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Workout A Death by 10m (Compare to 7/16/10) With a continuously running clock, run 10m the first minute, 20m

the second, 30m on the third minute and so on. Continue until you cannot complete the given distance within the 1 minute time frame. Continue to accumulate partial 10m single runs until the 20min workout time limit is up. Workout B 5 rounds for time of: 800m run 21 pull ups 7 push presses, 135lbs General Warm Up: JJ Series Neck Clock Arm Swings Trunk Twist Hip prep Straight leg lunge Calf Strength Hip Flexor Seated Splits Mini-WOD 3 rounds: 21 Squats 15 Flutter Kicks 9 hand stand push ups (5:00 cut off) Workout A POSE running drills Workout B Butterfly kipping practice Push Press practice Cash out: 1:00min hollow body hold

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