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By: Treveon Johnson

Once upon a time there lived a king. He had everything he ever wanted except a friend.

He was mean and awful to people. Some even thought he was evil.

One day he went for a walk in the town. As he passed by, people whispered and stared. When he arrived back at the kingdom he was in tears.

He kept asking why people didn t like him. All of sudden an idea crossed his mind !"aybe # can buy some friends.$

He rides into town giving out money only to find out money can t buy friends. %ack to the kingdom he went.

Sitting at his thrown he thinks and thinks. &inally an idea came to him. !# m a king # can make people be my friends.$

He shouts and screams telling people they are going to be his friend. 'o one heard him except for "r. %ee who was passing along.

He tells the king if you really want to have a friend he has to change. 'o more being mean and unkind to people. As he get ready to leave the king he turned and told him treat others as you want to be treated.

So from that day on the king had a friend.

(H) )'*

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