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Carson Cole 3/28/14 2nd hour Roman Geography

Rome was a big city state but, it did not start that way the city was always highly influenced by trade !here geographical location defiantly helped them !hat"s why # say most of the geographical features positi$ely impacted Rome %ne e&ample that Rome"s geographical features positi$ely impacted its economy was stated in source ' paragraph ( )Rome has warm dry summers, and mild rainy winters !his climate is similar to southern California #taly"s climate allows them to grow a $ariety of crops * Rome"s climate was good for their economy because it allowed them to grow more crops +ince they had e&tra crops they could trade them as well as feed themsel$es

,nother e&ample of how Rome"s geography helped trade was tal-ed about in source , caption number 2 )#taly"s fertile coastal plain * !his also helped them har$est more crops .$en though most of #taly was unfertile because of mountains all o$er the place Rome was in the perfect place for farming so they further increased trade /astly, in article . it stated )placing his city on the ban-s of a ri$er that flows throughout the year with an e$en current with a wide mouth thus, the city could recei$e products from the sea * !his shows through Rome"s location on the ban-s of the !iber ri$er Rome was able to successfully increase trade by way of ship !his means that products could easily flow in and out of rome #n conclusion, !he mild climate, 0ertile coastal plains, and the location of Rome on the ban-s of the !iber ri$er supports my claim that most of the geographical around Rome positi$ely impacted Rome"s economy

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