Audit Assignment1

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Question Identify a problem posed by any one industry representative through an interview published in newspaper or trade press.

Convert that problem into one or many business research questions and propose a research design to find possible solutions. The report shall be one A4 page, 12 font and single spaced. Response Article Title Dated Link to Article Narayana Murthy not 'very happy' with Infosys' performance over last two years 12 Mar, 2014, 04.37PM IST entofinterest&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=cppst

Derived Research Question What can Infosys do to increase its profit margins? Suggestions Infosys should look at more ways to reduce costs and boost margins. Infosys needs at least 5-6 good quarters of order-booking to bring back more predictability in business. The demand environment has certainly improved, US is looking much better than Europe right now. Financial services deals are very price-competitive. Infosys should look at acquisitions to increase its presence in other sectors like healthcare. Infosys should look into its cost structure and find out the potential to reduce onsite and move more work offshore. Infosys should depart from its long-held tradition of maintaining superior margins. Infosys should focus on growth while keeping the margin profits in narrow band. A number of organizational changes is necessary including CEO and CFO positions. An immediate wage hike for employees should improve morale and reduce attrition of quality workers, and that should ultimately be good for margins (paying them more hurts margins, but having to constantly higher and train new workers hurts even more). Likewise, approaching clients to figure out how they can better serve their needs is a common sense move that should pay off in better retention. Infosys must focus on driving sales effectiveness on a priority before it starts getting marginalized in key accounts. It is easier to get back your margins when you are growing well.

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