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6th Grade Test

Name: Date: 1. Answer the questions: 1. Can you ride a bike? 2. Can you swim? 3. Can you play football? 4. Can you speak Spanish? 5. Can you sing? 2. Write the short form: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. #. %. &. I am !ou are "e is She is It is $e are !ou are 'hey are

3. Make each sentence present continuous: 1. (ark studies )nglish. 2. It rains today. 3. (y mom *ooks lun*h now. 4. 'hey wat*h '+. 5. $e play basketball. . !han"e each sentence to present continuous negative: 1. 'he students are doing their homework now. 2. ,t the moment we are listening to musi*. 3. -ow the tea*her is speaking loudly. 4. (y dog is running after the *at now.

5. 'his minute my brother is riding his bike. #. $se always, usually, often, sometimes% or never to com&'ete each sentence: 1. I ......... whistle in *lass. 2. $e .......... walk to s*hool. 3. I .......... do my homework. 4. .......... I drink *oke. 5. ........... it snows in winter. #. (y mother .......... *ooks dinner. %. (y father .......... *leans the house. &. ,fter s*hool I .......... play outside. /. ........... I listen to musi* before bed. 10. 1uring the summer kids .......... swim in the ri2er. 6. Write T for true and F for fa'se ne(t to each sentence: 1. It3s 2ery hot in winter. ..... 2. 'he weather is *old during summer. ..... 3. Sometimes it is i*y in winter. ..... 4. In the fall the weather is windy. ..... 5. 'his winter the weather is *loudy. ..... #. 1uring spring it is ne2er sunny. ...... %. In spring it is usually *ool. ..... &. It ne2er rains in +ratni*a. ..... /. It3s 2ery *old when the temperature is 4ero degrees Celsius. ..... 10. -ow the weather is 2ery *old. ..... ). Write a present simple sentence or a present continuous sentence from the words *e'ow: 1. (y sister 5 eat 5 a sandwi*h now. 2. 'he *hildren 5 play 5 in the snow e2ery winter. 3. $e 5 run 5 to s*hool e2ery morning. 4. I 5 drink 5 water from the fountain now. 5. "e 5 listen 5 to the tea*her at this moment.

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