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BBA 1ST Course Outlines

Course Objectives: To enable students to understand the basic rules of

Grammar. To enable them to generate ideas and translate them to their speech and writing. To familiarize students with vocabulary and structures used in day-to-day formal interaction. Contents: arts of !peech

"ouns and the #se of $rticles $djectives %erbs $dverbs !entence !tructure Tenses and their #se Types of !entences and the use of Conjunctions Condationals:Three types unctuation

&riting 'ffective !entences The &riting rocess &riting aragraphs repositions

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BBA 1ST Course Outlines

%oice and their use 0irect and )ndirect "arrations (ecommended *oo4s: ,urphy5(aymond 6377895 'nglish Grammar in #se5:nd 'dition Cambridge:Cambridge #niversity ress. Thomson5$.2.and ,artinet $.%. 637;<9 $ ractical 'nglish Grammar58th 'dition5O=ford:#niversity ress. *ergman C.$. and !enn 2.$. 637;>9 .eath Grammar and Composition.)ntroductory course5-e=ington5Toronto: 0.C. .eath and Company.

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