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Ingraham HS


Ms. Cooper

Bread Unit

Breads of the World Presentation

Project assignment: You will each individually research the bread culture of a country or region. Based on your research you will create a PowerPoint Presentation. At the end you will give a 5 minute presentation to the class. Countries/Regions of Choice: France Germany England Ireland Scotland Italy Jewish breads Mexico Ethiopia U.S. Middle East Scandinavia Eastern Europe/Russia India China or Japan Other?

Requirements: 1.) You need at least 8 PPT slides: Title Bread-culture in your country Ingredients in bread and preparation Traditions/significance of bread in the country When is bread eaten? 3 country specific examples

2.) You need at least 5 slide appropriate images. 3.) When you are finished with your PPT you need to turn in a presentation handout (print-out of the presentation). 4.) Presentations are due and will be held on 4/3/14 and 4/4/14 Each presentation should be 5 minutes long.

No late work accepted! Quarter ends 4/4/14. Plan accordingly!

Ingraham HS


Ms. Cooper

Rubric 6 pts
Presentation has at least 8 slides Title slide Bread culture in specific country Ingredients and preparation slide Traditions/significance When is bread eaten? Example 1 Example 2 Example 3 At least 5 slide appropriate images PPT handout printed and turned in Presentation was informative and interesting Formatting of slides was easy to read and made the eye move across page No grammar spelling mistakes on slides Presentation lasted 5 minutes Only 3 or 4 images or images do not match slides

3 pts
Presentation has only 6 or 7 slides

1 pt
Presentation has 5 or less slides No title slide Bread culture missing No ingredients and preparation No traditions/significance When is bread eaten? missing missing missing missing 2 or less images.


No handout Presentation could have contained more relevant information Slides were somewhat readable Presentation did not contain much information. Slides were confusing

1 or 2 mistakes Presentation was slightly less than 5 minutes or significantly more

3 or more grammar and spelling mistakes Presentation was significantly less than 5 minutes

Total Extra credit for bringing in bread sample from your country (homemade or store bought)

_______ / 90 pts 10 pts

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