Annotated Bib Rubric

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Annotated Bibliography Rubric

(Adapted from Purdues OWL 5 4

Name _________________________________
3 !ome sources chosen are rele$ant to the topic) &riter may need additional sources to complete research( !ome sources are from credible' scholarly materials !ome annotations may be too short or too long% Annotations ade-uately describe the source material' but lac+ insight /$aluation sometimes e*plains &hy the sources &ere chosen% demonstrates some understanding of the research process( /*planation begins to ans&er ho& the source helps you ans&er your research -uestion( 2 1 !ources are not rele$ant to researchers topic% !ources necessitate e*tensi$e additional research( !ources lac+ credibility !ources chosen are highly rele$ant to the topic% !ources add greatly to research potential% fe&' if any additional sources needed( All sources are from credible' scholarly materials

!ource !election " #redibility of !ources

Annotations) !ummary of !ource

,opic(s ' main points' &hy this source is uni-ue

Annotations succinctly and comprehensi$ely describe the source material% Annotations offer great insight into source material( /$aluation clearly e*plains &hy the sources &ere chosen% demonstrates a clear understanding of research process% offers insight into source /*planation pro$ides great detail about ho& the resource helps you define your problem' ma+e connections' dra& conclusions' offer solutions and ans&er your research -uestion(s ( All re-uired sources and source types( /ach source has a proper .LA citation(

.ost annotations are too short( Annotations do not describe the source material% annotations offer little insight( /$aluation does not e*plain &hy the sources &ere chosen% demonstrates no understanding of research process /*planation does not ade-uately e*plain &hy the source is useful to your research(

Annotations) /$aluation of !ource #redibility

Who is the author0 1ualifications0 What is the reputation of the organi2ation that published the source0 3n &hat &ay is the source scholarly0 3s the research ob4ecti$e0 Are the facts &ell5documented0

Annotations) /*planation of &hy the source

ad$ances your research(

Assignment #riteria
.in 6 !cholarly Research !tudies7Reports .in 8 Other !ubstanti$e !ources

956 sources are missing

.ore than 6 sources are missing =ery fe& sources ha$e a proper .LA citation% =ery fe& citations are complete( /rrors distract the reader' to the e*tent the meaning is unclear(

#itation :ormatting' ;rammar " Proofing)

:ollo& .LA :ormatting( <ont do silly things li+e =irtually free from mechanical' bullet point your sources( grammatical' punctuation' and
spelling errors(

!ome sources ha$e proper .LA citation% !ome citations are complete( !ome significant errors are present' but the o$erall meaning is clear(

Total Points _______

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