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Tri-Cities Communications, Inc.

Attachment A Statement of Procedures Ensuring Compliance with CPNI Rules

1Tri-Cities Communications has strict policies regarding Customer Proprietary Network Information. Employees are educated on their obligation to safeguard customer information trained accordingly and held accountable for their actions. !e need to collect certain information such as name phone number and billing address to conduct business with our customers. !e keep records of the ser"ices and products purchased for billing purposes. !e do not disclose any information to outside parties unless# !ritten re$uest is recei"ed from the customer. !e are legally re$uired to do so by a court order or subpoena. !e belie"e it is necessary to protect the safety of customers employees or property. !e are using the ser"ices of a collection agency to obtain payment of debt owed to Tri-Cities Communications. !e do not use customers% CPNI in sales or marketing campaigns and sales personnel must obtain super"isory appro"al for any marketing re$uests. &iles containing CPNI are maintained in a secure manner such that they cannot be used accessed disclosed or distributed by unauthori'ed indi"iduals or in an unauthori'ed manner. (ur computer database which contains CPNI is double password protected and is only accessible to a select number of employees. The information is retrie"ed at customers% re$uest after authentication only for purposes of editing and)or remo"al of information and billing discussion. Tri-Cities Communications operates a one-way paging system has only one office and no agents. *ll records are located at +1, Clinton -treet .inghamton New /ork. 0isconnected or
inacti"e customer files and databases are shredded before being placed in the trash. No customer information in any form is to be remo"ed from the company1s offices by employees or others.

!e do not permit our customers to establish on-line accounts.

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