Flexibility Activity Prepphye137

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Physical Education Unit Preparation Guide

UNIT or ACTIVITY: Flexibility Students Name: Christi Holli ield

HIST!"Y or #AC$G"!UN% !& THE ACTIVITY !" SP!"T: Flexibility is the joints ability to move through a full range of motion. It improves performance, reduces risk of injury and can reduce muscle soreness after workout. Flexibility can also improve posture and reduce stress. A flexible joint has a greater range of motion and requires less energy to do so. tatic stretching in meant for injury prevention and performance enhancement. !ynamic stretching is for specific movements or functions that prepare the body for movement. ETI'UETTE: !ress in workout clothes and shoes for flexibility exercises. For classrooms settings the lesson should include group activities as well as individual activities. "e prepared to make adjustments as necessary as the lesson progresses. #xercises should be age appropriate and for younger children should include a fun activity to keep them focused and involved. SA&ETY: tretching cold muscles can cause injury, it$s best to warm them up before doing stretches. %ever bounce while stretching& it can cause a strained muscle or other injuries. E'UIP(ENT NEE%E%: 'arious equipment can be used such as floor mats, resistance bands, exercise balls for stability, medicine balls and weights. port balls such as soccer balls, basketballs, and footballs can also be used during flexibility exercises. "U)ES: tatic stretches( hold a stretch until you feel a gentle pull on muscle and hold for )*(+, seconds. -ractice proper breathing or controlled breathing. .ake a breath in and stretch/relax as you breathe out. Flexibility can be any exercise that moves your joints through a full range of motion.

P)AYING A"EA %I(ENSI!NS or (A"$INGS: A gym or workout room can be used for flexibility exercises. .here are no specific si0es of rooms needed. * (U)TIP)E CH!ICE TEST 'UESTI!NS &!" THIS SP!"T: ). tatic stretching is1 a. -reparing the body for movement b. For reducing injury, and improve performance c. For weight lifting 2. Flexibility is a. trength training b. 3ardiovascular training c. .he joints ability to move through a full range of motion. +. Flexibility exercises must be performed in a gym. a. .rue b. False 4. tretching cold muscles can cause injury a. .rue b. False

*. A flexible joint1 a. 5educes injury b. 6as more ability to move through a full range of motion c. 7ses less energy to move through full range of motion d. All of the above

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