Aliens Must Apply For 2 Work Permits

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Aliens must apply for 2 work permits

Philippine Daily Inquirer5:03 am | Monday !anuary 2"th 20#$ MA%I&A Philippines'(orei)ners with pendin) employment *isa appli+ations are still required to se+ure a pro*isional workin) permit ,P-P. from the /ureau of Immi)ration0 1his was announ+ed 2y &a2or 3e+retary 4osalinda /aldo5 who instru+ted all Department of &a2or and 6mployment re)ional offi+es to remind forei)n nationals in their areas who had started workin) for lo+al entities to se+ure P-Ps e*en while their appli+ations for an Alien 6mployment Permit or employment *isa were still 2ein) pro+essed0 6arlier Immi)ration 7ommissioner 3ie)fred Mison issued 8peration 8rder 20#390#: the 4ules on Pro*isional -orkin) Permit emphasi5in) the need for forei)n workers to se+ure P-Ps0 1he P-P shall 2e *alid for three months or until a workin) ,+ommer+ial. *isa has 2een issued in fa*or of the appli+ant whi+he*er +omes first0'Tina G. Santos 4ead more: http:;;)lo2alnation0inquirer0net;:"<0#;aliens9must9apply9for929work9 permits=i>552tqf%!!?2@ (ollow us: Ainquirerdotnet on 1witter@ | inquirerdotnet on (a+e2ook@

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