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ENG 235: American Narrative Nonfiction Fall 2013

Your second essay will be a thesis-driven research paper that will explore an issue using the evidence of two of our texts/authors, such that you and, by extension, your reader will learn more about the larger issue and about each individual text, from joint consideration. The best papers will begin with questions you have about or for the author(s) and/or their subject matter, followed by a close mining of their work for answers. What questions have come up for you during class readings and discussions? This approach means that all points made in your paper should be backed up by evidence either from the text or from additional outside research. While your first essay drew on your personal experiences, your research paper should be more objective, approaching the chosen topic from a place of reason and research. That said, the same attention paid to language and creativity in your first essay should be applied to this paper. You are also welcome to bring in relevant personal experience to bolster your arguments (i.e dont be afraid to use the word I). Your essay should adhere to MLA style and must include a Works Cited section.

ENG 235: American Narrative Nonfiction Fall 2013

Essay #2: Steps Along the Way Introduction of Assignment & Drafting of Proposal Essay Proposal

Dates (deadlines in bold) Tuesday, 4/1 1-2 proposals due emailed to me in the body of an email by noon on Wednesday, 4/2 Then, please bring a print-out of your revised proposal to class, Thursday, 4/3 Thursday, 4/3 Email to Peer Review Partner at agreedupon time, Tuesday or Wednesday, 4/15 or 4/16 Thursday, 4/17 GROUP 1: First Draft of Essay #2 due to Dropbox by midnight, Sunday, 4/20 GROUP 2: First Draft of Essay #2 due to Dropbox by noon, Tuesday, 4/22 GROUP 3: First Draft of Essay #2 due to Dropbox by noon, Friday, 4/25 Tuesday, 4/22 (bring a hard-copy of your essay with my comments) Thursday, 4/24 (bring a hard-copy of your essay with my comments) Tuesday, 4/29 (bring a hard-copy of your essay with my comments) Send a copy of your essay to you group by the agreed-upon time. Thursday, 5/1 Due to my Dropbox account by midnight, Monday, 5/5

Organization: Creating Outlines & Narrative Arcs Peer Review Draft (complete draft of your essay) Peer Review Workshop Instructor Draft

Individual Conferences Individual Conferences Individual Conferences

Small-group Workshops Final Draft

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