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What is the emotional and physical effect of cyber bullying?

Antanika McDaniel

English4 Ms. Jones 27 March 2014


Thesis: Case studies show that cyber bullying shows long term psychological and emotional effects. What is Emotional and Psychological Effects of Cyber Bullying? I. Pros of Cyber space A. How the web was made? B. When was it made? II. Cons of Cyberspace A. Porn sites, false information, viruses, impersonation. B. Cyber bullying 1. What is cyber bullying? III. Effects of cyber bullying A. Consequences B. Peers C. Psychological and emotional effects D. Self-esteem E. How this may lead to suicide? IV. Cases A. Survived cyber bullying B. How they are dealing with cyber bullying? C. Causes V. Ways to Prevent Cyber Bullying A. Teens can do? B. Parents can do? C. Schools can do? D. Media can do? E. Web can do?


What are the physical and emotional effects of cyber bullying?

Cyber bullying is a major online crime which can lead to physical problems. Cyber bullying mostly occurs in high school teens. Bullying can cause major health problems. There are many different types of bullying but cyber bullying shows emotional effects in teens life today. Case studies show that cyber bullying shows long term psychological and emotional effects.

It all started 25 years ago when the World Wide Web (WWW) was first created by Tim Berners-Lee. Tim created the www to share important information from the CERN to all around the world. CERN was the first website that he created. CERN stands for the European organization for nuclear research. It was use to do research. (Heuer) Tim figures a way to making the internet do more than scientist things.

Pros of cyberspace
The internet spread throughout the word and became popular. Then other started figuring out how to create other sites for the word to use. Such as the social media. The internal can be a good thing. It is a way of communicating with others. Facebook


is a social media. It is used to communicate between friends and family. You can also share pictures amongst each other. There are more social media that does the same activities such as Instagram, Twitter, Vine, and Tumblr. Those can be used to be something good. (Martinson) Some people say cyber bullying does not play a major role in teens life today. Stating that teens put themselves in that prediction or set themselves up to be bullied. Also saying that no one can make them do something he/she doesnt wants to do. No one put the knife to their neck or to their arm, or pull the trigger on their gun. (Parental Control) On the other hand look at how many deaths is caused by teens committing suicide from being cyber bullied. Looking at case studies stating that over 200 kids committed suicide from being cyber bullied.

Cons of cyberspace
Not everything on the media is good. They have websites that kids are not allowed to be on/ those websites can also influence the kids to do wrong. Websites such as porn sites, false advertisement, and false information on the websites. Also there can be pedophiles on the social media. There also is cyber bullying.


What is cyber bullying?

Cyber bullying is when someone is being bullied online. Cyber bullying is mainly caused by a group of teens getting together on a victim and picking on one or two people. While bullying we all remember that one person of persons who made someone life miserable on a daily

bases at school, where a student literally lived in fear.(Will) When someone is cyber bullying someone else, it does not only hurt him, but it hurts their peers. Teens today are bullied by many things such as their looks, bodies, actions, and low self-esteem. Sometimes cyber bullying can lead to major physical problems. For an example, when the victim is pushed to far they may turn to suicide.

What is suicide?
Suicide can be caused by the kids being put all over the media. Once the victim has had enough they get fed up and kill themselves. When someone finds out a child has killed themselves because they have been cyber bullied or bullied physically it hurts the parents and peers emotionally. Not everybody goes to


suicide for an answer, some just persevere through it. (Bullying Statistics)

Effects of cyber bullying

Sharon OBrian was someone who chose suicide. She broke up with her boyfriend and he created a fake Facebook page and exposed her. He uploaded sexual pictures of her all over the network. He called her names, which led to everyone else doing the same. Late one night after school, her mother found her dead in her bedroom. Sharon OBrian had committed suicide. (Cyber Bullying & Sharon O'Brien Photo Humiliation) Another victim is Kayla Merie Wright. She was a 15 year old girl in high school. Case study shows she was born January 12, 1995 and died February 14, 2011. Detectives say she was bullied by friends and class mates. People were posting mean stuff about her online she had nowhere else to turn. She was called names such as, sissy ******, s*****, fat a***, and retarded. She couldnt take anymore so she took her moms car and ran away to Colorado where she drove herself into a ditch and hit a tree. Later she was pronounced dead at 8:32 am February 14, 2011. Cyber bullying is a hurtful thing to go through with your family. (She Was Bullied to Death R.I.P Kayla Marie Wright.")


Survival of cyber bullying

Not everybody choose suicide. For inference Amber Cole was a 14year old female in middle school. She was videotaped by other class mates having oral sex with a male classmate. This little girl was bullied all over the www (World Wide Web). She was cyber bullied in every city, this went nationwide. People were calling her names and making music bout her. She went MIA for a little while. Not only was she hurt by the media so was her friends and family. This little girl was bullied for over two months. Not telling what was going through ambers mind.

Ways to prevent cyber bullying

There are ways you can prevent yourself from cyber bullying. You should start by educating yourself on what not to put or do on the internet. You should also protect to anything that is holding your private information. Watch what you say to others and keep it PG. Dont put yourself out there in the World Wide Web to be talked about and Google. Teens should respect others like they will want to be respected. They also should think before they do. They should treat others like they want to be treated. When they are around someone or is online a see


someone being bullied, they should report it to and adult. They should speak up for their peers. Parents can also help with preventing the cyber bullying. Parents can educate their children on how to act and present themselves online. Parents can also monitor what their children are watching and doing online. Schools can help prevent cyber bullying. They can help by having a class once a month on bullying. They should let

them know that cyber bullying is a crime and you can go to jail for it.Blocking all the social media in school. Also
they can create consequences for cyber bullying in school. Schools can also monitor what their students are doing online. Media should make it even harder for bullying to go on. The person or persons who create the media site should be able to have access to all their users. Taking the reports serious

thats coming in by the users. Creating websites that kids can find their way through is not safe. Web designers should be careful to what they allow to happen or go on their web page. The security should be bigger than ever. The police offices can enforce the law to cyber bullying. Expressing the consequences will help more with the teens and they will think first before they do the crime.


Concluding that cyber bullying can cause physical and emotional effects. Solutions can be made to prevent someone or a friend from being cyber bullied. Educating teens on the right things to do online. Cyber bullying is a crime and the is consequences


Works Cited

"Bullying and Suicide." - Bullying Statistics. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Mar. 2014. Heuer, Rolf. "CERN Accelerating Science." The Birth of the Web. Years/anscern, n.d. Web. 25 Mar. 2014. Martinson, Jane. "The Man Who Made the Web." Guardian News and Media, 24 Nov. 1999. Web. 26 Mar. 2014. "RE: Cyber Bullying & Sharon O'Brien Photo Humiliation." YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 25 Mar. 2014. "Real Life Stories." Parental Control. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Mar. 2014. "She Was Bullied to Death R.I.P Kayla Marie Wright." YouTube. YouTube, 29 Jan. 2012. Web. 25 Mar. 2014.

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