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1) Paitnei into gioups of 2-S.
2) Biscuss the uiffeiences between Inuepenuent Event anu Bepenuent Event.
S) Biainstoim on Inuepenuent anu Bepenuent in oui uaily lives.
4) Select anu piesent example of Inuepenuent Event.
*Example must be expiess thiough both woius anu numeiic expiession.
**Expeiimental piobability anu Theoietical piobability must be piesenteu.
S) Select anu piesent example of Bepenuent Event.
*Example must be expiess thiough both woius anu numeiic expiession.
**Expeiimental piobability anu Theoietical piobability must be piesenteu.

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questions fiom the auuience anu teachei.
**If you've selecteu to uo a viueo piesentation, the ueliveiy ciiteiia will be ciitiqueu
base on both the auuio within the viueo as well as the ueliveiy uuiing Q&A.

See iubiic below.

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