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Hyperlinks Nuclear warfare Is possible the greatest danger the human race and as tensions escalate in the Ukraine

Crisis (a political crisis that could cause an huge collapse of the enitere eastern world) it is only a matter of time before we are faced with World War 3. This kind of World War would lead to the biggest disaster that the world has ever seen. We are not in a age of country vs country but a time of biological terrorist but imagine if we were Countries could destroy one third of the Earths mass with a simple push of a button. The destruction of the Earth would lead to an large amount of Genetic Mutation that could alter the very fabric of our ecosystems. The destruction of our genetic diversity would lead to a loss of Biodiversity. These mutations will not only be selective to just animals in the environment but it will eventually lead to humans causing extreme mutations that could potentially lead to a different race of humans that would outcast from society causing a obvious rift in our environment. Mutations would also endanger those people who were not mutants because they could become infected by just being around an mutant. These kind of mutations could even lead to an overrun of zombies which have been proven to be possible. These Dystopian problems are very possible and will result in a post apocalyptic world where people would only survive if they are strong and it will be characterized by a Economic Downfall and Destruction of our Environment. An economic downfall would destroy the very fabric of this world because of the way that the world is run now day. Our economies are so completely intertwined that if one were to collapse then all the

other economies would also collapse and from this collapse would steam a world wide power struggle to fill the void.

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