Liturghia SF Ioan Gura de Aur Pentru Strana Engleza

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Service of Divine Liturgy

Moysikos triantafillopolis 2009

John Peter E. Presson, except where noted
English Texts are Copyright Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA, and are used with permission
Greek texts and music are public domain
Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom
Liturgy of the Word

The Deacon: Bless Master.
The Priest: Blessed is the Kingdom of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,
now and ever, and unto the ages of ages.

A- men

Deacon: In peace, let us pray to the Lord

Lord, have mer-_________ cy

Deacon: For the peace from above, and the salvation of our souls, let us pray to the Lord.

Lord_______ have mer-___ cy

Deacon: For the peace of the whole world, the good estate of the holy churches of God,
and the union of all the faithful, let us pray to the Lord.

Lord_________ have mer-__ cy

Deacon: For this holy House, and for them that with faith, reverence and fear of God enter
herein, let us pray to the Lord

Lord have mer-______ cy

Deacon: For all pious and Orthodox Christians, let us pray to the Lord
Service of Divine Liturgy
Moysikos triantafillopolis 2009
John Peter E. Presson, except where noted
English Texts are Copyright Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA, and are used with permission
Greek texts and music are public domain
!; / / ~ =~

Lord____ have mer-____ cy

Deacon: For His Eminence, our Archbishop MOSES, for the venerable Presbytery, the
Diaconate in Christ, for all the clergy and the people, let us pray to the Lord.

Lord, have mer_________________ cy.

Deacon: For the President of the United States, all civil authorities and the armed forces
everywhere, that they may govern in peace and justice, let us pray to the Lord

Lord, have mer-__________cy

Deacon: For this city, for every city and countryside, and all the faithful that dwell therein,
let us pray to the Lord.

Lord_______ have mer-___ cy

Deacon: For seasonable weather, abundance of the fruits of the earth, and peaceful times,
let us pray to the Lord.

Lord_________ have mer-_______ cy

Deacon: For them that travel by sea, land and air, for the sick, the afflicted, for captives
and their salvation, let us pray to the Lord.
Service of Divine Liturgy
Moysikos triantafillopolis 2009
John Peter E. Presson, except where noted
English Texts are Copyright Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA, and are used with permission
Greek texts and music are public domain

Lord____ have mer-____ cy

Deacon: For our deliverance from wrath,danger and necessity

Lord, have mer_________________ cy.

Deacon: Help us, save us, have mercy on us, and keep us, O God, by Thy grace.

Lord, have mer_________________ cy.

Deacon: Calling to remembrance, our all holy, immaculate

As the deacon intones the petition, the choir chants:
Most ho- ly The- o - to- kos save us.

Deacon: let us commit ourselves and one another and all our life unto Christ our God.

To Thee_____ O Lord.

Priest: For unto Thee is due all glory, honour and worship, to the Father, and to the Son,
and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages.

Service of Divine Liturgy 4
According to the oral tradition of the Holy Mountain

Mode Four Plagal !

less the Lord, O my soul; bles-sed art Thou, O Lord, bless the

Lord, O___ my soul and all that is with- in me, bless His

Ho- ly Name.


less the Lord, O _ my soul, and for- get not all that He hath done

for thee.

ho is gra- cious un- to all thine in- i- qui- ties Who heal- eth

all thine in- firm- i- ties.

Moysikos triantafillopolis 2009
John Peter E. Presson, except where noted
English Texts are Copyright Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA, and are used with permission
Greek texts and music are public domain
Source: ^x/ U~; ^(; ~; ;. ^~)
Service of Divine Liturgy 5

re- deem-eth thy life from cor-rup-_____ tion Who crown-eth

thee with mer-cy and com- pas- sion.


ful- fil- lest thy de- sire with good things; thy youth shall be

re- newed as the ea-______gles


Lord per- form- eth deeds of mer- cy and ex- e- cut- eth

judg-ment for all them that are wronged.


Moysikos triantafillopolis 2009
John Peter E. Presson, except where noted
English Texts are Copyright Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA, and are used with permission
Greek texts and music are public domain
hath made His ways known un-to Mo- ses, and un- to the

sons of Is- ra- el the things that He____ hath willed,

Service of Divine Liturgy 6

Moysikos triantafillopolis 2009
John Peter E. Presson, except where noted
English Texts are Copyright Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA, and are used with permission
Greek texts and music are public domain
- pas- sion- ate and mer- ci- ful is the Lord long-suf- fer- ing

and plen- te- ous in mer-__ cy not un- to the end will He

be an- gered, nei- ther un- to e- ter- ni- ty will He__ be wroth.


ot ac- cord-ing to our in- i- qui- ties hath He dealt with us

nei-ther ac- cord- ing to our sins hath He re- ward-__ ed us.


or ac- cord- ing to the height of Heav-en from the earth, the Lord

hath made His mer-____ cy to pre- vail _____ o- ver them that

fear Him.

Service of Divine Liturgy 7

far as the east is from the west, so far hath He re- moved

our in- i- qui-ties from us.


Moysikos triantafillopolis 2009
John Peter E. Presson, except where noted
English Texts are Copyright Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA, and are used with permission
Greek texts and music are public domain
as a fa- ther hath com- pas- sion up- on _ his sons, so hath

the Lord had com- pas- sion up-on them that fear Him; for He know- eth

where-of we are made, He hath re-mem- bered that we__ are dust.


for man his days are as the grass as a flo-_wer of

the field so shall he blos-__ som forth.


when the wind is passed o- ver it then it shall__ be gone, and
Service of Divine Liturgy 8

no long- er will it know the place__ there-of.


Moysikos triantafillopolis 2009
John Peter E. Presson, except where noted
English Texts are Copyright Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA, and are used with permission
Greek texts and music are public domain
the mer- __ cy of the Lord______ is from e-ter-____ ni-ty e-

ven un- to e- ter- ni- ty, up- on them that fear____ Him


nd His right- eous-ness is up- on sons of sons up- on___ them

that keep __ His test-a-ment and___ re- mem-ber His com-mand____ments to

do______ them.


he Lord in Heav-en hath pre-pared His Throne and His

King-__ dom rul-eth o- ____ ver all.

Service of Divine Liturgy 9

Moysikos triantafillopolis 2009
John Peter E. Presson, except where noted
English Texts are Copyright Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA, and are used with permission
Greek texts and music are public domain
s the Lord all ye His An-gels migh-ty in strength that per-

form His word; to hear the voice of His words.


less the Lord all ye His hosts; His min-__ is-ters that do His will.


less the Lord, all ____ ye___ His works; in ev - ry place of His dom-

in- ion Bless the Lord O my soul.

Glo- ry to the Fa- ther and to the Son and to the Ho- ly Spi-

__ rit.

Both now and ev- er and un- to the a-________ ges of a-_____ ges.A-men

Service of Divine Liturgy 10

less ____________ the Lord______O my soul and all that is with- in_____ me:

Bless His Ho-______ ly Name; bles_______ sed__ art

______ O_______ Lord_____________

Moysikos triantafillopolis 2009
John Peter E. Presson, except where noted
English Texts are Copyright Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA, and are used with permission
Greek texts and music are public domain
Service of Divine Liturgy
Moysikos triantafillopolis 2009
John Peter E. Presson, except where noted
English Texts are Copyright Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA, and are used with permission
Greek texts and music are public domain
Little Litany
! x ~ Again and again

! ( ~ ~ /~ Lord__ have mer- cy

^/p. . ~/~ Help us, save us

! ( ~ ~ /~ Lord__ have mer- cy

); ;

1 ~( U~ x~ w ) ,;

Calling to remembrance.

Most Ho-ly The- o- to- kos save us.

! ( ~
To Thee___ O Lord

If the Typica is chanted:

A- men.

But if the Antiphons are chanted:

A- - - men.
Service of Divine Liturgy 12

Mode Four p ^~~;

Glo- ry to the Fa- ther and to the Son and to the Ho- ly Spi-

__ rit.


raise the Lord_ O my soul, I will praise the Lord in___ my

life; I will chant un-to my God for as long as I have my be-



rust ye not in prin-_____ ces in the sons___ of men in whom there is no sal-

va-_____ tion

Moysikos triantafillopolis 2009
John Peter E. Presson, except where noted
English Texts are Copyright Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA, and are used with permission
Greek texts and music are public domain
Source: ^x/ U~; ^; ~; ;. ^~)
Service of Divine Liturgy 13


Moysikos triantafillopolis 2009
John Peter E. Presson, except where noted
English Texts are Copyright Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA, and are used with permission
Greek texts and music are public domain
spir-___ it shall go____ forth and he shall re- turn un-to His earth


n that day ____ all ____his thoughts shall per-____ ish.


les_____sed is____he___ of whom the God of Ja-______cob is his

help, whose hope is in the Lord__ his God.


ho hath made__ Hea-ven and__ the earth,the sea and all that is there-in.


ho keep-eth__ truth un-to e-ter___ ni- ty Who ex- e- cu- teth judgment

for___ the wronged,Who giv- est food to the hun-___ gry.

Service of Divine Liturgy 14

he T Lord______ loos- eth the ____ fet-_______ terd the Lord__ mak-est wise

the blind; the Lord__ set- test a- right the fal-___len the Lord lov-est the

right-________eous the Lord pre-serv-eth the pros- e- lytes.


Moysikos triantafillopolis 2009
John Peter E. Presson, except where noted
English Texts are Copyright Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA, and are used with permission
Greek texts and music are public domain
shall a- dopt for His own the or- phan and wi-_____dow and

the way of sin-__ ner shall He de- stroy.


he Lord shall be king un- to e- ter-___ ni-ty; Thy God, O Si-____ on,

un- to gen- er- a- ___ tion and gen- er- ra- tion.

now and ev- er and un-to the a- ges of a- - - -

Service of Divine Liturgy
Moysikos triantafillopolis 2009
John Peter E. Presson, except where noted
English Texts are Copyright Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA, and are used with permission
Greek texts and music are public domain


ges.A-men. On- - - - - ly Be- got-ten Son and Word of God, Thou Who

art Im- mor- - - - - - tal, and didst deign for our sal- va-tion to be-

come in- carn- - - - - - ate of the Ho- ly The- o- to- - - - - - - - kos and

ev- er Vir-gin Ma- ry, with- out change be-com-ing man and Who

was cru- ci - fied ________O Christ God tram-pling down death by death.

Thou_______ Who art one of the Ho-ly Tri- ni- ty glo-

ri - fied to-geth- - - er with the Fa-ther and the Ho- ly Spi- - - - rit,

save us.___________

Alternate melody

Both now and ev-er and un- to the a- ges of a- ges. A- men.

Service of Divine Liturgy 16

n- ly Be- got- ten Son, and Word of God, Thou Who art im- mor

_____ tal, and didst deign for our sal- va-____ tion to be- come in-

car- nate of the ho- ly The-o- to-______ kos and ev- er Vir-gin Ma-___

ry; with- out change be-com-ing man,and Who was cru- ci fied O Christ

_____ God, tramp- ling down death by death, Thou Who art one of the

Ho- ly Trin-__ i- ty, glo- ri- fied to- geth-er with the Fa-_____ ther and
the Ho- ly Spi-__rit, save_____ us. _________

Then the Litany and Beatitudes in the Mode of the Week or according to the Feast.
In Thy Kingdom, remember us, O Lord, when Thou comest in Thy Kingdom
Twelve verses
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of the Heavens.
Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted.
Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.
Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled
Eight verses
Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
Six verses
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.
Blessed are they that are persecuted for righteousness sake, for theirs is the Kingdom of the Heavens.
Four verses
Blessed are ye, when men shall revile and persecute you and say all manner of evil against you falsely for
My sake.
Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in the Heavens.
Glory; (Troparion) Both now. (Theotokion)
Moysikos triantafillopolis 2009
John Peter E. Presson, except where noted
English Texts are Copyright Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA, and are used with permission
Greek texts and music are public domain
Service of Divine Liturgy
Moysikos triantafillopolis 2009
John Peter E. Presson, except where noted
English Texts are Copyright Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA, and are used with permission
Greek texts and music are public domain

Little Litany
! x ~ Again and again

! ( ~ ~ /~ Lord__ have mer- cy

^/p. . ~/~ Help us, save us

! ( ~ ~ /~ Lord__ have mer- cy

); ;

1 ~( U~ x~ w ) ,;

Calling to remembrance.

Most Ho-ly The- o- to- kos save us.

! ( ~
To Thee___ O Lord

Choir: Amen
Service of Divine Liturgy 18
Antiphons at Daily Services
Weekday Liturgies

Antiphon One

It is good to give praise unto the Lord and to chant unto Thy Name, O Most High.
To proclaim in the morning Thy mercy, and Thy truth by night.
That upright is the Lord our God, and there is no unrighteousness in Him.

Moysikos triantafillopolis 2009
John Peter E. Presson, except where noted
English Texts are Copyright Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA, and are used with permission
Greek texts and music are public domain
the in- ter- ces-sions of the The- o- to- kos, O Sa- viour save____

_______ us.

Glory to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, both now and every, and
unto the ages of ages. Amen

y the in- ter- ces- sions of the The- o- to- - - kos, O Sa- viour

save__ us__________

Then the Little Litany

For Weekday Liturgies where the Menaion does not call for an Entrance at Vespers and a Doxology at Matins
Service of Divine Liturgy 19
Antiphon Two

The Lord is King, He is clothed in majesty; the Lord is clothed with strength, and
He is hath girt Himself.
For He hath established the world which shall not be shaken.
Thy testimonies are very sure. Holiness becometh Thy house, O Lord, unto length
of days.

Moysikos triantafillopolis 2009
John Peter E. Presson, except where noted
English Texts are Copyright Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA, and are used with permission
Greek texts and music are public domain
the in- ter- ces-sions of Thy Saints, save___ us O Lord

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit

Both now and ev-er and un- to the a- ges of a- ges. A- men.

n- ly Be- got- ten Son, and Word of God, Thou Who art im- mor

_____ tal, and didst deign for our sal- va-____ tion to be- come in-

car- nate of the ho- ly The-o- to-______ kos and ev- er Vir-gin Ma-___

ry; with- out change be-com-ing man,and Who was cru- ci fied O Christ

_____ God, tramp- ling down death by death, Thou Who art one of the

Service of Divine Liturgy 20

Ho- ly Trin-__ i- ty, glo- ri- fied to- geth-er with the Fa-_____ ther and
the Ho- ly Spi-__rit, save_____ us. _________

Then the Little Litany

Antiphon Three

Come, let us rejoice in the Lord, let us shout with jubilation unto God our Saviour.
Let us come before His countenance with thanksgiving, and with psalms let us
shout in jubilation unto Him.
For the Lord is a great God and a great King over all the earth.
For in His hand are the ends of the earth, and the heights of the mountains are His.
For the sea is His and He made it; and the dry land His hands have fashioned.

Moysikos triantafillopolis 2009
John Peter E. Presson, except where noted
English Texts are Copyright Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA, and are used with permission
Greek texts and music are public domain
Son of God Who art won- drous in the Saints save us who chant to

Thee, Al- le- lu- i- - - a Four times

The Final

save us who chant Thee: Al- le lu- - - - -- i- a.___________

Service of Divine Liturgy 21
alternate practice for sunday Liturgies
(and Liturgies in which a Typica is otherwise prescribed)

Antiphon One

Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy Name.
Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all that He has done for Thee.
The Lord in Heaven hath prepared His Throne and His Kingdom ruleth over all.
Bless the Lord, all ye His works, in every place of His Dominion.

Moysikos triantafillopolis 2009
John Peter E. Presson, except where noted
English Texts are Copyright Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA, and are used with permission
Greek texts and music are public domain
the in- ter- ces-sions of the The- o- to- kos, O Sa- viour save____

_______ us.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit; both now and ever and
unto the ages of ages. Amen

y the in- ter- ces- sions of the The- o- to- - - kos, O Sa- viour

save__ us__________

Then the Little Litany

Also for Weekday Liturgies calling for Typica and Beatitudes.
Service of Divine Liturgy 22
Antiphon Two

Praise the Lord, O my soul, I will praise the Lord in my life; I will chant unto the
Lord for as long as I have my being.
Blessed is he of whom the God of Jacob is his hope, whose help is in the, his God.
Who hath made Heaven and the Earth, the sea and all that is therein.
The Lord shall be king unto eternity, thy God, O Sion, unto generation and

Moysikos triantafillopolis 2009
John Peter E. Presson, except where noted
English Texts are Copyright Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA, and are used with permission
Greek texts and music are public domain
Son of God Who didst a- rise_ from the dead , save us who chant to

Thee, Al- le- lu- i- - - a Four times

Both now and ev-er and un- to the a- ges of a- ges. A- men.

n- ly Be- got- ten Son, and Word of God, Thou Who art im- mor

_____ tal, and didst deign for our sal- va-____ tion to be- come in-

car- nate of the ho- ly The-o- to-______ kos and ev- er Vir-gin Ma-___

For High Ranked Liturgies falling during Weekdays, we chant Who art wondrous in the Saints here see pg 20 for
Service of Divine Liturgy
Moysikos triantafillopolis 2009
John Peter E. Presson, except where noted
English Texts are Copyright Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA, and are used with permission
Greek texts and music are public domain

ry; with- out change be-com-ing man,and Who was cru- ci fied O Christ

_____ God, tramp- ling down death by death, Thou Who art one of the

Ho- ly Trin-__ i- ty, glo- ri- fied to- geth-er with the Fa-_____ ther and

the Ho- ly Spi-__rit, save_____ us. _________

Then the Little Litany

At the Third Antiphon, the Resurrection Dismissal Hymn is chanted with the following verses:
This is the day which the Lord hath made, let us rejoice and be glad therein. Ref.
Let heaven and the earth sing His praise. Ref.

For Great Feasts the above order is followed w/ the exception in that the second phrase of the 2

Antiphon is according to the Feast celebrated, and the Third Antiphon the Festal Dismissal Hymn
is chanted in between the assigned psaltic verses. Please refer to appropriate Liturgical books
Service of Divine Liturgy 24
At the Small Entrance

For Sundays and Weekdays:
For Sundays:


Moysikos triantafillopolis 2009
John Peter E. Presson, except where noted
English Texts are Copyright Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA, and are used with permission
Greek texts and music are public domain
e let us wor-___ship and fall down be-fore_____ Christ________


Right Choir:

O Son ___ of God Who didst a- rise_________from the dead___________

________ save us who chant___ to Thee: Al-le_ lu__ _i__a.

On Weekdays:

O Son ___ of God Who art won- drous in the saints__________

________ save us who chant___ to Thee: Al-le_ lu____i__a.

On Feastdays there may be special Eisodika please refer to the appropriate books.
Service of Divine Liturgy
Moysikos triantafillopolis 2009
John Peter E. Presson, except where noted
English Texts are Copyright Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA, and are used with permission
Greek texts and music are public domain
Order for chanting the Dismissal Hymns and Kontakia after the
Small Entrance

1. On Sunday, if there be a concelebration, the clergy chant the Dismissal Hymn in
the Mode of the week, and the Right Choir repeats (otherwise if there be no
concelebration, the Right Choir chants it once)
2. At the Metropolis Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos (or if the Temple be
dedicated to a Great Feast of the Master or the Theotokos), we chant the Dismissal
Hymn of the Temple) if the Day be a Great Feast or afterfeast, we replace the
Dismissal Hymn of the Temple with that of the Feast
3. Dismissal Hymn of the principal Saint of the Day celebrated in the Menaion (or
Triodion or Pentecostarion)
4. Dismissal Hymn of the Temple
5. Kontakia of the Resurrection in the Mode of the week
6. Glory -Kontakia of the principal Saint of the Day celebrated in the Menaion (or
Triodion or Pentecostarion)
7. Last Kontakion: Both Now O Protection of Christians (At the Metropolis Cathedral
of the Nativity of the Theotokos [or if the Temple be dedicated to a Great Feast of
the Theotokos;], we chant the Kontakia of the Temple). If the Day be a Great Feast
or forefeast or afterfeast, we replace the Dismissal Hymn of the Temple with that of
the forefeast or Feast. If the Temple be to the Master, we transfer the
Resurrectional Kontakion to this place during ordinary time. If there be a
concelebration, it is customary that the clergy chant this up to the final phrase
which is chanted by the Right Choir.
Service of Divine Liturgy 26
Resurrectional Dismissal Hymns and Kontakia in the Eight

Dismissal Hymns

hen the stone had been sealed by the Jews, and the sol- diers

were guarding Thine Im- mac- u- late Bod- y, Thou didst

a-- rise______ from the grave O Sav- iour grant-ing life un-to the

world. Wherefore the pow- _____ ers of the Hea-vens cried out, O Life- giv-_ er:

Glo- ry to Thy Re- sur- rec-___ tion,O Christ; glo-___ ry__to Thy King-

dom; glo- ry to Thy dis-pen- sa- tion O on- ly Friend of__ man.

hen Thou____ didst des- cend un- to death, O Life Im- mor______

tal, then didst Thou slay Ha- des with the light-ning of Thy Div- i- ni-
Moysikos triantafillopolis 2009
John Peter E. Presson, except where noted
English Texts are Copyright Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA, and are used with permission
Greek texts and music are public domain
Service of Divine Liturgy 27

ty, and when Thou didst raise the dead out of the neth- er most depths all

the pow-ers in the Heav-ens cried a- loud: O, Life- giv- er Christ our God

glor- y be_______ to Thee.______

Moysikos triantafillopolis 2009
John Peter E. Presson, except where noted
English Texts are Copyright Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA, and are used with permission
Greek texts and music are public domain
et the Hea- vens re- joice let earth-ly things be glad, for the Lord

hath shown might with His arm, He hath tram-___ pled u- pon death by

death. The first-born of the dead hath He be- come; from the bel- ly

of Hades hath He de- liv- erd us and hath grant-__ ed great mer-cy to

the world

ing learned the joy- ful pro-__ claim-a- tion of the Re- sur-

Service of Divine Liturgy 28

rec- tion from__ the An- gel and hav- ing cast of the an- cest- ral

con- dem-na-_______tion, the wo- men dis- ci- ples of the Lord spake to

the a- po- stles ex-ult- ant-ly: Death is de- spoiled and Christ God is ris-

en grant-ing great mer- cy to the world.

Original Melody

Moysikos triantafillopolis 2009
John Peter E. Presson, except where noted
English Texts are Copyright Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA, and are used with permission
Greek texts and music are public domain
us wor- ship the Word, O ye faith-ful, prais- ing Him that with the

Fa- ther and Spi- rit is co- be- gin- ning-less God, Who for our sal-va

tion was born of the Vir- gin Maid; for He was pleased to mount the Cross in

the flesh that He as-sumed, ac- cept- ing thus to en- dure death. And by His

Glo- ri- ous ri- _____sing, He al- so willed to re- sur- rect ____ the


Source: ^,(( of Ioannis Protopsaltis -Zoe
Service of Divine Liturgy 29

Moysikos triantafillopolis 2009
John Peter E. Presson, except where noted
English Texts are Copyright Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA, and are used with permission
Greek texts and music are public domain
gel- ic pow-______ ers were a- bove Thy tomb, and they that

guard-ed Thee be- came as dead, and Ma- ry stood by Thy grave seek-ing Thine

im- mac- u- late Bo- dy. Thou hast de- spoiled Ha- des and hath grant-

ed us life. Thou Who didst rise from the dead, Lord glo- ry be to


hou didst a- bol- ish death__ by Thy Cross, Thou didst o- pen Par- a- dise

to the thief; Thou didst trans- form the myrrh-bear- ers lam- en- ta-______

tions and didst bid Thine A- post- les to preach: that Thou art ri- sen, O____

Christ God, grant- ing great mer- cy to the world.
Service of Divine Liturgy 30

Moysikos triantafillopolis 2009
John Peter E. Presson, except where noted
English Texts are Copyright Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA, and are used with permission
Greek texts and music are public domain
on high didst Thou de-scend, O Com- pas-sion-ate One to bur-

i- al of three days hast Thou sub- mit-_____ ted; that Thou might-est

free us from our pas- sions, O our life and re-sur-rec- tion, Lord glo- ry

be to Thee.


s God, Thou didst a- rise from the tomb in glo- ry and Thou didst raise

the world to-geth- er with Thy-self. And mor- tal na-ture praised Thee as

God, and death was o- bli- ter- a-_____ ted. And A- dam dan-ceth for joy

O Mas-____ ter, and Eve now freed from fet-___ ters, re- joi-

ceth as she cri- eth out: Thou, O Christ dost grant resur- rec- tion un-
Service of Divine Liturgy 31

to all.

Thou Soughtest the heights

Moysikos triantafillopolis 2009
John Peter E. Presson, except where noted
English Texts are Copyright Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA, and are used with permission
Greek texts and music are public domain
ris- en art Thou, Al - migh-ty Sav- iour from the tomb; as Hades

be- held, he trem-bled at the mir- a- cle and the dead a- rose and

cre- a- tion see- ing this, doth re- joice with Thee; and as A- dam al-

so is glad, the world O my Sav-iour prais-eth Thee for- ev-_____ er.

On this day the Virgin

n this day Thou didst___ a-rise out of the grave and didst lead

___ us from the bars and gates___ of death, Thou Who art great in com-

pas-_____ sion. On this day, both Ad-am dan-_________ ceth and Eve re-joi-
Service of Divine Liturgy 32

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ceth, and __with them all of the Pa- tri- archs and

Pro-_________ phets chant un- ceas-ing hymns in praise of the god-

ly pow- er of Thy do- min- ion and might.

On this day Thou hast appeared


Moysikos triantafillopolis 2009
John Peter E. Presson, except where noted
English Texts are Copyright Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA, and are used with permission
Greek texts and music are public domain
hath my de- liv-_er- er and migh- ty Sav-_______

iour raised the earth-born from the grave and from their bonds since He is

God; and He hath crushed Ha-des brazen gates and is a- ris- en the third

day as Sov- reign Lord


I Thy con- des- cen-sion Thou didst des-cend in- to Ha- des O my Sav-iour
Service of Divine Liturgy 33

and hav- ing bro- ken the gates there-of since Thou art om-ni- po- tent

as Cre- a- tor Thou didst raise up the dead to- geth- er with Thy-self

and Thou didst break the sting of death,O Christ and didst de- liv- er Ad-

am from the curse, O Friend of man. Where-fore we all cry un- to Thee: Save

us, O Lord

Moysikos triantafillopolis 2009
John Peter E. Presson, except where noted
English Texts are Copyright Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA, and are used with permission
Greek texts and music are public domain
- ing raised up all the dead out of the dark a- bys- - - - ses by

His life- be-stow-ing hand, Christ God, the Giv- er of life, hath be-

stowed the Res-ur- rec-tion up-on mor- tal na-ture; for He is the

Sav- iour and Res- ur- rec- - - - - tion and Life of all, and the God of

Service of Divine Liturgy 34

Mode Grave !

Moysikos triantafillopolis 2009
John Peter E. Presson, except where noted
English Texts are Copyright Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA, and are used with permission
Greek texts and music are public domain
long-er will the do- min- ion of death be a- ble to keep


men cap- - - - - tive; for Christ hath de- scend-ed, de- stroy- ing and di- spel

ling the pow- ers there-of. Hades is bound; the pro-phets re- joice with one

ac- cord, say - - - - - ing: A Sa - viour hath come for them that have faith;

Come forth, ye faith-ful, for the Re-sur-rec- - - - - - tion.

av- ing ris- en from the tomb, Thou didst raise up the dead and didst

re- - - sur- rect Ad- am. Eve al- so dan- ceth for joy at Thy Res-

ur- rec- tion, and the ends of the world cel- e- brate Thine A- ris-
Service of Divine Liturgy
Moysikos triantafillopolis 2009
John Peter E. Presson, except where noted
English Texts are Copyright Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA, and are used with permission
Greek texts and music are public domain

-- - ing from the dead, O Great-ly Mer- ci-ful One.

Service of Divine Liturgy 36
Both now.
Final Kontakion


Prot- ec- tion of Chris-tians that can- not be put to shame, med-

i- a- tion un- to the Cre- a- tor most con- stant: de- spise

not the sup- pli- ant voi- ces of those who have sinned; but be thou quick, O

good one to come un- to our aid, who in fai aith cry un-_ to thee:

Ha- sten to in- ter - ces- sion and speed thou to make sup- pli - ca- tion, tho

who does ev- er pro- tect, O The - o- to- kos them that hon- nou


Moysikos triantafillopolis 2009
John Peter E. Presson, except where noted
English Texts are Copyright Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA, and are used with permission
Greek texts and music are public domain
Service of Divine Liturgy 37
Final Kontakion
As chanted at the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Most Holy
Chanted by the Clergy in the Altar
Both now.
Mode Four ^~~; =

Moysikos triantafillopolis 2009
John Peter E. Presson, except where noted
English Texts are Copyright Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Brookline, MA, and are used with permission
Greek texts and music are public domain
o- a- chim and An- na were freed from the re-proach of child-less

ness, and A- dam and Eve from the cor- rup- tion of death,

O im- ma- cu-late one, by thy ho- ly na- tiv- i- ty, which thy peo-

ple, re-deemed from the guilt of of- fen- ces, ce- le- brate by cry- ing

to thee: The bar- ren wo-man giv-eth birth to the The- o- to- kos,

Right Choir finishes:

the nour- ish-er of our life.

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