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Unit 1 *rime and .aw Session/conte!t 0hy do people et in trouble with the law/ "e# Ski$$s conduct a survey of attitudes towards the police drawin conclusion from their findin s and su estin ways of dealin with any issues that may arise. "e# %or&s *rime!2ffence!3ule!law!$p 4$ember of %arliament5. DATE 1th + 12th 2ctober 2(12

Lesson O'(ectives6 1# &o understand that preventin crime can be a challen e. 2# &o write a letter or email to a relevant politician concernin why people et in trouble with the law. Lesson Outcomes 1# 7nderstood the challen e of preventin crime. 2# Identified three reasons that people et in trouble -# with the law

Timing 15mins Starter

Activities 1. Attendance session. 2. Give students a copy of the In trouble with the law sheet and ask them to note down around the ima e what this youn person could have done to be in trouble with the police! e shopliftin . "tudents will most likely have listed crimes. .

Resources/Differenti ation #"preadsheet #$oral book #%en #Ideas #%%&

'( mins

actvity Main

1. Give out the Go to )ail tar et and the *auses of *rime cards to each roup or pair. Ask students to place the cards on the tar et + the more likely reasons for youn people ettin into trouble with the law should o nearer to the bulls eye. 2. ,iscuss with them. Ask 1# Is it easy to prevent crime/ 0hy/ 2# 0hat would you do to reduce crime if you were the overnment/

#%%& #Idea #$oral book # A- paper. #%en flash cards



#$oral book #"tationaries. #Idea

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