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Printed by: Michelle Sciullo Title: Miles: FirstClass Alberta Jarane <alberta@arkadiaco.

com> Miles Michelle Sciullo

Thursday, May 23,2013 9:13:55 AM Page 1 of 1

From: Subject: To: Ms. Sciullo,

5/23/2013 9: 10: 30 ...


I just wanted to drop you this note to say "what a differen~e!"

seems engaged moment Smile. Best, Alberta and is often talking praying and, honestly, his current

in ~ile~' perforn;an~e in you~ class. He to me about what he s learning In class. I m Just enjoyrnq the grade for this quarter lasts another 6 years ...

Alberta M. Jarane Principal/Client Lead Arkadia & Co. Brooklyn, USA

Printed by: Michelle Sciullo Title: Fwd: Re: Social Studies Quiz: FirstClass

Friday, May 24, 2013 12:56:49 PM Page 1 of 1


Rachel Shrinsky

Fri, May 24,201312:09:34



Subject: To:

Fwd: Re: Social Studies Quiz Michelle Sciullo

FYI. .. Rachel Shrinsky Sleepy Hollow Middle School Team Leader 8th Grade Social Studies

----- Original Message -----

I want to thank you for keeping on top of this situation with Taina. Lately she's slacking so much and I am on top of her and constantly punishing her sometimes I don't get it .thank you again both you and mrs scuillo have been great I just hope next year the teachers are as involved and caring as both you have been.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail for iPhone

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