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Composite Geometry

p. 524 #2
By Robert C Gonzalez
CE Instructor, San Antonio College
Two basic types of problems
 “End to end”
 “Door with window”

In general,
 Addition is used for “end to end” problems.

 Subtraction is used for “door with window”

“End to End” problems
 What basic shapes
make up the composite

 The shape to the right

is a triangle placed end
to end with a rectangle.
How to solve
 Find the area of the
 Find the area of the
 Add the areas of both
shapes together.
**Be sure to use the
proper formulas!**
“Door with Window” problems
 What basic shapes make
up this composite figure?
 The shape is a large
rectangle that has a small
rectangle on top.
 It looks like a door with a
 If you were going to paint
the door you must not paint
over the window!
How to solve
 The small rectangle is
like a window that you
cannot paint over.
 Find the area of the big
 Find the area of the
little rectangle.
 Subtract the two areas
to find the area without
the window.

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