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Makiwara Board Car Tire Project Owen Johnston We added a second modification to a makiwara board.

. O d car tire !" and #/" inches. We had a few en$ths of o d cab e wire from when Time Warner Cab e rep aced the cab e that went from o%r i$ht po e to ho%se& beca%se of the recent ic' weather. We %sed a $ood bit of wire to cinch %p the makiwara to the tire. ( fina bit of wire was %sed for a han$er. We %sed a pair of rat nose p iers to twist the wire& and a wire c%tter. The pre)io%s modification we made was $ %in$ on a a'er of dense foam on the back as a c%shion. Pict%res startin$ on ne*t pa$e+ ,ocated at Johnston -arate . https://p %s.$oo$!!//011#23011!3!314#5 6or more abo%t this kind of trainin$& )isit . http://oddobjecttrainin$.b o$!#/24/o%r.trainin$.e7%ipment.pict%res.htm ( so check o%t one of o%r other projects .!"/2#/!2/makeshift.p%

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