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Arthurs Adverbs Rules: Adverbs are descriptive words, or sometimes phrases, that are used in harmony with either

verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs, modifying and describing them. Adverbs answer these questions: How? In what manner? Under what condition? purpose? hen? here? hy? !or what hen trying to "ocate or produce adverbs, as# those questions to simp"ify the process.

Tip: To test if a word or phrase is adverbial, trying moving it to a different location in the sentence: most adverbials can change location in the sentence without changing the meaning of the sentence. Examples: !red and $eorge cou"d hear their father briskly approaching. %hey swiftly c"eaned up their mess before their dad came in the room. %omorrow was the boys& first day of schoo", and Arthur smi"ed gleefully because of that. Exercise: Identify the adverbials, words and prepositional phrases, and list them in order below. Arthur stared s"eepi"y out the window, patient"y awaiting the return of his sons and his car. His wife, 'o""y, was "ess ca"m. (he was pacing angri"y about the #itchen and ranting under her breath. )f course, Arthur was perfect"y used to this by now, and he hard"y too# notice. He was secret"y beaming with pride in his sons& c"everness at snea#ing out unnoticed, with a car, no "ess*

Answer Key: Arthur stared sleepily out the window, patiently awaiting the return of his sons and his car. His wife, 'o""y, was "ess ca"m. (he was pacing angrily about the kitchen and ranting under her breath. )f course, Arthur was perfectly used to this by now, and he hardly too# notice. He was secretly beaming with pride in his sons& c"everness at snea#ing out unnoticed, with a car, no "ess*

+. s"eepi"y -. patient"y /. about the #itchen 1. perfect"y 3. secret"y ++. unnoticed

,. out the window .. angri"y 0. under her breath 2. hard"y +4. with pride +,. with a car

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