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Name: Date: Unit Name: Blog Link:

Miguel Leon Tavizon April 1, 2014 Guard Duty L.N. Bim. 14 4


1. This Project shows how much I improved at The communication with the team and investigation part. We were talking respecting the opinion of other teammates

2. The most difficult part of this project was decide the team name because everyone want his/her own team name and no one consist in it . So we were like 20 minutes deciding the name of the team. Finally ,we decide of some direction

3. If I were to do this again, I would change The organization of the team We were working together as a real team

4. The biggest problem I had was the job of the logistic manager and I solve it by work in team It was a long job ,but we divide the job and we finish it

5. The most interesting part of this project was the investigation part becausewe were inquiring the things we investigate about the guard duty

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