Instructions Python Project

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Assignment Requirements This assignment is about functions.

All exercises must use main() and at least one other function. For the exercises that output floating point numbers, use the format() function to limit the display of decimals to at most 3 places. In exercises that must output currency, you should display a $ sign and 2 decimal places.

Create a folder on your computer named chapter3. In this folder, write Python programs to solve the Programming Exercises 1, 5, and 6 (see below). Name the programs,, and Plan each program by writing pseudocode. Write all lines of your pseudocode as comments immediately after your name. Add more comments as needed in each program to explain what your code is doing. Choose descriptive variable names in all programs. When done, right-click on your chapter3 folder and select "Send to" --> "Compressed (zipped) folder". This will make

1. Kilometer Converter Write a program that asks the user to enter a distance in kilometers, and then converts that distance to miles. The conversion formula is as follows: Miles = Kilometers x 0.6214 5. Property Tax A county collects property taxes on the assessment value of property, which is 60 percent of the propertys actual value. For example, if an acre of land is valued at $10,000, its assessment value is $6,000. The property tax is then 64 for each $100 of the assessment value. The tax for the acre assessed at $6,000 will be $38.40. Write a program that asks for the actual value of a piece of property and displays the assessment value and property tax.

6. Body Mass Index Write a program that calculates and displays a persons body mass index (BMI). The BMI is often used to determine whether a person is overweight or underweight for his or her height. A persons BMI is calculated with the following formula: BMI = weight x 703 / height where weight is measured in pounds and height is measured in inches.

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