2014-04-01 Moreland Commission - Follow-Up E-Mail Re Pitta Bishop USAO

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From: Subject: Date: To:

Louis Flores <lores22@gmail.com> Re: Follow-Up : Referral to Moreland Commission : The Advance Group 1 avril 2014 10:12:03 UTC-04:00 NYAG.Pressofce@ag.ny.gov, comments@moreland.ny.gov, kr@kathleenrice.com, press.ofce@exec.ny.gov, rb34@columbia.edu, ecorngold@fklaw.com, lliebman@law.columbia.edu, mutua@buffalo.edu, benito.romano@freshelds.com, betty.ellerin@alston.com, Peter.Zimroth@aporter.com Cc: jcolvin@observer.com, powellm@nytimes.com, Chris Bragg <cbragg@crainsnewyork.com>, Erik Engquist <eengquist@crainsnewyork.com>

Ladies and Gentlemen : After discouraging news reports indicating that the Moreland Commission is being disbanded by Gov. Andrew Cuomo, even though there's still so many unfinished investigations, I will let the U.S. Attorney's Office know that they are back to being the only ones left to investigate the allegations of public corruption in the complaint that I had referred to you. Reports of the corruptive role of politically-connected donors and lobbyists receiving unfair and possibly corrupt access to elected officials continue to be published by the mainstream media involving the individuals and lobbying firms named in my complaint : http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/exclusive-melissa-mark-viverito-campaign-consulting-firm-lobbies-article-1.1741068 Although the lobbying firm, Pitta Bishop, identified in today's article in The New York Daily News, was not the focus of my complaint, reference to some of their activities can be found in paragraphs 5, 6, 7, 15, and 28 of my statement. Let's hope that the honorable officers of the court for the Southern District don't agree to be disbanded, otherwise we'll really be in trouble. Louis Flores NYC : News & Analysis lflores22@gmail.com 1 (646) 400-1168 On 8 mars 2014, at 16:54, Louis Flores wrote:

Ladies and Gentlemen : Here is my latest blog post questioning the latest media report, which indicates that city campaign regulators are investigating the electioneering work by The Advance Group in connection with NY-CLASS. http://ny-popculture-politics.blogspot.com/2014/03/Scott-Levenson-NY-CLASS-Citizens-United-Super-PAC-Investigation-Update.html In my blog post, I point out that, as an apparent reward for Mr. Levenson's and NY-CLASS's crucial support, the mayor attended a fundraiser for NY-CLASS, an event which was closed to the press. Meanwhile, Speaker Mark-Viverito, who benefitted from free lobbying work provided to her by The Advance Group, has expressed support for enacting legislation sought by each of Mr. Levenson and NY-CLASS. This cross-support has all the appearance of a quid pro quo. Since the board members of the Campaign Finance Board are selected by both the mayor and the Council speaker, how can city campaign regulators conduct a truly independent investigation of the controversies surrounding Mr. Levenson, who likes to accept responsibly for each of Mayor de Blasio's primary win over former Council Speaker Christine Quinn and for Ms. Mark-Viverito's selection as Council speaker over Councilmember Daniel Garodnick ? I would appreciate receiving word that the Moreland Commission is reviewing this matter for investigation of possible public corruption. Separately, as members of the Moreland Commission advocate for a form of a public campaign finance system for New York State, I respectfully request that you please consider how the New York City campaign finance system that incorporates public matching dollars can still be gamed, or at least how it appears it was gamed by The Advance Group and NY-CLASS. What good is having a public matching dollar system, if there is no effective oversight to ensure that there is integrity in the system ? Look at how, in the case of the New York City Council speaker race, one candidate advised by The Advance Group jurisdiction-shopped for a campaign account between choices of New York City and Albany, to find loopholes that were exploitable. http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20140115/BLOGS04/140119914/mark-viverito-spent-big-on-speaker-race - and http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/mark-viverito-lobbying-firm-tie-revealed-finance-report-article-1.1581432 I look forward to your reply. Louis Flores NYC : News & Analysis lflores22@gmail.com 1 (646) 400-1168

On 3 fvr. 2014, at 18:31, Louis Flores wrote: Subject : Campaign Finance Questions Continue To Pile Up For The Advance Group

Ladies and Gentlemen : As a follow-up to my e-mail from two weeks ago, a new report published today shows that there was an overlap of a lobbying contract between The Advance Group and a real estate company connected to City Council candidate Igor Oberman at the same time when The Advance Group provided campaign consulting services to Mr. Oberman. According to the Crains Insider report, "The overlap raises the question of whether any of the building's lobbying money was in any way connected with [Mr. Oberman's] campaign, which had a spending limit of $167,000." Link : http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20140203/BLOGS04/140209983/city-lawyer-used-office-for-politics-probe-finds The date of the Department of Investigations report is August 23, 2013, but we are only finding out about these allegations today. Crains Insider, The New York Observer, and The New York Times continue to publish news reports about The Advance Group that are either triggering investigations or shedding new light on existing investigations. As indicated in my statement to the U.S. Attorney's Office, the board members of the city's Campaign Finance Board and the Conflicts of Interest Board are appointed by the mayor, the Council speaker, or a combination of both. Last week, the editor of City & State published an editorial column raising questions about how independent the city's Department of Investigations could be in investigating the new mayor's administration. Link : http://www.cityandstateny.com/shadow-of-a-doubt/ Since both the mayor and the Council speaker have close ties with The Advance Group, it's not clear how any of the CFB, the COIB, or the DOI could independently lead an investigation that involves The Advance Group. I respectfully request that the members of the Moreland Commission please look into how conflicts of interest such as these could possibly enable public corruption in the city's campaign finance system. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you kindly. Best regards, -- Louis Louis Flores lflores22@gmail.com 1 (646) 400-1168

Begin forwarded message: From: Louis Flores <lflores22@gmail.com> Subject: Referral to Moreland Commission : The Advance Group Date: 22 janvier 2014 13:45:05 UTC-05:00 To: NYAG.Pressoffice@ag.ny.gov, comments@moreland.ny.gov, kr@kathleenrice.com, press.office@exec.ny.gov, rb34@columbia.edu, ecorngold@fklaw.com, lliebman@law.columbia.edu, mutua@buffalo.edu, benito.romano@freshfields.com, betty.ellerin@alston.com, Peter.Zimroth@aporter.com Bcc: Louis Flores <lflores22@gmail.com>, Louis Flores <louisflores@louisflores.com> Ladies and Gentlemen : Please excuse this direct contact. There is no way to submit documents through the Moreland Commission Web site. It would be helpful if people had a way to share documents about possible corruption with the Commission, but I couldn't find any. I tried contacting Ms. Rice's office in Nassau County, but I was referred to the TIPS hotline. I filed a complaint against the lobbying and campaign consulting firm, The Advance Group, with the U.S. Attorney's Office. In the age of Citizens United, I urge the members of the Commission to please take a look at the corruptive influence of money and lobbyists in politics, as it played out in the most recent New York City municipal elections. For your review and consideration, attached is the complaint I filed regarding The Advance Group.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you kindly. Best regards, -- Louis Louis Flores lflores22@gmail.com 1 (646) 400-1168 <2014-01-20 The Advance Group USAO SDNY Civilian Crime Report.pdf>

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