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Patrick Rademacher 226 Maple St. Rockford, MI 49341 (616 !26"3296

Michigan State University %a&t 'a(&i(g, MI )ollege of %d*catio( Secondary Teaching Certification Michigan State University %a&t 'a(&i(g, MI )ollege of +rt& a(d 'etter& , )ollege of Social Scie(ce& Bachelor of Arts, English- Mi(or. Psychology Rockford High School Rockford, MI Ma# 2$13

+*g*&t 2$$! " Ma# 2$13

Septem/er 2$$4 " Ma# 2$$!

%(gli&h %(dor&eme(t 0.+.


"o$ell High School 2$14 'o2ell, MI Intern Teacher English 9; English 10 3a*ght fre&hma( a(d &ophomore %(gli&h i( comprehe(&i4e r*ral di&trict +(chored all le&&o(& i( )ommo( )ore State Sta(dard& 5tili6ed tech(olog# thro*gh Po2erPoi(t&, 7oogle8oc&, a(d a cla&& 2e/&ite to differe(tiate i(&tr*ctio( a(d *pdate d*e date& for home2ork a&&ig(me(t& a& 2ell a& dail# age(da& )reated formati4e a&&e&&me(t& thro*gh 9o*r(al e(trie&, dialogic practice& a(d di&c*&&io(&, e:it ticket&, o(li(e poll&, acti4e readi(g a(d a((otati(g, m*ltimedia acti4itie&, a(d grammar e:erci&e& that alig(ed 2ith a(d 2orked to2ard& *(it a(d co*r&e goal& 8e&ig(ed a(d co(&tr*cted &*mmati4e a&&e&&me(t& thro*gh 4ario*& te&t format& a(d m*ltimedia approache& to reach a 2ide"ra(ge of lear(er& ;elped 2ith pla((i(g, i(&tr*cti(g, a(d gradi(g i( a( eco(omic& a(d %(gli&h pro9ect"/a&ed lear(i(g (P0' la/ )omm*(icated 2ith pare(t& 4ia email, pho(e a(d i( per&o( to di&c*&& &t*de(t i&&*e&, grade *pdate&, a(d (ece&&ar# &trategie& or help if (eeded +tte(ded a(d partook i( all %(gli&h 8epartme(t a(d &taff meeti(g& to co(firm a&&e&&me(t&, te:t&, method& of i(&tr*ctio(, a(d gradi(g philo&ophie& 2ere either commo( or &*fficie(t acro&& cla&&room& <ollo2ed =$4 a(d I%P pla(& for &t*de(t& (eedi(g accommodatio(& a(d differe(tiated i(&tr*ctio( /# ad9*&ti(g le&&o( pla(& a(d a&&ig(me(t& )alc*lated, i(p*tted, a(d a(al#6ed &t*de(t data to recog(i6e area& of gro2th a(d method& for impro4eme(t >orked 2ith foreig( e:cha(ge &t*de(t& a(d their a&&ig(ed &chool co*(&elor& to e(&*re a &*pporti4e lear(i(g e(4iro(me(t a(d f*lfilli(g e:perie(ce a/road 0*ilt a(d mai(tai(ed &*pporti4e, profe&&io(al, a(d mea(i(gf*l relatio(&hip& 2ith &t*de(t&, +*g*&t 2$13 1 +pril

pare(t&, a(d &taff


Haslett High School Septem/er 2$12 1 March 2$13 ;a&lett, MI Pre-Student Teacher Pla((ed a(d ta*ght le&&o(& for a( %(gli&h 9 cla&& i(di4id*all# a(d 2ith peer& from Michiga( State i( a comprehe(&i4e &*/*r/a( di&trict )omm*(icated 2ith cla&&room teacher reg*larl# to prepare for dail# o/9ecti4e& a(d pro4ide a(# (ece&&ar# a&&i&ta(ce (eeded +&&i&ted i( i(&tr*cti(g a( +P %(gli&h cla&& ?/&er4ed, recorded, a(d a(al#6ed /oth teacher a(d &t*de(t /eha4ior i( order to e(ha(ce o4erall k(o2ledge of ed*catio(al &#&tem& a(d pedagogical practice& 'averly Middle School @a(*ar# 2$12 1 +pril 2$12 'a(&i(g, MI Ser ice !earning Intern 3a*ght a(d a&&i&ted i( a Read 1!$ cla&& i( a( i((er cit# di&trict ;elped &t*de(t& 2ith lo2 readi(g a(d 2riti(g &kill& o(e"o("o(e thro*gh comp*ter program& a(d readi(g comprehe(&io( practice& a(d acti4itie& <acilitated gro*p di&c*&&io(


Oke)os "i*rary Septem/er 2$1$ 1 8ecem/er 2$1$ ?kemo&, MI After School Tutor >orked 2ith &t*de(t& from lo2"i(come home& 2ith home2ork a&&ig(me(t& i( all &*/9ect area& 3a*ght a(d demo(&trated orga(i6atio(al a(d life &kill& (ece&&ar# for /oth i( a(d o*t&ide of the cla&&room North Rockford Middle School Septem/er 2$$6 1 @*(e 2$1$ Rockford, MI Pool Su"er isor, !ifeguard and S#i$ Teacher 'ed a(d a&&i&ted i( &2im cla&&e& ra(gi(g from toddler& to adole&ce(t& I(teracted 2ith pare(t& co(&i&te(tl# to *pdate child progre&& a& 2ell a& &trategie& a(d tech(iA*e& for f*t*re impro4eme(t ?rga(i6ed a(d ad9*&ted &hift &ched*le& a(d ho*r& for emplo#ee& i( accorda(ce to their &ched*le& a(d prefere(ce&


Conrad+s ,rill +*g*&t 2$11 1 +*g*&t 2$13 %a&t 'a(&i(g, MI Shift %anager, &eli ery &ri er, and In-Sho" 'or(er 'ear(ed a(d impro4ed time ma(ageme(t &kill& /# 2orki(g a(d goi(g to &chool f*ll"time %:pa(ded leader&hip a(d &ocial &kill& thro*gh directi(g i(&tr*ctio(, teachi(g other& (e2 &kill&, creati(g a po&iti4e e(4iro(me(t to moti4ate 2orker&, cooperati(g ki(dl# 2ith c*&tomer&, a(d o/tai(i(g re&po(&i/ilit# for the e(tire re&ta*ra(t d*ri(g 2orki(g ho*r&

A'ARDS - S(I""S&
8ea(B& 'i&t 1 Michiga( State 5(i4er&it# Proficie(c# i( Micro&oft >ord, %:cel C Po2erPoi(t 2$$! " 2$12

%:perie(ced i( I(fi(ite )amp*&, 7oogle8oc&, >ee/l#, a(d other 2e/ tech(olog# >ell"4er&ed 2ith 4ideo editi(g, &o(g2riti(g a(d m*&ic, a(d 4ario*& form& of tech(olog#

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