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Cell Analogy Project

This project is due: __________________________

Objective: Create a cell analogy by comparing the parts of a cell to things that perform similar functions. Choose either a plant cell or an animal cell. -Hint: There is a cell analogy comparing a cell to the Herrs Factory in your Parts of a Cell packet! Use this as an e ample! but you cannot use the factory analogy. Whats an analogy, any ay! An analogy is co"paring t o things that are si"ilar# -" ample: # cell is similar to a factory because they both ha$e parts that perform specific functions an% pro%uce things. Procedure: Complete the follo&ing steps to create your poster. Place a check mark ne t to each number as you complete each step. '. (eci%e &hich type of cell you &oul% like to use for your pro)ect. #nimal cell Plant cell *. Complete the +rainstorm ,orksheet. -. (ra& the animal cell or plant cell on an ./ ''/ piece of &hite paper. 0ou must inclu%e the follo&ing structures an% organelles: Cell membrane Cytoplasm $ou "ust have at least % parts total& 1ucleus 2itochon%ria 3acuole Pick an organelle! &rite it on the line- 444444444444444444444 Pick an organelle! &rite it on the line- 444444444444444444444 Pick an organelle! &rite it on the line- 444444444444444444444 5. 6abel each structure an% organelle. 7. Paste the cell %ra&ing in the mi%%le of a poster-si8e% piece of paper. 9. ,rite a title on your poster. :. (etermine the function of each part. Fin% an image that relates to that function. 0ou can use clipart! maga8ines! ne&spapers! google images! or original %ra&ings. .. Paste pictures neatly on the poster aroun% the cell %ra&ing.

;. (ra& a neat line from each picture to its relate% cell part. '<. ,rite an analogy neatly ne t to the picture. " plain your reasoning for making the comparison. Compare the function of the image to the function of the cell organelle. " ample- The cell &all is like the &alls of the Herrs Factory buil%ing because they are both har%! rigi% structures that pro$i%e support. ''. 'se color! no pencil! -+e creati$e! =0ou may use glitter! puffy paint! markers! colore% pencils! construction paper! etc.> ()tra Credit Opportunities& *nclude up to + "ore organelles# They "ust all have a picture and an analogy# Turn the project in be,ore the due date# Have a creative the"e -all o, the analogies are related to one topic. o ()a"ple: cheerleading, the beach, /A0CA1, soccer 2e C1(AT*3(& ?To li$e a creati$e life! &e must lose our fear of being &rong./

This rubric "ust be attached to your ,inal project# /a"e: _________________________________ 0ection: ____________________ Points earned Cell dra ing Organelles /eatness Title Pictures /eatness Analogies 0cience accuracy 8ra""ar9spelling /eatness Points possible 45 6 7 45 6

45 % 6

Poster 'se o, space 'se o, color ()tra credit Total %; : :

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