Power of One Planning Sheets

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Ingraham HS


Ms. Cooper

Name: ___________________________________

The purpose of this assignment is to accomplish or make progress towards achieving a personal goal which is related to our course content Nutrition! 1. Select a personal goal. Describe it in detail. Get Ms. Cooper to approve and you are ready to proceed.

2. What do you hope to accomplish when you reach this goal?

3. Why did you select this goal? Why is this goal important to you?

4. What could hold you back from achieving your goal?

5. Plan out steps to reaching your goal:

Log/Journal Record daily activities you did towards reaching your goal. Give me details about whether it is hard, easy and how you felt.
Date you began your jouney:_______________

Date 2: _______________

Date 3: _______________

Date 4: _______________

Date 5: _______________

Date 6: _______________

Date 7: _______________

Date 8: _______________

Date 9: _______________

Date 10: _______________ Congratulations!

Reflection How did you do?

1. What success did you have working on your goal? Describe in detail.

2. How have you grown personally from working on your goal?

3. Was there any part of your goal that you were not successful in reaching? Its okay if you faltered for a day here and there.

4. List things you could have done to improve this project. Think through looking back how you could improve this project if you were to do it all over again.

5. What was the most successful part of working on your goal?

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