Config AD Mercante

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; DCPROMO unattend file (automatically generated by dcpromo) ; Usage: ; dcpromo.exe /unattend:C:\Users\Administrador\Documents\Config AD Mercante.

tx t ; [DCInstall] ; New forest promotion ReplicaOrNewDomain=Domain NewDomain=Forest NewDomainDNSName=mercante.local ForestLevel=2 DomainNetbiosName=MERCANTE DomainLevel=2 InstallDNS=Yes ConfirmGc=Yes CreateDNSDelegation=No DatabasePath="C:\Windows\NTDS" LogPath="C:\Windows\NTDS" SYSVOLPath="C:\Windows\SYSVOL" ; Set SafeModeAdminPassword to the correct value prior to using the unattend fil e SafeModeAdminPassword= P@ssw0rd ; Run-time flags (optional) ; RebootOnCompletion=Yes

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