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CV Template: graduate sample CV (no experience) YOUR NAME CORE !

"## $ E%&ER"ENCE

This is where you give a brief overview of you as a person and what skills youve gained from summer jobs and your degree (important if youre applying for a related job). Also include any transferable skills youve gained, such as leadership skills (heading up a project), literacy, numerical skills, computer skills anything relevant to the role. !ou can either write it as a short paragraph or as bullet points. &ER ONA# 'ETA"# A''RE EMA"# "urrent address #est email to reach you on

TE#E&(ONE $obile and%or home phone NOTE: !ou do not need to include information on your gender or date of birth but you may want to state your nationality in this section if you are #ritish or your right to work in the &' if not. E'UCAT"ON Uni)erist* dates: UN" NAME +UA#","CAT"ON : (ist )ualifications gained. *+T,- .f you are applying for a job related to your degree then its also worth going into more detail about your course units and what specifics you learned, here. 'eep it relevant to the job youre applying for but talking about a related project or assignment in a bit more detail could be a big draw for an employer/ College- ixt. ,orm dates: CO##E/E NAME +UA#","CAT"ON : (ist )ualifications gained. c.ool dates: C(OO# NAME +UA#","CAT"ON : (ist )ualifications gained. EM&#OYMENT NOTE: E)en i0 it1s a cleaning 2o34 it1s 5ort. ta6ing a 3it o0 time to tal6 a3out 6e* emplo*ment s6ills4 e)en i0 it1s 2ust time6eeping or *our 5illingness to 5or6 .ard to succeed7 ANY 5or6 .istor* can 3e a 3ene0it7 Repeat 0or all o0 t.e 2o3s *ou .a)e .ad7 And include interns.ips4 5or6 experience and )olunteer 5or67 'ATE : 0tart date of your most recent job 8 when you left your job 9O: T"T#E: Your 0ull 2o3 title

COM&ANY: ,ull 3usiness name o0 *our compan* A sentence briefly e1plaining what the company does. RE &ON ":"#"T"E Add bullet points briefly highlighting your key responsibilities here 2ead the job description of the job youre applying for and keep it relevant !ou dont want to put too many bullet point here certainly no more than 34 as a general rule. A''"T"ONA# !"## -ATTR":UTE

5ere you can add in any additional personality attributes like being punctual, a team player, motivational or ambitious. Also add in any e1tra )ualifications or skills you have, from $icrosoft ,1cel skills through to the ability to speak another language. RE,ERENCE

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