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Lesson plan Subject: Moral Studies

Unit: #alue lass: 'ear ( Date: 1)T* +1,T* -ctober 2012

Session/conte!t: #alues o! .amil& "e# S$ills: Team workers/ $!!ecti0e participants/ 1e!lecti0e learner "e# %ords: Belonging

Lesson &bjectives2 To understand that it is important that each member o! m& !amil& !eel that the& are lo0ed/ that the& belong and that the& matter. Lesson &utcomes: "tudents will understand what makes a good and caring communit&. "tudents will gi0e responds to their role as a good !amil& member.

Timing Starter


10 mins

A starter game related to the topics. (Brain games)

Resources/Differentiatio n Worksheet

20 mins

A PPT will be shown to students to e plain each sub topics containing de!initions and e amples !rom local and abroad situations. "tudents to make notes in e ercise books. "tudents will create their !amil& trees with images o! each !amil& member.

actvity Main

PPT #ideo $ ercise book

%0 mins


A% paper "tationaries

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