Method of Six Question: Preparation? What Is "A Test"? What To Do First in Preparation For Tests?

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Method of six question

Textbook/Subject: Study skills workshop Chapter: Page number: Heading: Preparing for tests Who? Who is going to prepare for tests? Who does/takes tests? What? What types of tests are used? What means to prepare? What are steps of preparation? What is a test? What to do first in preparation for tests? Where? When? When is best time to prepare for tests? Why? Why does anybody need to prepare for test? Why is important to prepare for tests? How? How to prepare for tests correctly? How many methods to prepare for tests are there?

Answers I. II. Who. a. Some students who dont perform well on tests. What. a. to prepare (to study in this headline) i. to make sth or sb ready to be used or to do sth ii. doing all things that are necessary to achieve a specific aim. iii. Im preparing for a job interview on Tuesday. b. For big tests that happen in 3, 4, 5 weeks. When. Why. a. Benefits i. To gain knowledge, be alive and have energy to do well on a test. ii. It takes a lot of stress away. How. Avoid problems! a. Problem # 1: Cramming! i. Finish all the reading 3 days before a test. ii. The last two days are used for a review and rest. iii. Set a smart review schedule b. Problem # 2: Lack of knowledge! (about what the test is going to be like) i. How many questions? ii. How much time? iii. Text vs. lecture c. Problem # 3: Too much! i. Forgetting curve 1. Review 2. Magic number a. 7 things at one sitting at one time ii. Rewrite long lists d. Problem # 4: Pride! i. Get help ii. Study group



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