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IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol. 9, No.

2, June 1994
A.H. Ghorashi, 8 . 8 . Murthy*, B. P. Singh", Bhim Singh Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology


New Delhi-110016 India

Senior Member IEEE

Abstract - Wind ariven induction generator feeding power to the grid has been analyzed under the abnormal condition of unbalanced grid voltages. Using t h e symmetrical component and double revolving field theory, appropriate equivalent circuits and model equations have been derived for t h e generating mode with suitable realistic modifications. It is emphasized that the active and reactive power components and their directions for both positive and negative sequence systems need to be properly identified in order to obtain the cumulative response of the generator under different wind power conditions. In view of the fact that the reactive power is drawn from the grid while the active power is fed into the grid, the extent of variations in power fed to the grid and t h e reactive VAR due t o unbalanced grid voltages for different wind power conditions need t o be estimated t o provide guidelines in the design and operation of wind energy conversion system. Both experimental and theoretical results for a 3.7 kW laboratory model have also been presented, to validate the theoretical formulations, extendable to large units. Extensive data have been presented and discussed for a 5 5 kW unit installed in site.
Key words : Wind energy, Unbalanced voltages

Pin : Power fed to the shaft : Power fed to the grid Pout Q : VAR drain from the grid : Voltamperes reactive VAR S : Slip V2/V1 : Degree of unbalance Ploss : Power loss Eff : Efficiency (Phasor values are indicated in bold letters.)

INTRODUCTION Due to the energy crisis, search and exploitation of alternative renewable energy resources have assumed increased importance leading to relevant technological efforts. Wind energy has been identified as a promising resource for such an exploitat ion. Induction Generator (IG) has been found to be very appropriate for wind energy applications due t o its low unit cost , reduced maintenance, rugged and brushless rotor(squirre1 cage type),etc. In a typical Wind Energy conversion System (WECS) the IG is driven by the wind turbine through a gear box. There may be several such units in a wind farm whose output is fed to the local 11 kV grid through step-up transformer. Presently individual units of rating from 100 to 1000 kW have been standardized. WECS are now installed in large numbers in several countries in Europe and North America in high wind density areas. India has also embarked on a major wind energy program. A wind survey has been recently completed for the whole country based on which prospective locations have been identified. Wind farms are in operation in the coastal area of Gujarat, Tamilnadu and Orissa. Based on the experience of the authors in working with the agencies operating the wind farms, it was realized that efficient and reliable operation of the units have been considerably hampered by abnormal grid conditions. This is also due to the fact that the concerned utilities to whose grid the wind power is fed have not been able to maintain the purity of supply invariably due to distant locations of the wind farms from the main power generating centers normally therma1,hydro or nuclear.



NOMEWCLATURE R , , Rr and X , , Xr, Xm, Rm : P e r phase parameters of equivalent depicted in Fig. 2 (referred to stator) V1, V2, Vo and 11, 12, Io : Per phase positive, negative and zero voltages and currents
: Irlt ' r 2 Positive and negative




rotor currents sequence

zl, z2

Per phase positive and negative impedances v , b r vbcr Vca and Ila# Ilc : Line voltages and currents of grid ' a b ' Ibc'Ica : Phase currents in stator windings
: 'q.max' Ir.max Highest of the three phase currents under unbalance.




'in11 ' i n 2 Power fed to positive and negative systems

7 I
--I L .

9 3 SM 545-4 EC A paper recommended and approved by the IEEE Energy Development and Power Generation Committee of the IEEE Power Engineering Society for presentation at the IEEE/PES 1993 Summer Meeting, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, July 18-22, 1993. Manuscript submitted August 2 8 , 1992; made available for printing May 12, 1993. PRINTED IN USA


7 I

Fig. 1. Schematic of wind driven GCIG system.

0885-8969/94/$04.00 0 1993 IEEE

A s an initial phase of the study the performance of Grid Connected Induction Generator (GCIG) under varying voltage and frequency conditions was undertaken and its outcome was reported [l]. Further,the t h e o r e t i c a l m o d e l w a s r e f o r m e d by involving the voltage dependent parameters of IG. The present paper is the extension of the above investigation which concerns with the effect of unbalanced grid voltages, a realistic condition found t o be commonly prevalent in the field. This study was identified as very critical since the energy agencies felt that grid unbalance is a m a j o r c a u s e of poor p e r f o r m a n c e of c u r r e n t l y installed wind systems, due t o adverse effect on IG. They were interested to know the extent of u n d e s i r a b l e e f f e c t s o n t h e IG and a s s o c i a t e d systems due t o grid unbalance so that suitable r e m e d i a l m e a s u r e s c a n b e t a k e n in d e s i g n and operations. The system has been modeled using the well known t h e o r y o f s y m m e t r i c a l c o m p o n e n t s (81 and t h e relevant equations are simulated on a computer. Based on similar concepts unbalanced and asymmetrical operations of Induction Motors have been well documented in literature [ 4 - 7 1 , while the performance analysis of Induction Generator detailing different adverse consequences keeping in view the realistic prime mover conditions and new emphasis on wind and mini hydro systems has not so f a r b e e n r e p o r t e d . T h e r e a r e s u b t l e d i f f e r e n c e s b e t w e e n m o t o r i n g and g e n e r a t i n g c o n d i t i o n s . A i r g a p v o l t a g e of g e n e r a t o r is elightly higher as compared to motor, which may c a u s e i n c r e a s e d saturation. Equivalent c i r c u i t parameters for positive and negative circuits may d i f f e r d u e t o d i f f e r i n g o p e r a t i n g voltages. Voltage dependent parameters must be carefully chosen after identifying correct saturated conditions. A practical generating scheme of 55 KW rating has been taken for the study , and the results have been presented using i t s data. The system performance both under balanced and unbalanced c o n d i t i o n s a r e c o m p a r e d and discussed. The relevant performance equations have been written for positive and negative sequence systems t o arrive at t h e cumulative response. Appropriate computer algorithm has been developed t o predict the performance for different wind power conditions. The investigations were also carried out o n a 3.7 kW laboratory model on which detailed e x p e r i m e n t s w e r e c a r r i e d out u n d e r s i m u l a t e d u n b a l a n c e d conditions. B o t h t h e o r e t i c a l and e x p e r i m e n t a l r e s u l t s h a v e been c o m p u t e d and compared. The studies are also extended for the extreme case of unbalance caused by disconnection of one of the lines resulting in "single-phasing".

Under unbalanced grid voltages : The basic scheme under consideration is shown in Fig. 1. Capacitors and transformer are omitted for simplicity, though they can be easily incorporated. Delta connected IO is considered as per field conditions. Using symmetrical component transformations [2,8] the positive, negative and zero sequence voltages, V1,V2, Vo can be obtained by

Similar transformation yields sequence line currents Ill, 112, Il0 from Ila, Ilb, Ilc and sequence phase currents 11, 12, Io from I & , Ibc, IFa. The zero sequence quantities would be absent since sum of the line voltages is zero. Knowing the magnitudes of Vab, Vbc, Vca it is possible to obtain their relative phasor positions through a closed triangle. If a and are the phase angles of Vbc and Vca with respect to Vab, Vab = Vab Vbc = V b c k and Vca = Vca@



E q u i v a l e n t c i r c u i t s o f IG for p o s i t i v e a n d negative sequence systems are given in Fig. 2 , where slip S is negative. Figure 2(a) determines the positive sequence phase current I1 for given S and circuit parameters, similarly Fig. 2(b) z k d s I2 for the given slip and parameters. Although the equivalent Vc?i;cuit parameters for positive and negative sequence systems are normally assumed t o be same, a correct analysis must take into account the differences wherever t h e i r i m p a c t i s significant. F o r example, t h e rotor resistance and leakage reactances differ widely in current displacement rotors [ 4 ] , which a f f e c t s r o t o r c u r r e n t calculations. S i m i l a r l y magnetizing r e a c t a n c e and c o r e loss vary considerably depending on the operating airgap voltage which decides the core flux. Depending on the degree of unbalance V1 and V2 vary and the correct value of , X & Rm for these voltages must be used. Further, for low values of slip & X , are very large compared to (Rr/2-S) and hence the magnetizing branch can be omitted in the negative sequence circuit of Fig.2(b). I n t h e m o d e l i n g s i m u l a t i o n presented h e r e t h e above factors have been incorporated to obtain realistic performance predictions. With varying wind speed the input power would change as cube of the speed which would alter the rotational speed of the shaft causing adjustment of the negative slip suitably. From the circuits of Fig. 2 rotor currents Irl, Ir2 are determined for the given S. Power fed to positive sequence system is given by ;


Ir12Rr (1-S) /S

Power fed t o t h e negative sequence system is obtained by replacing Irl by Ir2 and S by (2-S) in eqn. (2). Pin2 = 3 IrZ2 Rr(l-S)/(Z-S) (3)

Total power fed t o the shaft is given by ; ' i n Fig. 2 . Sequence equivalent circuitr.
= ' i n 1

' i n 2


Thus, t h e shaft power Pin fed from wind gets divided into two components Pinl and Pin2. since s i s n e g a t i v e P i n i s positive. U n d e r b a l a n c e d conditions Pin2 is zero as Ir2=0.

We must note that slip has to adjust to a value such that t h e shaft input power P i n is equal t o t h e s u m o f P i n l and P i n 2 . T h e problem o f performance prediction centers around determining S f o r t h e g i v e n P i n and t h e unbalanced grid voltages. Through a computer program simulating the equations obtained from Fig. 2, it will be possible t o find S for the given input power t h r o u g h a n i t e r a t i v e process. S i m u l t a n e o u s l y sequence currents can be determined from which actual phasor and line currents are obtained as a cumulative response Knowing the currents and the slip, both active and reactive powers, efficiency, etc. of the system under unbalanced conditions at different wind power can be determined using the following equations. Power fed t o the grid; Substituting for 1 , in eqn.(12) equation of order 4 is obtained as; AS4 a polynomial

+ BS3 + CS2 + DS + E

= 0


The coefficients A,B,C,D and E are given in the Appendix I. Eqn.(l3) is solved for S using polynomial root finding technique which yields 4 values among which a realistic one is acceptable. Knowing the r o t o r s p e e d and t h e s e q u e n c e q u a n t i t i e s the performance of the generator under single phasing condition is similarly obtained with different input power, as given in preceding section.


power drain

from the grid

Fig. 3. Equivalent circuit under single-phasing condition after combining sequence networks. MACHINE DETAILS

Under "single-phasing" condition : The single-phasing is caused by the accidental disconnection of one of the lines. Assuming the line C in Fig. 1 is open i.e. ILc=O. Applying Kirchoff's l a w s t h e t e r m i n a l c o n s t r a i n t s a r e obtained from Fig. 1 [3]. Accordingly; ' a b ' b c ' , a =

I c a = ' L a I a b = ' L b ' b c component eqn.(8) yields;


Two machines have been considered for the study, a 3.7 kW laboratory model and a 55 kW field model, designated as machine 1 and machine 2 respectively. The details of these machines are given in table 1. The fixed parameters of machine 1 were obtained by standard tests, while the voltage dependent parameters such as magnetizing reactance and core-loss resistance were obtained by appropriate variable voltage no load tests, and is shown in Fig.4. The parameters of machine 2 were obtained from the manufacturers.

Details Rating Line voltage Line current HZ. Pole No. Base power Stator connection R s (P.U.) I , Rr


Machine 3.7 415 1.6 50 4 3.7 KW V A

Machine 55 KW 415 V 93 A 50 6 55 KW Delta 0.019 0.0164 0.069 0.087 47.85* 3.0*

Using the symmetrical Il = I2 lab = 211 Ibc = -I1


: : :




the line voltage

Vab we get

Vab =

v1 + v2

xs xr

I ,
# ,

Since V1 = Ilzl and V2 = 12Z2, hence, Il = VAB/(21+ x 2) (11)




: : : : : : :

Delta 0.057 0.053 0.093 0.093 25.98?* 1.937

( * At


Equations (2-4) are valid after finding V1,V2 and 11,12. Equation (4) can be solved for S after omitting the magnetizing branch in the negative s e q u e n c e c i r c u i t and s h i f t i n g t h e m a g n e t i z i n g branch of the positive sequence circuit to the output terminals. Combined with the eqns.(9-10) and t h e above approximations, a simplified equivalent circuit of Fig.3 is obtained. Hence eqn.(4) is modified as; Pin = -31r2KRr where K=2 (l-s)'/s




= vab2/( ( R ~ + K R , ) ~ + X ~ ~ ) Rt = 2(Rs + R r ) and Xt =2( Xs + Xr)

Results of the investigations are presented in Figs. 5-8. While both theoretical and experimental results are presented for machine 1, only the simulated results are presented for machine 2. Experimental results are shown by points. All the results are presented in p.u. values.

1 2








v, (Pa.)




-0 02

7" 00 ( P U l0 8


Fig. 4. Variation of Rm and X m with V1.

E f f e c t o f grid v o l t a g e unbalance : Considering the realistic grid conditions in the field in which t h e degree of unbalance could extend upto 20% ,the effect of such a range of unbalance for both the machines were studied. Both t h e experimental and simulated results obtained for machine 1 are presented in Fig. 5(a-b). A very close agreement between theoretical and experimental results is observed which validates the theoretical model and the computer simulations. Figure 5(a) shows the variation of power output and maximum stator current with power input at 0% and 15.6% unbalance. Comparing curves a and b, a reduction in power output is noticed for the given power input decided by the wind speed. This is due to the increased losses in the system caused by the negative sequence components. At 1.0 p.u. input power the reduction in output power is 0.09 p.u. The major effect of unbalance is on the winding currents. Curves c and d indicate the maximum current, Is-max. A considerable increase in the current can be noticed due to unbalance w h i c h i s d e f i n i t e l y a c a u s e for concern. F o r instance at 1.0 p.u. input power I s e m a x increases from 0.84 p.u. to 1.47 p.u. and the other two w i n d i n g c u r r e n t s a r e 0.97 p.u. and 0.65 p.u. respectively. Figure 5(b) shows the variation of power loss and VAR drain from the grid with power input for different degree of unbalance. It is interesting t o note that VAR drain decreases if the unbalance is due t o unequal and reduced voltages, while it increases if the unbalance is due t o unequal and increased voltages. This is due to the fact that at reduced voltages the machine operates at "under flux" condition and at reduced saturation, whereas at over-voltages the machine is "over fluxed" and s a t u r a t e d c a u s i n g i n c r e a s e in t h e m a g n e t i z i n g currents. Curves a and c show the difference in the amount of VAR drain for the same degree of u n b a l a n c e o f 8 % at o v e r v o l t a g e s and u n d e r voltages respectively. A useful comparison can be made with curve b which corresponds to the VAR drain at balanced rated voltages. Curves d and e indicate the trend of variation in power loss with Pin from 0% to 15.6% unbalance. At the rated power input the losses are increased from 0.148 p.u. to 0.238 p.u. Since the losses contribute to heating, the over heating of the machine under unbalance has been a matter of concern [5-71. These results c o n s o l i d a t e t h i s w e l l k n o w n concept of o v e r heating under generating mode and can be used for derating and other operational constraints. Figure 6(a-c) depict t h e analytical results

Fig. 5(a) Variation of Pout and , , . , I with for m/c 1. a : Pout at 0% unbalance ; test points I , b : ,, t r 15.6% r r i A A t r


I ,





Fig. 5(b)Variation of Q & Ploss with Pin for m/c 1. a :Q at 8% unbalance(over-voltage); * * test points b : ,, 0% ,, (rated voltage); U 0 ,, ,, c : ,, 8% ,, (under-vooltage); + + ,, ,, d , e : Ploss at 15.6% & 0% unbalance; A, ,, ,,







Fig. 6(a) Variation of power capacity and VAR with unbalance at rated current for m/c 2. a, b, f : Pin, Pout, Q with unbalance(over-voltage) ct dt e : r r ,, ,, I , I , (under-voltage)

22 I
obtained for the field model i.e. machine 2. The variation of power input, power output and the VAR drain from t h e grid with different degree of unbalance at rated maximum current are shown in Fig. 6(a). The performance at rated current is obtained using Univariate Method of Optimization [9]. The unbalance is simulated by considering two line voltages at rated value and the third voltage varied both above and below the rated value. Same degree of unbalance can be obtained at a set of increased and reduced third voltages. In other words there is a n over-voltage and under voltage state yielding the same voltage unbalance. These results are very useful as they provide information regarding t h e capability of t h e generator t o handle power at different unbalanced conditions without over loading the winding. For example at under voltage unbalance the power input capacity drops from 1.147 p.u. at 0% unbalance t o 0.334 p. U. at 10% unbalance. Similarly if the unbalance is caused due t o over voltage the input power limitations are from 1.147 p.u. t o 0.24 p.u. for the similar conditions of unbalance (curves a & c ) . For the power output limitations at rated maximum current the same trend is obtained as evident from the curves b and d. This implies that at a particular unbalance there is a maximum wind speed beyond which the generator should not be a l l o w e d t o operate. S i n c e t h e power input i s proportional t o the cube of wind speed the maximum wind speed at 10% of unbalanced should be around 66% of the wind speed at 0% unbalanced. This is a u s e f u l i n f o r m a t i o n in s e t t i n g t h e p r o t e c t i n g equipments. After measuring the degree of unbalance the system must be set not to operate above the threshold wind speed. Curves e and f in Fig. 6(a) indicate that the trend of variation in VAR drain from t h e grid increases with over voltage unbalance and decreases with under voltage unbalance. This can alert the utilities, eo that they may know the extent of VAR drain due t o unbalance. This can also be accounted in choosing capacitors. Figure 6(b) shows the variation of Pout, , , . , I and I r e m a X with the degree of unbalance at fixed i n p u t p o w e r o f 1.0 p.u. and 0.5 p.u. It i s observed that at the input power power of 1.0 p.u, I s a m a x increases from 0.9 p,u. at 0% t o 1.5 p.u at 10% unbalance. Similar increase is found in rotor current. The same observations can be made at the reduced wind speed causing 50% power input (see curves a, b , c , d). At rated power input the power output decreases from 0.95 to .92 p.u. while at 0.5 p.u. power input the power output drops from 0.5 p.u. to 0.44 p.u. There would be further drop in power fed t o the grid if the losses in the transformers and transmission lines are considered. An important observation is that both the stator and rotor w i n d i n g c u r r e n t s a r e very s e n s i t i v e t o g r i d unbalance. A 10% v o l t a g e u n b a l a n c e c a u s e s a n increase of around 60% in t h e stator maximum current and 64% in the rotor maximum current at 1.0 p.u. power input. Figure 6(c) shows the v a r i a t i o n o f c u r r e n t u n b a l a n c e (i.e. r a t i o of negative t o positive sequence currents) in stator and rotor with input power at 4% and 12.5% u n b a l a n c e . It i s o b s e r v e d t h a t t h e c u r r e n t u n b a l a n c e i s h i g h e r at l o w input p o w e r w h i c h increases with voltage unbalance and decreases as the input power increases. For example at 12.5% unbalance, as Pin increases from 0.51 t o 1.03 p - U . stator current unbalance drops from 1.4 t o 0.78 and rotor current unbalance drops from 1.63 t o 0.81. It is important t o note that the rotor current unbalance is very high especially at low wind power which would have detrimental effects o n t h e rotor vibration and losses c a u s e d by oscillatory torques and negative sequence currents. Based o n these data the system need t o be designed t o take care of these effects in the protection schemes. Effect of Single Phasing I Single phasing is the undesirable condition which i s n o r m a l l y avoided. F i g u r e s 7 a n d 8 d e p i c t different performance characteristics of t h e system under single phasing condition, in comparison t o 3-phase balanced condition. The variation of power output, VAR, losses and currents with power input for machine 1 is shown in Fig. 7(a-b). At rated wind speed causing rated power input the power output shows a drop of 0.11 p.u. which corresponds t o t h e losses in t h e machine. Curves c and d show the variation of VAR drain from the grid under 1-phase and balanced conditions. Similar t o t h e situation under Voltage unbalance the currents are the deciding factors for the limits of input power for safe operation of the wind system under single phasing condition. For example at 50% input power the line and the maximum phase currents are 1.0 p.u. and 1.16 p.u. respectively (the p.u. values of line and phase are calculated by taking base values as r a t e d l i n e a n d p h a s e currents). T h e u n b a l a n c e rotor current ratio shown in curve j of the FIG. 7(b) is very high at low input power and decreases with input power. For instance at 10% input power the Ir2/Irl is 6.0 and at 50% input power this ratio falls to 1.5






v dv,










Fig. 6(b) Variation of Is.max, & Pout with unbalance at constant Pin for m/c 2. at b, 0 : Isemax, I ~ pout . at ~ pin =~ 1.0 p.u. ~ ~ C, d, f : t, I ,, Pin = 0 . 5 P.U.

Fig. 6(c) Variation of current unbalance for m/c 2. a, c :(Ir2/Irl)l(12/Il) at V2/V1 = 0.04 bt d : t t , ,, ,, ,, =0.125



Figure 8 depicts the performance of machine 2 under single phasing condition which shows similar trend of variation in the results. It is observed that the field model can handle a higher capacity of power input at this extreme case of unbalance. For instance at 50% input power the line current and , . , I are 1.06 p.u and 0.917 p.u. respectrvely, Pout is 0.451 p.u and the unbalanced in the rotor current is 1.19 The VAR drain from the grid at rated maximum current is 0.44 p.u. It is hoped that the data presented in this paper resulting from an in-depth study would be found useful in the design of wind systems subjected t o unbalanced grid conditions.


- 6-

* Q 1P.d


E x t e n s i v e p e r f o r m a n c e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of t w o machines presented in this paper have demonstrated the feasibility and limitations of operating wind turbine driven induction generators under realistic unbalance conditions often observed in the field. W i n d d r i v e n I G f e e d i n g power i n t o t h e grid, operates with varying power input, depending on wind speed. Detailed performance characteristics of 3.7 kW and 55 kW (field model) are presented under unbalanced grid voltages with varying wind speed. A close agreement between the experimental and simulated results has validated t h e modeling method and simulations. The concept of symmetrical components, associated with sequence equivalent circuits has been shown t o be effective in modeling the system. The unbalance in grid voltage has been found to m a k e significant impact o n the generator and system performance. T o arrive at proper realistic results, care has t o be taken t o include voltage dependent magnetizing impedance corresponding t o operating forward flux. These parameters are insignificant for backward fields. There is a drop in IG power output for given power i n p u t d u e t o u n b a l a n c e , c a u s e d by n e g a t i v e sequence components. A further decrease in power fed t o t h e grid is expected if the transformer and line impedances are included. The winding currents of the induction generator are found t o be very sensitive t o unbalanced grid voltages at all wind speeds. At rated power input the highest of the three winding currents was f o u n d t o b e n e a r l y 1.5 per unit at 15.6% unbalance. Without overloading the windings the maximum power that can b e handled drops considerably with unbalance. There is a maximum wind speed at each u n b a l a n c e w h i c h c a u s e s r a t e d maximum c u r r e n t b e y o n d w h i c h t h e s y s t e m should not operate. Relevant data are presented in the paper at each unbalance. Considerable increase in current unbalance has been observed, especially at low wind speeds. This may cause rotor vibrations and o s c i l l a t o r y torques. The VAR drain from the grid is moderately effected by u n b a l a n c e a n d d e p e n d s m o r e o n f o r w a r d and backward flux levels than on unbalance. The VAR d r a i n c a n b e c o m p e n s a t e d by using a p p r o p r i a t e static VAR compensators. S i m i l a r m o d e l i n g s i m u l a t i o n s and e x p e r i m e n t a l investigations were carried out for the extreme c a s e o f u n b a l a n c e u n d e r s i n g l e phasing. T h e typical results obtained reveal the performance c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of i n d u c t i o n g e n e r a t o r u n d e r single phasing operation. As can be expected the winding gets considerably overloaded and power handling capacity is considerably reduced. The overall rating of the system in handling power input at rated maximum current under 10% voltage unbalance and single-phasing would be 30% and 40% of t h e balanced normal rating respectively.







Fig. 7. Variation of system quantities with Pin under single-phasing condition for m/c 1. a : Pout at balanced condition ; g g test points I , i 00 ,, ,, b : ,, ,, 1-phase

d e f g h i

: Q I , ,, , I : balanced : Ploss at 1-phase : balanced : Iab at 1-phase condition

,, ,,

,, ,,

,, ,, ,,

i i i i i i i

+ +
0 0

,, ,,
t ,

, I I ,

; * *

: ILa

8 ,

e t

: Ibc : Ir2/Irl

t I

,, ,, ,,

,, 0 0 ,, 0 0 ,,
0 0
I , I ,

# #

I ,

I 1



t ,



0 0


5" ( P d




Fig. 8 Variation of system under 1-phasing for m/c 2.





S.S. M u r t h y , C.S. Jha, P.S.N. Rao, "Analysis of grid connected induction g e n e r a t o r d r i v e n by hydrolwind t u r b i n e s u n d e r r e a l i s t i c s y s t e m constraints",Trans. - on enerav conversion, Vol. 5, No. 1, march 1990, pp 1-7. J.E. Brown and C.S. Jha, '' Generalized rotating field theory and polyphase induction motor and its relationship t o s y m m e t r i c a l c o m p o n e n t t h e o r y " , Proc. IEE, vol. 109, Part A, NO. 43, Feb. 1962. J.E. Brown, C.S. Jha, "The starting of a 3phase induction motor connected t o a singlephase supply system",Proc.IEE, Vol. 106, Part A, No. 26, April 1959, p. 183. J.E. W i l l i a m s , " O p e r a t i o n of t h r e e p h a s e induction motors o n unbalanced voltages", Trans. AIEE, PAS, Vol. 73, No. 11, April 1954, p. 125. B.N. G a f f o r d , W.C. Duesterhoeft,Jr., C.C. Mosher, 111, "Heating of induction motors on unbalanced voltages",Trans. AIEE. PAS, Vol. 7 8 Pt. 111-A, June 1959, p. 2 8 2 . M.M. Berndt, N.L. Schmitz, "Derating of polyphase induction motors operated with unbalanced line voltages", Trans. AIEE PAS, Vol. 81, Feb. 1963, p. 680. N. R a m a r a o , P.A.D. Jyothirao, "Rerating factors of poly-phase induction motors under unbalanced line voltage conditions" Trans. IEEE PAS, Vol. 07, No. 1, Jan. 1963, p. 240. C.F. W a g n e r , R.D. Evans, " Svmmetrical comDonents a D D l i e d t o t h e a n a l v s i s of unbalanced electrical circuits, (book) Mc Graw-Hill. S.S. Rao, "ODtimization theorv applications", (book) Willey Eastern Limited, 1987.

Prof. S.S. Murthv was born in Karnataka in 1946. He received his B.E. degree from Bangalore University, M.Tech from IIT Bombay and Ph.D. degree from IIT- Delhi in 1967, 1969 and 1974, respectively. He was at BITS Pilani during 1969-70 and has been at IIT Delhi since 1970 where he is a p r o f e s s o r w i t h t h e Department of E l e c t r i c a l e n g i n e e r i n g . h e w a s a v i s i t i n g staff at t h e University of new Castle Upon Tyne during 1975-76 and at the University of Calgary during 1980-82. He has held the post of Director at Electrical Research and Development Association (ERDA), Baroda (India) during 1990-92. He has published a large number of papers and has edited two laboratory manuals. He is a Senior Member of IEEE, Fellow of the Institute of Engineers (India) and a life Member of the Indian society for Technical Education. His areas of interest include electrical machines and drives, efficient electrical utilization and engineering education. Prof. B.P. Sinah was born in Singhiya, in 1940. He received his B.Sc. (Engg.) degree in 1963 from BITS, Sindri, ME in Electrical Engg. in 1966 from Calcutta University and Phd. in 1974 from IIT Delhi. He was a Senior Fellow at BE College, Howrah (1963-1966) and after serving MIT Muzaffarpur as a faculty member over a decade (1966-78), he joined IIT Delhi in 1978, where he is a Professor with the Dept. of Electrical Engg. He was a visiting Professor at California State University, Long Beach during 1988-1990. H e is a Senior Member of IEEE, Fellow of the Institute of Engineers (India) and a life Member of the Indian society for Technical Education. His research interests are in design, analysis and control of electrical machines. Sinah, was born at Rahamapura in U.P. in 1956. H e received his B.E. degree from Roorkee University, and M.Tech and Ph.D. degree from IITDelhi in 1977, 1979 and 1983 respectively. From 1983 t o 1990 he was with the department of electrical engineering, University of Roorkee. At present he is A s s i s t a n t P r o f e s s o r at I n d i a n Institute of Technology, Delhi. He has over 6 0 papers to his credits in the field of CAD, Power Electronics and Analysis and Control O f Electrical Machines.

A = Rt2+4Rr2-4RtRr+Xt2-6Vab2Rr/Pin

Dr. Bhim

B = -4Rt2-16Rr2+16RtRr-4Xt2+24Vab2R,/Pin
C = 4Rt2+24Rr2-20RtRr+4Xt2-30Vab2Rr/Pin

D = -16Rr2+8RtRr+12Vab2Rr/Pin E = 4Rr2


A. H. Ghorashi was born in Kashan, I r a n in 1957. H e r e c e i v e d h i s B.Tech and M.E. degrees in electrical engineering from India. Presently he is working towards his Ph.D. degree in the department of electrical engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi. His area of interest include, nonconventional energy systems (wind, wave, etc.), computer aided modeling and simulation of electrical machines and multi-phase transmission of power.

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