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For Teachers

IPPD Guide Meaning and Purpose of IPPD Guiding Principles Roles and Responsibilities of TDWG Process Flow TDN !WG "tart!up Meeting #rientation and cco$plis%$ent of IPPD "ession Guide 'o$pletion of IPPD Profor$a Monitoring of IPPD "elf!Monitoring of t%e IPPD Monitoring and *+aluation of t%e IPPD and #utputs References


1 1 2 3 3 & & ( ) ) ) , 12 13 1& 1( 1) 112 26 21

IPPD For$s January 2009 Directions for cco$plis%ing t%e IPPD Profor$a For$ . IPPD for Teac%ers For$ for "elf Monitoring '%ec/ "a$ple of cco$plis%ed IPPD for Teac%ers Monitoring and *+aluation of IPPD M0* Matri1 For$ 1. IPPD Process #bser+ation Guide For$ 2. *nd of IPPD Planning *+aluation For$ 3. Re+iew of t%e cco$plis%ed IPPD For$ &. Te$plate for "u$$ari3ing IPPD Goal4#b5ecti+es "a$ple of cco$plis%ed "u$$ar7 of IPPD Goal4#b5ecti+es

This document, Individual Plan for Professional Development (IPPD) Guide and Tools, was developed and validated through the AusAID-funded project T!I"# ( trengthening the $asic #ducation in the "isa%as), in coordination with the #DPITA& (#ducational Development Implementing Tas' &orce), and !egions "I, "II and "III, Divisions of (egros )ccidental, $ohol and (orthern amar, and in consultation with the T#DP-T*G (Teacher #ducation Development Program-Technical *or'ing Group)+


Meaning and Purpose of IPPD What is Professional Development? Professional development is the process of improving competencies and work performance through the provision of a wide range of opportunities for personal and professional growth in knowledge, skills and attitudes. In the education setting, it is a personal and professional growth process that necessarily integrates the goals of the individual professional with the goals of the school, division and region for better student outcomes. It is based on the nationally accepted standards for competencies specific to the profession. Professional Development activities range from independent study such as on-line learning, individual action research, personal or structured professional reading to supported learning such as school visits, peer review or peer observation with a colleague, mentoring and coaching to collective action such as getting involved in a professional organi!ation, conducting group research, or engaging in group studies, e.g. "earning #ction $ell % "#$& sessions and to formal programs such as on- site, face to face training, cluster level'school level learning communities, distance or on-line course study, and continuing formal education %e.g. graduate program&. Professional Development in the education system is most successful in an environment which promotes the goals of a school-based management with a strong leadership and support system. It is most likely to succeed when it is embedded in the vision, strategic plan and organi!ational structure of the school, division and region. (oreover, it must be guided by a purposeful and systematic planning through an I)DI*ID+#" P"#) ,-. P.-,/00I-)#" D/*/"-P(/)1 %IPPD&. What is an Individual Professional Development Plan %IPPD&? #n IPPD is a tool that serves as a guide for the professional2s continuous learning and development. 1he IPPD is structured such that every professional regularly and individually prepares, implements, monitors and updates the plan. It is based on the identified development needs revealed by the 1raining and Development )eeds #ssessment %1D)#& appropriate for the specific profession and is consistent with the priority development goals of the school, division and region. What is the purpose of accomplishing an IPPD? 1he IPPD is accomplished by the professionals, e.g. 0chool 3eads and 1eachers, to enable them chart their goals and plan learning activities that enhance their competencies in order for them to work better for the improvement of their school and learners2 performance. Developing a structured IPPD allows them to practice individual accountability for professional growth and shared responsibility for the entire organi!ation2s development. Guiding Principles In the process of developing an IPPD, certain considerations may serve as guiding principles4 5. 1he IPPD must be based on4 the mandated functions and competency standards for the profession results of training needs assessment priority development goals of the school, division and region 6. 1he IPPD goal focuses on improvement of school effectiveness and learning

7. 1he IPPD must adhere to the following 0(#.1 standards4 Specific and focused on learners and school priorities Measurable progress and accomplishments through a monitoring and evaluation scheme Attainable and results-oriented DepEd - IPPD Package: Guide

Relevant strategies appropriately connected to goals and ob8ectives Time-bound within targets but fle9ible to afford revisions and updates :. Development strategies adhere to the andragogical %adult learning& approach and methodology identified to be effective in the attainment of the IPPD goal and ob8ectives. ;. 1he IPPD process is 8ob-embedded, i.e. inherent to the practice of the profession, and a continuing course of action. Roles/ Responsibilities and Process flow 1he IPPD cycle takes off from the completion of the 1raining and Development )eeds #ssessment %1D)#& process. 1he Division 1<D +nit specifically the 1D)# Working group %1D)#W=& manages the implementation of the IPPD in all schools in the Division. 1he Division 1D)#W= and district supervisors'education supervisors are tasked to orient the 0chool 3eads in the development of their IPPD, who will in turn orient their teachers in completing their own. It is the responsibility of the individual 1eacher and 0chool 3ead to follow the instructions in completing the IPPD. 1here are specific steps in accomplishing the document and are e9plained in the accompanying IPPD ,orms. =enerally, the professional sets her'his goal, ob8ectives and identifies the professional activities to be undertaken. 1he target dates for accomplishing the ob8ectives, the strategies to be used, including possible resources and success indicators are pro8ected in the plan. 0ince this is a personal professional plan, it is the individual2s basic responsibility to monitor his'her IPPD and to make the necessary changes or initiate the review of the plan in consultation with the immediate head. # 0elf-monitoring check is provided in the IPPD ,orm and it is recommended to be completed midyear and at the end of the calendar year. 1he immediate head contributes to the development of the IPPD by providing inputs prior to the finali!ation of the plan. 3e'0he reviews the a plan to check for alignment of the ob8ectives to the priority improvement areas indicated in the 0IP'#IP. 3e'0he gives technical assistance during the progress of the IPPD implementation by providing and suggesting professional development opportunities. #ssistance is also given in reviewing the progress achieved at acceptable intervals and at the end of the IPPD cycle. 1he 0chool )$>10 $oordinator is tasked to develop a summary of the teachers2 accomplishments and their implications to the school2s priority improvement areas as indicated in the #IP. 1he Division 1D)#W= and 0upervisors have the responsibility of monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the IPPD for 0chool 3eads and 1eachers. (</ tools are provided for this purpose. 1he general process flow for the development of IPPD for 0chool 3eads and for 1eachers can be seen below.

DepEd - IPPD Package: Guide

IPPD Process Flow

Division Level:
SDS iss"es a Memorand"m to the Trainin& and Development 'T&D( TDNAWG to commence the development of IPPDs for SHs and Teachers) specifyin& amon& others) str"ct"re) f"nctions) and &eneral process) reso"rces and responsibilities T&D *hair convenes the Division TDNAWG and s"pervisors for the start$"p meetin& and preparatory activities for the IPPD TDNAWG provides technical assistance to and observe process of SHs and teachers IPPD implementation TDNAWG analyses M& !eports of S"pervisors and ma#e necessary recommendations to D DP D$TDNAWG s"bmits M& !eport to !$TDNAWG

District /Cluster Level:

S"pervisors convene and orient School Heads +ithin their respective districts, cl"sters and &"ide them to accomplish their IPPDs SHs develop their IPPDs and trac# their o+n pro&ress S"pervisors monitor IPPD implementation process S"pervisors provide technical assistance in SHs% self$ monitorin& their IPPDs% pro&ress1 S"pervisors s"mmari.e IPPD val"ation 2orm A of *l"ster SHs S"pervisors s"bmit SHs IPPD *l"ster Midyear and end year !eports to Division TDNAWG

School Level:
School Head &ives orientation to teachers on the development of the IPPD Teachers develop their IPPDs and trac# o+n pro&ress S"pervisor and SH monitor IPPD implementation process

School Head provides technical assistance in the teachers% self$ monitorin& their IPPDs pro&ress SH, N*-TS *oordinator s" accomplishments of teachers at year$end to inform the AIP ad/"stment on teacher development priorities for the ne0t year1 SH s"bmits to S"pervisors IPPD Midyear !eport

TDNAWG Start-up Meeting

+pon the issuance of a memorandum from the 0D0, the Division 1D)#W= $hair and members hold a 0tart-up (eeting with the 0upervisors in preparation for the -rientation and $ompletion of IPPD for 0chool 3eads and 1eachers. 1he meeting basically focuses on the following4 5. Walkthrough or study the IPPD =uide and the accompanying 1ools4 -,orm # for 1eachers -,orm > for 0chool 3eads 6. $larify the process flow of the IPPD implementation 7. 0tudy the supervisors2 roles and responsibilities in the implementation, monitoring and evaluation scheme and accompanying tools as an integral component of the IPPD :. Develop a plan for the field administration of the IPPD. 1his should consider4 -0chedule for the cluster'district implementation for 0chool 3eads and the succeeding school-based implementation for teachers - $oordinating the monitoring and evaluating the process - .eproducing the materials for field use - #dministrative tasks associated with the conduct of the IPPD e.g. writing of memos - Include in the memorandum the documents the participants should bring to the activity4 #IP, 1D)# individual results, class achievement, etc. ;. 0ummari!e the highlights of the day2s orientation. .eview the agreements that have been made for the administration of the IPPD. - /nsure 1D)#W= members and supervisors understand their roles and responsibilities.

DepEd - IPPD Package: Guide

Orientation #. Prior to the actual orientation and completion of the IPPD, it is advisable for the 1D)#W= and and the 0upervisors who are in-charge of the specific cluster or district to conduct a Accomplishpreliminary meeting with the groups of school heads and teachers, who will be asked to ment of IPPD

accomplish the IPPD. 1he purpose of the preliminary meeting is to make sure that the important documents needed in the IPPD completion such as the results of )$>10-10)#, 1D)# for 03s, are made available to the groups for better understanding of the information contained in the documents, e.g. own competency strengths and needs. 1he meeting could also be an opportunity for the groups to discuss the #IP priority needs for staff development and their school development goals.

>. 1he IPPD session is conducted first to the group of school heads. 1his is an orientation on the completion and implementation of IPPD for 0chool 3eads. 1he conduct of the orientation may be guided by the steps outlined below. 1he same steps are followed in the IPPD orientation for teachers conducted subse?uently by the 0chool 3eads with the support of the /0'P0D0. It is important to start on time and to observe effective time management as suggested below. 1he full session is 7 hours e9clusive of preliminary activities such as opening program, if any. Session Guide for t e !onduct of t e IPPD "rientation #$ rs%

DepEd - IPPD Package: Guide


DepEd - IPPD Package: Guide

DepEd - IPPD Package: Guide

War&-up '( &in) "b*ecti+es of t e session '( &in)

5. $onduct a brief introductory activity that provides an opportunity for participants to greet one another and feel comfortable working together. 6. Present the ob8ectives of the session. (ention that at the end of the session, the participants will4 be able to e9plain the meaning of professional development and identify a range of activities to address learning needs be able to state the purpose and focus of the IPPD have e9perienced the process of accomplishing an IPPD understand their e9pected roles and responsibilities in implementing the IPPD at the school level and at the Division'District level 7. ,or 0chool 3eads2, stress that they are e9pected to be able to conduct a similar orientation session %with the assistance of the )$>10 $oordinator and the /05'P0D0-in-charge& for their teachers in their own schools. ,acilitate an activity to elicit sharing of prior e9perience and knowledge on Professional Development. 1his may be done through the use of meta strips for participants2 responses to the following4 Write anything you know about Professional Development in one statement. $ite the most recent professional development activity attended. /9press how these activities have addressed your most urgent professional development needs. @uestion4 A 3ave you tried writing a professional development plan before?B /9plain the significance of a professional development plan in your own words. Process and synthesi!e the most significant responses of the participants. Discuss with the participants the key concepts to be learned4 Professional development is the process of improving competencies and work performance through participation in a range of activities which provide opportunities for growth in knowledge, skills and attitudes 1ypes of Professional Development activities include independent study supported learning collective action and formal programs #n IPPD is a tool that serves as a guide for the professional2s continuous learning and development. 1he IPPD is structured such that every professional regularly and individually prepares, implements, monitors and updates the plan. #n IPPD is a guide for teachers to enhance their ability to improve student learning and a plan for 0chool 3eads to enhance their leadership capacities in order to improve their school performance. #n IPPD is based on identified learning needs through a 1D)# and consistent with the educational needs of the school'division'region. It recogni!es the shared responsibility and individual accountability for professional growth. It considers profession- based standards e.g. )$>10 for 1eachers and 0chool "eadership $ompetencies for 0chool 3eads, as well as the 0chool Priority Improvement areas and student'pupil learning needs. 1here are certain guiding principles to consider in developing and implementing the IPPD %.efer to the guiding principles listed above&.

Acti+it, $( &in)


;. -e, !oncepts $( in) C.

!o&pletio n of t e


Introduce the IPPD 1ool and guide the participants in completing the IPPD..

IPPD E. )ote that there are separate sets of directions for accomplishing the 1ool for DepEd - IPPD Package: Guide Profor&a 1eachers %,orm #& and for 0chool 3eads %,orm >&. .( &in)
F. /9plain the steps one after another as described in the IPPD ,orm and illustrate each step by citing the sample cases and the 0ample of accomplished IPPD intended for the group. %0ee separate sample IPPDs for 1eacher and for 0chool 3ead.&

Monitoring of the IPPD

1he steps for both ,orms are basically the same as enumerated below. It is important for the facilitators to make sure that the group is focused on one step at a time. /ach step should be understood clearly before the participants are allowed to work on their own. It is also good to have volunteers to share their work as samples for others to learn from. ,acilitators and 1D)#W= should be able to guide individual participants closely. A. Self-Monitoring of the PLAN a. 0etting the =oal b. Deriving -b8ectives from the =oal c. Deciding on the Professional Development 0trategies 1he IPPD has to be implemented asPossible planned. During the implementation d. 1apping .esources%3uman and (aterial& phase, the teacher or the school head who e. accomplished the IPPD conducts a self-review to follow-up his'her 0etting the 1ime ,rame f. Identifying 0uccess Indicators own progress in implementing the plan, carefully looking at how the ob8ectives are being professional competency accomplished, and the timeframes -set in the IPPD. - school'learners2 performance

1he IPPD is a self-monitoring tool. It re?uires individual responsibility in keeping track of one2s 1he =oal formulation is the anchor for the the rest offrame the entries in the IPPD Proforma. It progress and5G. accomplishments at any point within time set for each ob8ective. 1he is therefore important for everyone to be able to properly set this at the onset before general rule is that the individual professional is the most responsible person for tracking proceeding to complete the IPPD. It might be good to ask one volunteer to share the her'his own growth. 3e'0he must keep in mind the professional competencies targeted to be goal formulated before moving on to the ne9t steps. enhanced. In the case of teachers, they may check their progress against the list of competencies listed in the )$>10-10)# 1ool. 55. When the group has completed the IPPD, ask a volunteer to share his'her output.
56. "et others e9press their insights gained from the activity.

,or 0chool 57. 3eads, they them may the "ist of 0chool 3eads Performance Indicators. $hallenge to use review their accomplishments and update their plans after a %Discussion and ?uarter understanding of 0elf-(onitoring the list of competencies for 0chool 3eads should be done through the $heck at the back of their IPPD Proforma. $losing during 5G min the preliminary meeting that is held prior to actual completion of the IPPD. It may also 5:. .emind the participants tocopy sign the commitment at the last page of the IPPD 1ool and be helpful for individual 03s to keep a of this list for regular reference such as in selfthank participants for their to active involvement. monitoring of IPPD.& It the is important for them determine whether the activities they have done so far have contributed to the enhancement of their competencies.

5;. 0upervisors collect the accomplished IPPD of 03s in their cluster. 0chool 3eads collect accomplished IPPD of their teachers. %1eachers2 IPPDs are supposed to be (onitoring has to be done regularly. 1he following 0elf-(onitoring $heck may be useful in reviewed by the 0chool 3eads with the assistance of Department 3eads'=rade monitoring the IPPD progress. 1his is alignment found at of the back of to the IPPD Proforma to be $oordinators to see the goal andsection ob8ectives the school priorities for accomplished at midyear and at the end of calendar year. improvement. 1he 03s2 IPPDs are reviewed by the 0upervisors to see the alignment of goal and ob8ectives to the Division'District priority goals.& #nnounce that the IPPDs Self-Monitoring Check(See chart below): will be returned to the owners after the review. #llow in-charge of (</ goal for IPPD administer the (</ your 1ool to the 5. #m I 5C. aware of the my /0-I'P0D0 professional development andto ob8ectives? %Write participants ob8ectives in the first column.&

6. What have I accomplished so far? %Write the activities you have done and the specific professional competencies that have been enhanced in the appropriate columns.&

5D. 1hank the participants for their participation and commitment.

Self-Monitoring ! art

DepEd - IPPD Package: Guide

"b*ecti+es Set

Ti&e of t e ,ear

Acco&plis &ents
Professional De+elop&ent Acti+ities Done Specific N!/TS/S101 !o&petencies en anced


/nd >. (id


$. (id


/) Monitoring and 0+aluation of t e IPPD Process and "utputs 5.1here are three areas that may be monitored and evaluated related to the IPPD. 1hese are %a& the process followed in accomplishing the IPPD and the level of collaboration between team members %b& 1eachers'03s perception of the e9tent they successfully completed the IPPD planning process and %c& the accomplished IPPD. 1here are (</ 1ools that have been prepared and are suggested to be used for each of these areas. 1he first two %,orms 5 and 6& are for the processes and the other two %,orms 7 and :& are for reviewing the accomplished IPPD. 1he 1ools and (</ (atri9 that shows information on what, how, who will be monitored, who will accomplish the tool and how results will be used are found in the latter section of this document.


Dep D-S!"#$ !raining and Development Systems %ramework& $olume '( )**+ , -M (,asic ducation -ssistance for Mindanao)& !eachers. /erformance and %ramework& )**0 Development

#1S ! Mechanism Manual& S D#/ (Secondary ducation Development #mplementation /ro2ect) Steps to Developing a /ersonal /rofessional Development /lan( isenhower 1ational Clearinghouse ( SC) and the 1ational Staff Development Council (1SDC)3 www(enc(org4pdguide 5uidelines for "eviewing& -pproving& and ndorsing #ndividual /rofessional Development /lans& Massachusetts Dept of lementary and Secondary ducation3 www(mass(gov

DepEd - IPPD Package: Guide



Directions for Acco&plis ing t e IPPD Profor&a

Preli&inar, Meeting Prior to the actual completion of the IPPD, it is advisable to conduct a preliminary meeting where your group is given the opportunity to study and discuss information from the documents and reports pertinent to your school and professional needs. 1he following documents will be needed for your study4 %5& Individual )$>10-10)# result accompanied by a copy of the )$>10-10)# 1ool or any document that contains the list of domains, strands, performance indicators and H0#s, %6& 1he portion of the #IP on Priority Improvement #reas, %7& #ny official records available that give information about your learners2 performance and learning needs %e.g. achievement test results, class records, /(I0, ,orm 5& Setting t e Goal .ead the instructions carefully and provide the information needed in accomplishing the IPPD. =uided by the steps below and based on the information you have studied during the preliminary meeting, write the information needed in the charts below. 1hese will help you formulate your =-#" for professional development. Iou will need to complete the IPPD Proforma where you will write the goal you have formulated. Iou will also fill up the appropriate columns4 %I& "earning ob8ectives, %II& 0trategies,%III& .esources, %I*& 1imeframe, and %*& 0uccess indicators. 2or&ulating t e Goal 1o formulate your goal, focus on enhancing your teaching and learning to improve student outcomes by reviewing the following4 #. Individual )$>10 J 10)# result 5. $onsider the scores in each of the seven domains, strands and I$1 6. Inspect the graph2s bars indicating your highest and lowest results 7. >ased on the review of your 10)# results write the information needed on the chart below. (6rite the strands in full te7t() Strengths (-t least 8 strands that you think you are most competent)

/rofessional Development 1eeds (-t least 8 strands that you think you need to enhance most)

>. 0chool Priority Improvement #reas contained in the #IP 5. ,ocus on the @uality and .elevance section 6. 0tudy the priority needs for 0taff Development and $urriculum Implementation < Instructional Delivery 7. Determine whether your professional need%s& is'are related to your school2s priority needs in these areas. :. >ased on your review of the 0chool Priority Improvement #rea write the information needed in the chart below.

My school.s priority for staff IPPD Package: Form A for Teachers

development My school.s priority for curriculum implementation 9 instructional delivery

-re my professional development needs related to any of my school.s priority improvement areas:



$. 0tudent'Pupil learning needs 5.,ocus on the @uality and .elevance section of the #IP. 6.0tudy the priority improvement area on "earners2 Performance. 7."ook at the area on Performance Indicators %i.e. drop-out rate, failure rate&. :. Determine your own learners2 achievement results based on any available

;.>ased on your review of student'pupil learning needs write the information needed in the chart below. My school.s priority improvement need based on learners. performance (Copy from the -#/) My school.s priority improvement need for learners based on performance indicators (Copy from the -#/) My class learners. needs in relation to the sub2ects4grade # am teaching D. #fter analy!ing the information from the three sources %$hart # to $&, reflect and identify the $-(P/1/)$I/0 I-+ )//D 1- /)3#)$/ (-01 in consideration of how you will address the priority needs of your learners and improvement priorities of your school. +se the information you have written in the charts above in stating your goal. Study the following e7ample of a !eacher.s 5oal: Professional Development =oal4 1o enhance my teaching competencies in providing learning activities for diverse learners and to use community resources to improve my learners2 academic performance in 0cience. (#n the e7ample& the !1- result of the teacher showed that her urgent need for development was related to Domain 8 Diversity of =earners and Domain 0 Community =inkages( !he school.s priority for staff development are focused on enhancing skills of teachers in ensuring learning in the classsroom has relevant application to demands of the community( Moreover& being a Science teacher& her focus was to improve the very low M/S of her students in Science .& #"0- refer to the 0ample of accomplished IPPD distributed to you. /. )ow, write your Professional Development =-#" in the appropriate bo9 on the IPPD Proforma. I) Deri+ing "b*ecti+es fro& t e Goal

In formulating ob8ectives, it is foremost to consider the competencies you should develop to help achieve your goal as revealed by your )$>10-1)# result. In the same e9ample above regarding the 0cience teacher, the ob8ectives that may be derived from the goal set are as follows4

-b8ectives4 #. 1o improve my competencies in using varied strategies in teaching diverse learners >. 1o gain more content knowledge and skills in 0cience teaching $. 1o ac?uire knowledge and skills in providing learning activities that respond to demands IPPD Package: Form A for Teachers

of the community II) Deciding on t e Professional De+elop&ent Met ods/Strategies 1o help you achieve your ob8ectives, there is a need to choose carefully appropriate methods'strategies. Iou may take note of the following considerations. It may be helpful also if you know the types of development strategies such as the ones below. It is important, however to write more specific professional activities you intend to engage in to achieve your ob8ectives. /9amples are4 A#ttend a District training on (ultiple IntelligenceB A0urfing reading materials on 0cience teaching in the internetB 5. Independent action - -nline training "earning a new technology $onduct of an action research %individual& 0tructured professional reading Personal professional reading 6. 0upported action 0chool visits Peer review or peer observation %$ritical friend'partner& (entoring'$oaching 7. $ollective action Involvement in a professional organi!ation $onduct of an action research %group& =roup studies or learning $ircles %e.g. "#$'"/#P sessions& :. ,ormal program -n site face to face training $luster level'school level learning communities Distance or -nline 0tudy Division or district face to face training $ontinuing formal education %e.g. graduate studies& III) Tapping Possible Resources 1here are possible resources that you may tap to support your professional development as listed below4 -( >uman "esource Iou may have potential mentors right beside you 8ust waiting to share their talent and time. 1hese are your co-teachers who have 01./)=130 in certain domains or strands who can assist you in areas you need to enhance. Iou may also be a Peer #dviser on competencies you identified earlier as your strengths. Iour 0chool 3ead, Department 3ead, or colleague may have the capacity to help you learn the needed knowledge or skill. 3uman resources may also be available in other schools or at the division offices or from the community who can share their e9pertise to assist you in attaining your learning ob8ectives. It is advisable to specify the Person%s&2 names when you write them in the appropriate IPPD column. ,( Material "esource (aterial resource may include Professional Development (odules that can be availed at the Divison or District -ffice, 1eachers 0ourcebooks available from ,oreign-,unded Pro8ects in your school or nearby school, 1raining packages containing lesson guides may also be helpful to help you learn and enhance your H0#s. 1eaching (aterials that may be downloaded from the Internet can help you enhance your teaching competencies. Iou may have to learn to use technology in the classroom especially if this is available in your school or district. C( =ogistics ,unding for training and development is not always easy to find. 3owever, if you know the IPPD Package: Form A for Teachers


sources to tap in your community, you may try doing so in collaboration with your teachers2 group and 0chool 3ead. I3) Setting t e Ti&e-2ra&e 1he IPPD time frame is for a period of one schoolyear. 1his may coincide with the development of the school2s #IP. 1he time frame you will set for yourself actually depends on your determination, and commitment to do something about your goal based on the urgent and prioriti!ed development needs. What is important in setting the time frame is that it is realistic and doable. 1he dates you will write in your IPPD should be like a clock with an alarm to remind you of your responsibility for yourself and your learners. 3) Identif,ing Success Indicators 1here are two columns for success indicators4 %5& 0uccess indicators for enhanced teaching competence, and %6& Indicators for improved learners2 performance. ,or the first, you may think of the )$>10 competencies that you would have enhanced as a result of the professional development activities you will engage in. ,or the second, think of the learners2 performance that will be improved as a result of your enhanced competencies.

SelfMonitoring of t e IPPD

1his IPPD is a self-monitoring tool. It allows you to be responsible in keeping track of your own progress and accomplishments at any point within the time frame you have set for each ob8ective. 1he general rule is that you are responsible for tracking your growth. Iou have to monitor your progress regularly. Heep in mind the professional competencies you have targetted to enhance. Iou may refer to the list of competencies listed in the )$>10-10)# 1ool. Determine whether the activities you have done so far have contributed to the enhancement of your competencies. (onitoring has to be done regularly. 1he 0elf-(onitoring $heck may be useful in monitoring your IPPD progress. 1his tool is found at the back section of the IPPD Proforma and is to be accomplished midyear and at the end of the calendar year.

IPPD Package: Form A for Teachers


7. #m I always conscious of my professional development goal and ob8ectives? %Write your ob8ectives in the firstPLAN column.&FOR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT TEACHER'S INDIVIDUAL :. What have I accomplished so far? School Year : __________ %Write activities you have done and the specific )$>10 competencies that have been Position3 Name of Teacher: enhanced in the appropriate columns.& Division School: District: Ti&e "b*ecti+es Set Acco&plis &ents

SelfMonitoring ! ec4

Self-Monitoring ! ec4 #To be co&pleted at &id ,ear and end of calendar ,ear %


Pro e!!"o#al De$elo%&e#' (oal:


of t e ,ear

Professional De+elop&ent Acti+ities Done

Specific N!/TS !o&petencies en anced #Strands%

(What competencies will I enhance?) A1 >.

(id Me'ho+!,S'ra'e-"e! (What professional activities will I undertake to achieve my objective? /nd

(What will I do to access resources?)

T"&e Fra&e
(When do I expect to have accomplished the activities?)


What NC !" competencie would I have enhanced?

(id -1 /nd


$. (id


Reviewed: !o&&it&ent Name and Designation

Committed to Implement: Name of Teacher I am a Professional 1eacher. I am responsible for my personal and professional growth. 3enceforth, I commit my best to attain the goal and ob8ectives I have set hereunto for my professional development, not only for my benefit but also for my school2s improvement and most of all, for my learners2 progress. 0ignature4KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK Date4 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK !eacher #ttested to4 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKDate4 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK /eer #dvised >y4 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKDate4 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK School >ead

IPPD Package: Form A for Teachers


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School Year : __/0012/003
Name of Teacher: School: Liza B. rado District:

T!gatog "igh School

Pro e!!"o#al De$elo%&e#' (oal: O)*ec'"$e!

(What competencies will I enhance?)

Division To enhance my teachin& competencies in providin& learnin& activities for diverse learners and to " improve my learners% academic performance in Science1

(What professional activities will I undertake to achieve my objective?

(What will I do to access resources?)

T"&e Fra&e
(When do I expect to have accomplished the activities?)


What NC !" competencie would I have enhanced?

Attend district trainin& pro&ram on A1 To improve my competencies in M"ltiple intelli&ences "sin& varied strate&ies in teachin& diverse learners 5n$line st"dy abo"t MI Attend trainin& on Science *ontent in Division Attend Short$term co"rse Attend <A* Session to st"dy Dep D di&ital lessons in Science for HS *1 To ac;"ire #no+led&e and s#ills in providin& learnin& activities that respond to demands of the comm"nity n&a&e in comm"nity pro/ects
Professional !eadin&s on connectin& classroom activities to comm"nity development

!e&ister in the District,cl"ster trainin& on MI S"rf Internet lesson &"ides on MI !e;"est INS T 2"nds) S 2 Scholarship Grants from <G=) Dep d !e;"est Master Teachers,DSS as reso"rce persons <oo# for available NG5 pro/
!esearch in <ibrary <G= centrs

5ctober 6778) Semestral -rea# 5nce a +ee# 6nd Semester S"mmer INS T 677>? Sat"rday classes 6nd Semester Monthly from Sept$ 2eb 4st 6 Sat"rdays of 5ctober
5ctober -rea# 6778

9no+led&e and S#ills in teachin& for diverse learner 'Strand :14(

-1 To &ain more content #no+led&e and s#ills in Science teachin&

Increased *ompetencies in mastery of the content and s#ills in teachin& Science 'Strands @14& @1@( Increased Teacher Proficiency !es"lt in Science 'Strand @14( nhanced competencies in establishin& learnin& environment cond"cive to comm"nity aspirations 'Strand A14(

Reviewed #$: Name and

Dina Z. Gracia
Dina %. &racia' rincipal II

Committed to Implement: Name of Teacher


Monitorin and E!al"ation #or IPPD

What will be monitored 41 The process follo+ed in accomplishin& a IPPD and the level of collaboration bet+een team members 61 Teachers,SHs perception of the e0tent they s"ccessf"lly completed the IPPD plannin& process How it will be monitored A process observations +ill be completed Instrument to be used 2orm 43 IPPD Process 5bservation G"ide Who will be responsible for the monitoring S4,PSDS 'school level( When will the monitoring take place D"rin& the IPPD process at the school level D"rin& the IPPD process for SHs at cl"ster level Teachers,SHs +ill complete an nd of IPPD Plannin& val"ation T&D WG 2orm 63 nd of IPPD Plannin& val"ation 2ollo+in& the accomplishment of the IPPD Plannin& process school level for teachers and at cl"ster for SHs How will the results be used

!es"lts +ill be revie+ed by the T&D members) recommendations developed to improve processes and incl"ded in the Activity *ompletion !eport

nd of Pro&ram val"ation +ill be collated by the TDWG and revie+ed to identify ho+ the processes can be improved1 !ecommendations +ill be incl"ded in the Activity *ompletion !eport A s"mmary of the res"lts +ill be incl"ded in the Activity *ompletion !eport and

IPPD Package: Form A for Teachers


recommendations incorporated into f"t"re processes :1 The accomplished IPPD SHs,Dept Heads 'for teachers( +ill consolidate #ey findin& to inform School Plannin& for Professional Development 'SPPD( TDWG,PSDS prepare a report for s"bmission to the Division T&D *hair1 T&D *hair +ill identify #ey recommendations and incl"de in Activity *ompletion !eport for the cond"ct of the IPPD for SHs

S4,PSDS +ill revie+ completed IPPD of SHs at the cl"ster level SHs and Dept Heads +ill revie+ teachers% IPPD at school level

2orm :3 IPPD !evie+ Tool 2orm @3 S"mmary Template of IPPD Goal,5b/ectives

2ollo+in& the completion of the teachers% IPPD at the school level and SHs at the cl"ster level

SHs and Dept Heads S4,PSDS,AS DS

IPPD Package: Form A for Teachers


FORM $% IPPD PRO&ESS O'SERVATION GUIDE S&(OOL O)ser!ed%************************************************* NAME OF PRO&ESS O'SERVER. 8888888888888888888888888888888888888 DATE% 8888888888888888888888 VENUE% 888888888888888888888 PARTI&IPANTS NAME% 9 ttac%ed ttendance "%eet: DIRE&TION. #bser+e t%e process in+ol+ed in t%e acti+ities associated wit% t%e de+elop$ent of t%e IPPD; If t%e acti+it7 is acco$plis%ed< write =*" in t%e appropriate colu$n< if not< write N#; Rate t%e le+el of collaboration between participants in co$pleting t%e +arious acti+ities using t%e rating scale below.
RATING S&ALE% ($) Lo+ (,) Moderate (-) A!era e (.) (i h


A&&OMPLIS(ED /es or No


I0 De!elo12ent o# an "nderstandin o# the IPPD and its 1"r1ose a; 'onduct of a war$ up acti+it7 to start t%e session b; Discussion on %ow to furt%er de+elop oneself as a professional to i$pro+e perfor$ance of one>s duties and responsibilities; c; Presentation of t%e ob5ecti+e of t%e IPPD wor/s%op and e1planation of t%e $eaning of IPPD< its purpose and guiding principles; d; *1planation regarding t%e acco$plis%$ent of t%e IPPD being a +ital responsibilit7 of all professionals for t%e de+elop$ent of t%e sc%ool and i$pro+e$ent of learners II0 &o21letion o# the IPPD a; nal7sis of t%e infor$ation suc% as TDN < IP< "c%ool assess$ent reports based on t%e reco$$ended docu$ents and4or ot%er rele+ant a+ailable docu$ents; b; For$ulation of t%e IPPD goal f; Deri+ing t%e ob5ecti+es fro$ t%e goal b7 re+iewing t%e list of priorit7 needs and specific co$petenc7 areas i; Identification of t%e strategies4$et%ods and acti+ities for pursuing one>s professional de+elop$ent goal and ob5ecti+es 5; *stablis%$ent of t%e ti$efra$e for t%e +arious acti+ities identified in t%e IPPD /; Identification of possible resources t%at can support t%e i$ple$entation of t%e IPPD $; Re+iew of t%e IPPD n; "igning of t%e IPPD

IPPD Package: Form B for School Heads


Do you have any comments regarding the IPPD process?

Do you have other comments/suggestions/recommendations for the improvement of the IPPD process?

Process #bser+er. 88888888888888888888888888888888888 "ignature #+er Printed Na$e 88888888888888888888888888888888888 Designation

IPPD Package: Form B for School Heads


FORM ,% End o# IPPD Plannin E!al"ation Name: _______________________________

Please rate how you feel about the IPPD planning session relative to the following processes involved in the accomplishment of the IPPD. Please tick the appropriate column for your rating using the scale below.

Ratin G"ide% Nu$erical Rating & 3 2 1

Interpretation Very High !tent High !tent "ow !tent Very "ow !tent

Description In a very significant way In a meaningful way In a limited way only #ot in any meaningful way

IPPD Acco21lish2ent Ratin Scale

To +hat e3tent do 4o" #eel% 1 t%e following docu$ents were used in t%e anal7sis and de+elop$ent of t%e conte1t of 7our IPPD? a; TDN results. N'@T"!T"N 4N"API b; "IP4 IP c; "tudent Perfor$ance Data 2 t%e for$ulation of IPPD o+erall goal was based on t%e results of t%e anal7sis of t%e current de+elop$ent needs of t%e sc%ool and learners? 3 t%e IPPD goal was ta/en into consideration in for$ulating t%e ob5ecti+es? & t%e for$ulation of progra$ ob5ecti+es was based on 7our own professional need and t%e learning needs of 7our sc%ool learners? ( decisions about t%e strategies< $et%ods and acti+ities were based on t%e ob5ecti+es to be ac%ie+ed and t%e co$petencies to be en%anced? ) +arious funding sources were identified to support t%e i$ple$entation of t%e different progra$s? , 7ou %a+e considered de+elop$ent priorities and t%e one!7ear co+erage in setting t%e ti$efra$e for t%e different professional acti+ities? 7ou %a+e appropriatel7 identified t%e success indicators for 7our. a; professional co$petencies en%anced? b; student learning co$petencies i$pro+ed? 2 7ou %a+e en%anced 7our /nowledge and s/ill in professional de+elop$ent planning? 16 7ou will be able to appl7 t%e learning gained in future si$ilar acti+ities? 11 7ou are able to transfer t%e tec%nolog7 learned to ot%ers? 1 2 3 &

Do you have other comments/suggestions/recommendations for the improvement of the IPPP process?

IPPD Package: Form B for School Heads


FORM -% Re!ie+ o# the Acco21lished IPPD

$his form has been developed to support a %eview Process of the accomplished Individual Plan for Professional Development &IPPD'. $he (chool Head and Department Heads/)oordinators should review the IPPD completed by the teachers while the $D*+ )hair/ (,/P(D( should review the IPPD of (Hs to evaluate the e!tent standards were followed in its accomplishment. Ratin G"ide% Nu$erical Rating . / , Interpretation Very High !tent High !tent "ow !tent Very "ow !tent Description In a very significant way In a meaningful way In a limited way only #ot in any meaningful way

0se the scale above to evaluate the e!tent to which the accomplished IPPD adheres to the following standards1 To +hat e3tent 5500 1; does t%e IPPD focus on t%e $andated functions< co$petenc7 standards for t%e profession and t%e de+elop$ent priorities of t%e sc%ool< national goals and t%rusts? 2; does t%e IPPD goal focus on i$pro+e$ent of sc%ool effecti+eness and learning outco$es? 3; does t%e IPPD ad%ere to t%e following "M RT standards. Specific and focused on learners and sc%ool priorities? Measurable progress and acco$plis%$ents t%roug% a $onitoring and e+aluation sc%e$e? Attainable and results!oriented? Rele+ant strategies appropriatel7 connected to goals and ob5ecti+es? Ti$e!bound wit%in targets but fle1ible to afford re+isions and updates? do t%e IPPD reflect andragogical 9adult learning: $et%odologies4ac+ities t%at are /nown to be effecti+e in attaining t%e IPPD goal and ob5ecti+es? does t%e IPPD reflect a process t%at is e$bedded in t%e 5ob< i;e; in%erent to t%e practice of t%e profession< and a continuing course of action; 1 2 3 &

&; (;

Name: ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( osition: (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Date: (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

IPPD Package: Form B for School Heads


IPPD Package: Form B for School Heads


For& 4: Te&%la'e or S.&&ar"5"#- IPPD (oal,O)*ec'"$e! S.&&ar6 o 'he Teacher!7,School Hea+! IPPD Pr"or"'"e! )a!e+ o# o)*ec'"$e! !e'
IPPD O)*ec'"$e! Se' 8a!e+ o# Co&%e'e#c6 Do&a"#!,S'ra#+!
).) ).*

Directions4 %5& "ist the names of teachers'school heads who accomplished their IPPD. %6& Write the competency number identification corresponding to the ob8ectives set in the IPPD, on the top row of the succeeding columns. %7& /nter the 7 prioriti!ed ob8ectives of each teacher'03 in the proper column. "abel the entries with -5, -6, -7 indicating the IPPD ob8ective of an individual teacher'03 based on set ob8ectives in the IP-D form. 1he number does not indicate prioriti!ation. %:& $ount the number of entered ob8ectives per column and write this in the totals. 1his information will be useful for the planners of the 0chool Plan for Professional Development %0PPD&.

IPPD Package: Form B for School Heads


IPPD Package: Form B for School Heads


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