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Grouping with known sizes

#1: Dividing m+n+p distinct objects into TEAMS of sizes m, n, and p Logic: 1) First select m people out of (m+n+p) in (m n p ) Cm for team A. 2) Then select n out of (n+p) people in ( n p ) Cn for team B. 3) Then select remaining p out of (p) people in p C p for team C. Total Number of ways is m n p ! ( mn p ) Cm ( n p ) Cn ( p ) C p m !n ! p !

#2: Dividing m+n+p distinct objects into distinct boxes/groups in the ratio m:n:p

Logic: Possibilities Box A B C m n p m p n n p m n m p p m n p n m Here we are shuffling the ratios of the objects that get into the boxes so we multiply by 3!

Total Number of ways is (if m,n,p distinct) m n p ! 3! ( m n p ) Cm ( n p ) Cn ( p ) C p m !n ! p ! If m = n then Number of ways is n n p ! 3! n!n ! p ! 2!1! If m = n = p then Number of ways is 3n ! n!n!n! Total Number of ways is (if m,n,p distinct) m n p ! ( mn p ) Cm ( n p ) Cn ( p ) C p m !n ! p ! If m = n then Number of ways is n n p ! 1 n!n ! p ! 2! If m = n = p then number of ways is 3n ! 1 n!n!n! 3! 1x1x1x3! = 6! (m , n & p are distinct) If m,n & p are equal then Number of ways = 1

#3: Dividing m+n+p distinct objects into identical boxes/groups in the ratio m:n:p

Here because the groups are identical then All permutation of the ratios become one.

#4: Dividing m+n+p IDENTICAL objects into distinct groups in the ratio m:n:p Problem Sheet

You can select m identical objects out of m+n+p in only 1 way.

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