2nd+internal - (CE705 AJAVA)

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Candidates Seat No: ____________

Charotar Institute of Technology Changa

U. & P.U. Patel Dept of Computer Engineering/Dept of Information Technology Second Internal Examination

Final ear !E " #th Seme$ter Su%&ect Code' CE/IT 705 Date: 29/10/10 Instruction:
1. Attempt all q estions. !. "i# $es to t%e $i#%t indi&ate full ma$'s. 3. (a'e s ita)*e ass mptions and d$a+ neat ,i# $es +%e$e-e$ $eq i$ed. (")' *n$+er the follo+ing ,ue$tion$. -)./

Su%&ect Title' AJAVA Time:11:00 am to 12:00pm Total Marks: 30

.1/ E0p*ain t%e a$&%ite&t $e o, 1(I app*i&ation. 2%at is st ) do+n*oadin#3 .!/ E0p*ain t%e an4 ,i-e inte$,a&es +%i&% a$e sed in 5d)& p$o#$ammin#.
("0' -)./ *n$+er the follo+ing ,ue$tion$ 1*ny T234. .1/ E0p*ain t%e *i,e &4&*e o, se$-*et. 6i,,e$entiate )et+een Se$-*etCon,i# and Se$-*etConte0t. .!/ E0p*ain t%e di,,e$ent +a4s to ma'e se$-*et t%$ead sa,e. .3/ 2%at is p* ##a)*e *oo' and ,ee*3 2$ite a 5a-a statement to set p* ##a)*e *oo' and ,ee*.

("5' .1/ .!/ .3/ .9/

*n$+er the follo+ing ,ue$tion$ 1*ny T234.

2%at is a 5a-a )ean3 E0p*ain 1e,*e&tion and Int$ospe&tion. 7o+ 5a-a s ppo$ts ,o$ Inte$nationa*i8ation e0p*ain +it% e0amp*e3 2$ite a 5a-a p$o#$am +%i&% ses &*ip)oa$d. 2%at is 6n63 E0p*ain +it% e0amp*e.


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