+in$ beside her h sband# /ith hersel( (ramed inside his arms' (eelin$ the warmth (rom him# She smack him on the li%s' (eelin$ him' smiled# -)n$ sweet mo man$$isin$ 2isis#- #-Beca se +o 're too handsome' m+ h sband#- # -Ikaw 2isis ha# )+e' dont (latter me a lot#-# That was contin ed with a $i$$le (rom him# -:et %; /e'll stroll the kids aro nd# )nd 2a$sisimba#-# -*e% he% he%; =iss m na#-# -1o 're so na $ht+#-# She $a"e him a smack on the li%s# -*mm### Soro%;-# ) memor+

s ddenl+ (lashed in her minds# /hen she' to$ether with *I2# The+ woke % on a bed' to$ether# *er head on his chest# *oldin$ her like' she cant $et h rt b+ an+one# <ike' she's all sa(e with him# -)re +o oka+0- *er senses came back when he %oke her# -4w# Sorr+#-# -Somethin$'s botherin$ +o 0- *e carressed her cheeks# -3o#-# She ste% o t (rom the room with her mind still wonderin$ abo t their %ast# )nd *I2#

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