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Albus Adjectives Rules: Adjectives are extremely common in English and greatly enhance the use, understanding, and

beauty of the language. They are descriptive words, or sometimes phrases, that are used in harmony with either nouns or pronouns, modifying and describing them. Adjectives answer these questions: hich one! hat "ind! #ow many! hen trying to locate or produce adjectives, as" these questions to simplify the process. Examples: The adjectives are italicized. The nouns or pronouns they modify are underlined. $pon Albus office wall hung many portraits of past headmasters. There were mysterious trin"ets placed throughout the large room. %umbledore had always loved various sweets. Exercise: Find the adjectives, and list them in order below. Do not worry about adjective phrases just identify basic words. !eep an eye out for pronouns that act as determiners, which may seem li"e pronouns but behave li"e adjectives. Though for most people the day had been a pleasant one, for Albus %umbledore, the sunshine could not lift his sorrow. #e was heading down the long, tall corridor that led to the secret entryway to his office. #arry&s fate weighed on Albus& tired mind. #e wished there was another way, an easier way, for #arry&s sa"e. All of his secrets and plans abandoned his weary heart for an instant, and a single tear ran down his weathered face.

Answer Key: Though for most people the day had been a pleasant one, for Albus %umbledore, the sunshine could not lift his sorrow. #e was heading down the long, tall corridor that led to the secret entryway to his office. Harrys fate weighed on Albus tired mind. #e wished there was another way, an easier way, for Harrys sa"e. All of his secrets and plans abandoned his weary heart for an instant, and a single tear ran down his weathered face.

'. most ). his +. tall -. his /. Albus& ''. another '). #arry&s '+. his '-. single '/. weathered

(. pleasant *. long ,. secret .. #arry&s '0. tired '(. easier '*. his ',. weary '.. his

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