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HRM DECISION SHEET Getit: Managing Sales force in Changing Times

The apprehension towards the functioning of the given solution seems an obvious occurrence in such a scenario where the market competition is tough and the sales team are languishing to get through the unpredicted situation. In such a case sticking a particular team with one type of task would make the situation more complex rather than solving it. If done so, every team will be concerned towards its own area of work and would be oblivious towards the job of other departments which would lead to a exposure of a only a part of the situation before a group of people, and as said that joining different pieces of elephant wont lead to the formation of a living elephant in the same way solving problems in bits and pieces wont lead to a solution when the solvers are unaware of the whole situation. So the possible would be to make the members rotate among the departments so that every member would have the knack of handling all the departments would also be aware of the pros and cons in handling a particular department. This would also not give a chance to any department to blame other department for non-functioning as the members have been in the shoes of the members of other departments. This would also lead to more proactive approach towards problem solving and would make all the departments face the situation in a holistic way rather than scapegoating or pinpointing any particular department.

Submitted by: Aakanksha Priyadarshini (34110)

Niyati Kumari(34132) Aditi Sharma(34113) Kritika (34130) Sayeree Das (34151)

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