Cisco Packet Tracer 6.0.1 Overview Presentation

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Cisco Packet Tracer Overview

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( Cisco Packet Tracer Overview ( Packet Tracker )ey Features ( Packet Tracer *% %! ( Packet Tracer )ey +enefits ( Summary

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Packet Tracer Overview

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-hat is Cisco Packet Tracer.

( Com/rehensive networkin' technolo'y teachin' and learnin'

software develo/ed 0y Cisco 1etworkin' &cademy

( Offers a uni2ue com0ination of realistic simulation and

visuali3ation ex/eriences4 com/lex assessment and activity

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Packet Tracer Simulation6+ased Learnin'

( 7nnovative features hel/ students and

teachers colla0orate4 solve /ro0lems4 and learn conce/ts in an en'a'in' and dynamic social environment
( Su//orts lectures4 'rou/ and individual

la0s4 homework4 exams4 'ames4 colla0orations and com/etitions

( &llows instructors to easily teach and

demonstrate com/lex technical conce/ts and networkin' systems desi'n

( 8el/s students develo/ im/ortant 2!st
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century skills

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+enefits of Simulation6+ased Learnin'

( Students who ex/lore and ex/eriment usin' Packet Tracer develo/

intellectual curiosity and critical thinkin' skills%

( Packet Tracer9s visually rich simulation environment facilitates

com/rehension of com/lex technolo'y conce/ts%

( Students who trou0leshoot networks usin' Packet Tracer develo/

/ro0lem solvin' skills%

( Students who desi'n and 0uild virtual networks usin' Packet Tracer

im/rove their innovation and creativity skills%

( Students who ex/lore conce/ts at their own /ace in Packet Tracer9s

safe4 virtual environment 'ain confidence in their decision makin' skills and a0ilities%
( :sin' Packet Tracer for team colla0oration and com/etition activities
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Packet Tracer )ey Features

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Simulation4 =isuali3ation4 Colla0oration

Simulate 7OS Commands =isuali3e 1etwork Traffic

Colla0orate on Multiuser &ctivities

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Su//orts 8omework4 Pre6La0 Pre/4 and &ssessment

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Packet Tracer &ctivity -i3ard

( &nyone can author4 the PT &ctivity -i3ard 'uides you ( The /rocess is 0asically write instructions4 0uild a correct answer

network4 s/ecify 'radin'4 s/ecify an initial network4 save ( &0ility to create your own learnin' activities4 tasks4 la0s4 'ames and com/lex assessments
( +uild scaffolded learnin'

ex/eriences4 formative and summative assessments

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&ctivity -i3ard for ?ditin' PT &ctivities

Instructors can localize, edit, or enhance existing activities using the Activity Wizard
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Packet Tracer Multiuser Functionality

( PT is a network6ca/a0le @/eer to /eerA a//lication4 usin' the

real network @TCP socket connectionsA to carry the Packet Tracer virtual /ackets
( The PT a//lication runnin' on one com/uter can communicate

with the PT a//lication runnin' on ! or more other com/uters

( This connectivity 0etween multi/le instances of PT su//orts

teamwork4 classroom 'ames4 colla0oration4 com/etition4 remote instructor6student interaction4 and social networkin'
( Packet Tracer traffic is isolated to /revent any access to

external e2ui/ment kee/in' your school network secure%

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?xam/le Multiuser Scenarios

s, m a e t 2 u ct o r r t s n i 1
" Packet Tracer instances interactin' via Packet Tracer Messa'in' Protocol @PTMPA

r en t e f f i d 3 c l a s s es

Real TCP Socket Connection

PC 1

Real TCP Socket Connection

Real TCP Socket Connection

PC 2

PC 3
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ents d u t s 3 ome h m o r f
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Multiuser Bames for Social Learnin'

7nstructor console view of multiuser CEelay EaceD 'ame

7nstructor console view of multiuser C)in' of the 8illD 'ame

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Packet Tracer Features

( Lo'ical and Physical ( &ctivity -i3ard4 La0

( Eeal6Time and Simulation

( Multiuser functionality ( Multi/le /latform su//ort ( Multi/le lan'ua'e su//ort ( 7nte'rated 8el/ and

( :ser friendly Command

Line 7nterface @CL7A

( Blo0al event list @/acket

Tutorials snifferA
( L&14 switchin'4 TCP$7P4
# 2 !" Cisco and$or its affiliates% &ll ri'hts reserved%

routin'4 and -&1 /rotocols

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)ey ?6Learnin' Com/onent

( Learnin' theories stress early hands6on ex/eriences ( )ey com/onents of 1etworkin' &cademy e6learnin' strate'y

7n6/erson4 hands6on la0s with real e2ui/ment Online curriculum and assessment Cisco Packet Tracer 7nstructor Colla0oration Tools

( Learnin' cycles alternatin' 0oth Packet Tracer activities and

# 2 !" Cisco and$or its affiliates% &ll ri'hts reserved%

in6/erson4 hands6on la0 ex/eriences with real e2ui/ment are a 0est /ractice for teachin' CC1&6level networkin' to 0e'inners

Cisco Confidential


Su//orts 1etworkin' &cademy Curricula

( Su//orts the maFority of /rotocols and technolo'ies tau'ht in CC1&

Eoutin' and Switchin'4 CC1& Discovery4 CC1& ?x/loration4 and CC1& Security4 and can also 0e used to teach conce/ts from 7T ?ssentials and CC1P courses

Students Launch Packet Tracer Directly From Activities That "ein#orce the urriculum
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!A urricula to Access

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Packet Tracer *% %!

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Packet Tracer *% %! 8i'hli'hts

( 7OS !5

6 Models new devices and 7OS licensin'

( 7Pv* 6 7Pv* deskto/ confi'% 7Pv*

Tunnel over 7Pv,4 C+&Cv*

( 8SEP 6 8ot Stand0y Eoutin'

( Braded Circlin' Tool 6 Model the

key classroom interaction of Ccirclin'D as/ects of networks

( 7somor/hs 6 7somor/hs with
# 2 !" Cisco and$or its affiliates% &ll ri'hts reserved%

varyin' 7P addresses4 device names4 G to/olo'y orientations

Cisco Confidential


Packet Tracer *% %! Features @! of "A

!e$ Features
7Pv* ?nhancements

7Pv* deskto/ confi'uration 7Pv* Tunnel over 7Pv, Context6+ased &ccess Control @C+&CA 1ew Cisco devices 1ew 7OS licensin' mechanism 8i'h availa0ility 'ateways and load 0alancin' PC firewall H terminal server H async octal ca0le H server with 2 17Cs H &CL Se2uence num0er

:/6to6date /ractice4 feed0ack4 assessment4 and 'amin' for &LL learners as the world moves to the 7Pv* vision of an Cinternet of Thin'sD ?nhance o//ortunities to /ractice on new Cisco /roducts and new 7OS licensin' mechanism ?nhance o//ortunities to /ractice with redundancy ?na0le increased com/arison and contrast of the simulated Packet Tracer environment to the hands6on la0 environments ?nhance Clearnin' 0y modelin'D

Su//ort Cisco 7SE !>,!4 2> !4 2>!! and 7OS !5 8SEP @8ot Stand0y Eoutin' ProtocolA ?nhanced modelin' of hands6on la0 environments

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Packet Tracer *% %! Features @2 of "A

!e$ Features
1ext Beneration Performance ?xams

7somor/hs with varyin' 7P addresses4 device names and to/olo'y orientations Pro0lem inFection G event feed0ack =aria0le Mana'er

&ddress exam security 0y creatin' tasks at the same level6of6difficulty with vary CsurfaceD features ?na0les a wide variety of /ractice4 feed0ack4 intelli'ent tutorin'4 and 'ame6 like ex/eriences

Braded Circlin' Tool

&0ility to annotate the to/olo'y and have them 'raded as the authors s/ecify PT file o/erations now su//ort metadata @we0 /a'e info4 ta'sA

Model the key classroom interaction of Ccirclin'D as/ects of networks like collision and 0roadcast domains4 7P su0nets4 =L&1s4 OSPF areas4 etc% ?na0le LT7$CC intero/era0ility in future technolo'y /hases

Save as Common Cartrid'e

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Packet Tracer *% %! Features @" of "A

!e$ Features
:nder the 8ood Code 7m/rovements

7ncreased use of Coverity Code &nalysis More of model ex/osed via &P7 Scri/t Module ?nhancements

More efficiently runnin' code for users 7m/roved 0u' identification More /owerful PT ?cosystem /roducts that use the &P7 and Scri/t Module features

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7Pv* ?nhancements

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Su//ort Cisco 7SE !>,!4 2> !4 2>!! and 7OS !5

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Braded Circlin' Tool

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L&1 Multiuser &'ent

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Other Features

Server with 2 17Cs

8ost +ased Firewalls


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Packet Tracer )ey +enefits

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Packet Tracer +enefits

Makes teachin' easier 0y /rovidin' a multiuser environment for instructors @and free to 1et&cad studentsA to easily teach com/lex technical conce/ts

Makes learnin' easier 0y /rovidin' a realistic simulation and visuali3ation environment for ex/loration4 ex/erimentation and ex/lanation

7nstructors and students can create their own virtual Cnetwork worldsD for teachin' and learnin' networkin' conce/ts and technolo'ies

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)ey 7nstructor +enefits

( &0ility to teach com/lex networkin' conce/ts
Demonstrate technolo'ies and confi'urations &uthor custom 'uided activities4 la0s and assessments with immediate feed0ack usin' the &ctivity -i3ard :se for lecture demonstration4 individual and 'rou/ la0s4 homework4 assessments4 'ames4 network desi'n4 trou0leshootin' and modelin' tasks4 reinforcement of hands6on la0 activities4 case studies4 com/etitions

( Su//lements classroom e2ui/ment and

/rovides com/lementary learnin' o//ortunities that are not /ossi0le in the classroom alone
( Su//orts social learnin' /rocesses via

multiuser colla0oration and com/etition

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+enefits for Students

( Provides a free /ractice and visuali3ation

environment for the desi'n4 confi'uration and trou0leshootin' of network environments

O0serve virtual /ackets in controlled time as they travel throu'h your network

( &llows /ractice outside of the /hysical

classroom and la0 @home com/uters4 mo0ile la/to/sA

Create and confi'ure much lar'er to/olo'ies than /ossi0le with /hysical e2ui/ment availa0le

( Provides a rich learnin' environment

0eyond standard networkin' technolo'y instructional /ractices

Provides valua0le hands6on ex/ertise to hel/ you
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Packet Tracer )ey Take &ways

Packet Tracer is a %o$er#ul net$ork simulation %rogram that allo$s students to ex%eriment $ith net$ork 'ehavior and ask ($hat i#) *uestions +akes teaching and learning net$ork technologies easier !ot intended to re%lace ex%eriences $ith real e*ui%ment, 'ut rather to com%lement them A la'oratory #or teaching and learning/ you can ex%eriment, you can create your o$n virtual net$ork ($orld) ,el%s students develo% century skills such as decision making, creative and critical thinking, and %ro'lem solving Packet Tracer is an integral %art o# the !et$orking Academy com%rehensive learning ex%erience
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Packet Tracer &vaila0ility

( Packet Tracer is availa0le free to all 1etworkin' &cademy

instructors4 students and alumni

( To download Packet Tracer4 lo' in to Cisco 1etS/ace4 click

Offerin's IPacket Tracer4 then select your download /acka'e

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For More 7nformation

The followin' Packet Tracer resources are availa0le on !etS%ace 0 1##erings 0 Packet Tracer
( F&Js ( &t & Blance ( Overview Presentation ( Packet Tracer *% %K ?rrata List ( Packet Tracer *% %! ?xecuta0les


-indows Linux
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Packet Tracer Discussion Forum

( &ccess the 'lo0al instructor community for 2uestions4

discussions4 colla0oration4 and activity sharin'

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Cisco Confidential


Thank you%

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